| - Set in the post-apocalyptic year of 2019, civilization has long since collapsed and the AMS has been disbanded. Former agent Thomas Rogan and his team of highly trained commandos investigate the EFI Research Facility, which is believed to be linked to the world collapse in 2003. Rogan's team falls, among them Dan Taylor, and Rogan himself is incapacitated by a guard, only to be approached by a mysterious figure. Contact with Rogan is lost. Acting on a promise to her mother, Rogan's 19-year-old daughter Lisa contacts Rogan's former colleague G and asks for his help. They arrive at the EFI Facility two weeks later on October 31 with shotguns in hand, eager to discover the whereabouts of Lisa's father. Notorious for his role in the creation of the original undead horde in the Curien Mansion Incident in 1998, Dr. Curien's motives are explored through flashbacks. Several years before the incident, seeking to discover a cure for his son Daniel's terminal illness, he began researching the nature of life and death. Over time however, he got so wrapped up in his research that he planned on using it to change the future, and began to become slowly insane. The genes of both the Magician and the Wheel of Fate, according to Curien, would change the future and remove the barrier between life and death. Living in the shadow of her well-known father, Lisa muses with G about how her father put his work before his family, how his time away from home worried her mother, and that didn't even know what her father did for a living. They come into contact with undead creatures such as EFI's giant one-zombie security force Death, who makes two appearances in the game, a giant deformed sloth known as The Fool, and a mutant tendril-plant known as The Sun that had taken over the building's biological laboratories. After a long struggle, Lisa is reunited with her father, who is shown to be safe. A man from the shadows appears, introducing himself as Daniel Curien, the son of Dr. Curien, who Rogan claims saved his life. As G leads Rogan to safety, Lisa and Daniel, who has been seemingly cured of his disease, set out to destroy the Wheel of Fate, the final legacy of Dr. Curien. After the scientist's death, he underwent a resurrection process in the EFI research facility that would take nineteen years to complete. Daniel hacks the Wheel's programming and awakens it. The Wheel declares that he will destroy and resurrect everything, and engages the two in battle. When defeated, he laments that the world is overpopulated and that Daniel needs him. Daniel refuses to recognize the being as his father, and together with Lisa, puts it to rest once and for all as a sign of their readiness to confront the uncertain future.