| - Les Banthas ont inspiré tant de crainte et d'admiration à travers la galaxie qu'une religion, appelée Dim-U, leur étant dévouée a été fondée sur Tatooine. D'après les adeptes, les banthas étaient des créatures parfaites renfermant en elles la sagesse d'un être supérieur. Les Dim-U habitaient en plein milieu du désert et allaient dans les rues de Mos Eisley, où se trouvait un monastère, dédiant leur vie à la diffusion du message divin.
- The Dim-U were a sect of bantha-worshiping monks. Their beliefs were based on the unexplained presence of banthas on planets throughout the galaxy. They believed this to be a message from a higher power, and that once this message was unraveled, an "Age of Bounty" would come. Since they considered banthas holy, they would not eat bantha meat or wear bantha hides. Dim-U monks preached their religion on hundreds of worlds. The Dim-U monks of Tatooine once contracted spacers to eliminate poachers who sold the meat and the hide of the bantha.
| - The Dim-U were a sect of bantha-worshiping monks. Their beliefs were based on the unexplained presence of banthas on planets throughout the galaxy. They believed this to be a message from a higher power, and that once this message was unraveled, an "Age of Bounty" would come. Since they considered banthas holy, they would not eat bantha meat or wear bantha hides. Dim-U monks preached their religion on hundreds of worlds. The Dim-U would refer to the bantha in a number of ways, such as the "Mighty Bantha", "Horned-One", "Revered Bantha", "Wandering Bantha", "Enduring Bantha", and "Stalwart Bantha". Many Dim-U monks lived on the planet Tatooine. They resided mostly in Mos Eisley at the Dim-U monastery and in an Oasis community in the Jundland Wastes. The Mos Eisley monastery had differences of opinion with the Oasis community. The monastery was headed by Abbot Drayk, primarily as a front for his computer slicing business on the side. The monks had a "back door" into the Bureau of Ships and Services mainframe which allowed them to alter ship transponder codes. Other monks were trained technicians who could discretely and ably install illegal upgrades to ships, including weaponry. Drayk himself had access to a network of underworld contacts, and could put clients in contact with beings able to serve their needs, for a price. The monastery charged about double the open market price for such services. Drayk and the Dim-U had managed to avoid being forced to affiliate with Jabba the Hutt. The Dim-U monks of Tatooine once contracted spacers to eliminate poachers who sold the meat and the hide of the bantha.
- Les Banthas ont inspiré tant de crainte et d'admiration à travers la galaxie qu'une religion, appelée Dim-U, leur étant dévouée a été fondée sur Tatooine. D'après les adeptes, les banthas étaient des créatures parfaites renfermant en elles la sagesse d'un être supérieur. Les Dim-U habitaient en plein milieu du désert et allaient dans les rues de Mos Eisley, où se trouvait un monastère, dédiant leur vie à la diffusion du message divin.