| - An Orlanthi communal dwelling.
* A household consists of several Bloodlines.
* It is usually dominated by a Hearth Mistress.
* They usually occupy a Stead
- A household is one group of playable Sims living on the same lot. In The Sims 2: University, the term was used for young adults living in college sub-neighborhoods, to differentiate them from families living in other areas. The term became more common in The Sims 3, probably because Create a Sim in The Sims 3 lets players specify each Sim's last name. "Family", which was the more common term in earlier games, is still used for households in which all Sims are related. NPCs are excluded from the household, though some NPCs (butlers in The Sims 3: Late Night, roommates in The Sims 2: Apartment Life, etc.) can stay there permanently. In all games, Sims can be added to a household by birth, adoption, or marriage/moving in, and can be removed by death or marrying into/moving into another household. Beginning with The Sims 2, Sims could move out on their own. Beginning with University, players were able to merge two households. This feature was available in all expansion packs for The Sims 2, regardless of whether University was installed or not. This provided an indirect way to create non-college households in which Sims had different last names.