| - This arte is a combination of the two base artes, Demon Fang and Tiger Blade. Upon activation, the user releases a projectile along the ground and chains it to two vertical slashes moving upward and downward, essentially emulating the use of Demon Fang and Tiger Blade chained in this order. In all versions of Tales of Phantasia, this arte includes an additional set of vertical slashes, as if emulating a chain of Demon Fang and two Tiger Blade attacks used consecutively. In Tales of Destiny, the "Shadow" enemy that takes the form of Stahn Aileron is able to use this arte as its arcane arte, marking the only difference in its moveset from the original character. Stahn would later gain this arte in the PlayStation 2 port of the game. In Tales of Symphonia, when this arte is used, despite Demon Fang inflicting only one hit of damage as a separate arte, the projectile does two hits of damage: one as it hits the target and another as it passes through the target.
- Demonic Tiger Blade (Dt.: Dämonentigerklinge) ist ein Schlag-Arte.