| - Lenny Leonard (September 21, 1971) is an American professional wrestling commentator.
- Lenny Leonard is a character from The Simpsons, and the second best friend of Homer Simpson. He is friends with Carl, and they get along with Homer sometimes. Its implied he might be in love with Carl, given his obsession with having him close by. He is voiced by Harry Shearer.
- Lenford "Lenny" Leonard est le meilleur ami de Carl Carlson et ami de Homer Simpson. Il travaille à la centrale nucléaire et possède une maîtrise en physique nucléaire, mais il est dépeint comme un homme simple, souvent naïf.
- Lenford ´Lenny´ Leonard ist der beste Freund von Homer Simpson und Carl Carlson. Er ist immer in Moe's Taverne, der Stammkneipe der drei Freunde zu sehen. Lenny arbeitet wie Homer und Carl im Kernkraftwerk von Springfield.
- Lenford "Lenny" Leonard ha 38 anni ed è uno dei colleghi di lavoro di Homer alla centrale nucleare di Springfield. È anche il migliore amico di Carl Carlson, ed è un assiduo frequentatore della taverna di Boe.
- Lenford "Lenny" Leonard is the best friend of Carl Carlson and, along with Carl, second best friend of Homer Simpson, behind Barney Gumble. He works at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant and possesses a master's degree in nuclear physics, but he is portrayed as a simple, often naive, blue-collar working man. Lenny is also one of the few characters allowed to possess a "Simpson's Family" trait: Homer's beard line.. Lenny is 37 years old.
- Lenny Leonard, is a fictional character in the animated television series, The Simpsons, and is voiced by Harry Shearer. He is the best-friend of Carl Carlson and Homer Simpson. He works at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant and possesses a master's degree in nuclear physics, but is portrayed as a simple, often naïve blue-collar working man.
- Lenfard "Lenny" Leonard on fiktiivinen piirroshahmo yhdysvaltalaisessa televisiosarjassa Simpsonit. Hän työskentelee Springfieldin ydinvoimalassa Homer Simpsonin ja Carl Carlsonin työkaverina. Ensimmäistä kertaa Lenny nähtiin jaksossa Sulhanen. Hahmon ääninäyttelijä on Harry Shearer. Lenny on ilmeisesti poliittiselta kannaltaan republikaani, sillä hänen rinnassaan on suuri Bob Dolea ja Jack Kempiä tukeva tatuointi, Yhdysvaltain vuoden 1996 presidentinvaalien ajalta.