| - The Colonial Defense Forces was an Insurrectionist group operating on the colony of Cygnus. The Colonial Defense Forces were created in 2500 by an alliance of multiple illegal settlements that had been created to live off Cygnus' surveillance grid, but as a result, they had come under attack by pirates and raiders that had dealt enormous damage to the settlements. Striking a deal with the United Rebel Front, the settlements agreed to provide safe haven to rebel fighters, in return the Insurrectionists would provide them equipment and training. In 2534, after a raid on one settlement by UNSC Army airborne troops supported by Green Team left a number of CDF personnel dead, the organization broke off its ties with the URF. While it still clashed with United Nations Space Command forces on occasion, the CDF stayed relatively neutral, until 2554, when the New Colonial Alliance contacted the leaders of the settlements, offering resources, equipment, and training, in return for bases, but, unlike the URF, the NCA asked for the CDF to send men to fight as well. After the CDF's denial of the NCA's proposal, Mattius Drake sent a unit, led by Ilsa Zane, their objective being to force the settlements to accept the terms. The unit succeeded, and the settlements became cells of the NCA. However, some personnel escaped, and formed resistance groups to drive back the NCA. Some of these groups went so far as to form field alliances with UNSC forces in an attempt to fulfill their goals.