| - Under President Hassan, the IRK government saw numerous reformations, including the suspending of its support for terrorism and his avocation for a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. For almost a year prior to Day 8, both Hassan and President Taylor were negotiating to abandon the IRK's aspiration of developing nuclear weapons (which he privately acknowledged was helping to bankrupt the nation anyway). In the opening hours of Day 8, it was widely suspected that Hassan would officially announce the end of the IRK's nuclear weapons program. However, as of 4:06pm, the two sides have yet to agree on the issue of inspections. Taylor and Secretary of State Ethan Kanin were pushing for Americans to inspect Kamistan's nuclear testing facilities. Hassan, however, insisted that the Kamistani National Assembly would never sign off on that and pushed for for IAEA inspectors instead. After a heated debate, and subsequent adjournment of the peace talks, the two sides reached a compromise: a team of IAEA inspectors led by an American. At around 5pm, Presidents Taylor and Hassan held a joint press conference announcing their intention of signing the peace treaty.