This is a list of characters from InuYasha, the manga and anime series by Rumiko Takahashi. The characters can be split into several groups. The group of protagonists, headed by InuYasha and Kagome, is the main acting unit in the series. It takes place in vast majority of events and conveys the story's main plot: the collection of Shikon Jewel Shards and the gradual transformation of the characters through love, affection and numerous trials they come through together. Naraku's group unites the main antagonists and is the "ultimate enemy" to be beaten. Other groups and characters play various roles including a few subplots of different significance.
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| - List of InuYasha characters
| - This is a list of characters from InuYasha, the manga and anime series by Rumiko Takahashi. The characters can be split into several groups. The group of protagonists, headed by InuYasha and Kagome, is the main acting unit in the series. It takes place in vast majority of events and conveys the story's main plot: the collection of Shikon Jewel Shards and the gradual transformation of the characters through love, affection and numerous trials they come through together. Naraku's group unites the main antagonists and is the "ultimate enemy" to be beaten. Other groups and characters play various roles including a few subplots of different significance.
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| - This is a list of characters from InuYasha, the manga and anime series by Rumiko Takahashi. The characters can be split into several groups. The group of protagonists, headed by InuYasha and Kagome, is the main acting unit in the series. It takes place in vast majority of events and conveys the story's main plot: the collection of Shikon Jewel Shards and the gradual transformation of the characters through love, affection and numerous trials they come through together. Naraku's group unites the main antagonists and is the "ultimate enemy" to be beaten. Other groups and characters play various roles including a few subplots of different significance.
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