| - Money makes you lonely, foolish, or even evil, but worst than any of these: since you can buy anything, including having people do everything that needs to be done, you are bored, bored, bored. There are no more challenges in life. You don't have to work. You don't have to keep house. You don't, in fact, have to do anything. And everyone expects you to like it. The courtiers of the Deadly Decadent Court are uncommonly likely to suffer, despite their intrigues and their culture. Compare Victory Is Boring; overlap is possible. Can justify Cut Lex Luthor a Check. Examples of Rich Boredom include:
| - Money makes you lonely, foolish, or even evil, but worst than any of these: since you can buy anything, including having people do everything that needs to be done, you are bored, bored, bored. There are no more challenges in life. You don't have to work. You don't have to keep house. You don't, in fact, have to do anything. And everyone expects you to like it. Even the Royal Brat, suffocated with toys, may suffer from this and straighten out when given something worth doing. Many rich characters find themselves abruptly precipitated into adventure and (once they get over the shock) loving it because it lends meaning to their life. More proactively, the Rich Idiot With No Day Job, Gentleman Adventurer, and Gentleman Thief all often turn to In Harm's Way to escape. Other characters may turn to charity works, travel, writing books, scholarly work, or other ways of becoming Non-Idle Rich to avoid this problem. The Upper Class Wit may be warding it off with his observations. Expect it to be a feature of any Gilded Cage, though. Not all the Idle Rich are bored; the intelligent, the well-intentioned, and those with a lot of energy may be alone, and the family may regard their boredom as silly, or at least recommend shopping as an infallible antidote. Those who like idleness will often clash with Non-Idle Rich in their own family. The courtiers of the Deadly Decadent Court are uncommonly likely to suffer, despite their intrigues and their culture. Compare Victory Is Boring; overlap is possible. Can justify Cut Lex Luthor a Check. Examples of Rich Boredom include: