| - Shigemi's eyes opened as the morning sun filtered through the curtains. Today was the day that they would meet the other side of the family. Surprisingly, Kiyoshi held firm despite her family's constant tests and overprotective demeanor through out the early stages of the relationship, something that had impressed her. As of now, they lay in her bed, in a spooning manner, Kiyoshi's arms curled protectively around her torso. She smiled before saying, "wake up sleepy head, today's the big day," Should that not work effectively, Shigemi shimmied out of his grasp, before heading to the sink and filling a cup with water. Skillfully, she crept to the side of the bed Kiyoshi was sleeping on, before playfully dumping water on his face before darting out of arm's reach. "Wake up, today's an important day Ki," she sang cheerfully while opening up the curtains. Her grin was clearly audible, with not even a look being necessary to realize that she was enjoying this immensely. Part of her wondered if his side of the family was as crazy as hers, or if they were decidedly normal in comparison. "Well, there's only one way to find out," Shi said as she turned on the shower before stepping in, enjoying its cool temperature before making it a little hotter. In such a state of unconsciousness, Kiyoshi would not notice or feel the suddenly void were Shigemi previously laid. Despite her presence not being here, he still somewhat held on to the empty space. And it was when Shigemi poured the glass of water of him, that he would be awakened from his deep slumber. His eyelids peeled back suddenly as he jumped from his former spot. "Big day?" He said rather quietly, though it went unheard as Shigemi exited the room. His heavy gray eyes looked about the room, it was quite obvious that he would have to the bathroom in such an early hour. Three solid knocks before he spoke, "Uh Shigemi... I have to pee.." She heard Kiyoshi knock on the door, before uttering that he had to use the restroom. Sighing, Shi unlocked the door before retreating back into the shower. "It's open," she said, before going back to washing up. She went back to her train of thoughts earlier, trying to decide what kind of personality Kiyoshi's siblings had. She knew that one of them was the result of another relationship that happened long before Kiyoshi was born. Part of Shigemi hoped that they would all get along well, and save the family drama for another time. In her opinion, she had enough of it home, which explained the reason why before meeting Kiyoshi, she was almost regularly on missions, whether it was for the village or her personal organization Root. Upon hearing the door knob's click and Shigemi's voice telling him the door was open, he gently twisted the knob and walked into the bathroom. Almost immediately, he entered into a space of fog, moist warm mist that clouded the bathroom. Moving over toward the toilet, he lifted the seats before releasing his golden shower in the water. "Ohhwee.." He sighed in relief. Looking over to the shower he saw the outline of Shigemi's body as she cleansed herself, the thoughts that skimmered through his mind were indeed dirty ones. He wanted to join her in the shower, but ultimately decided against it due to his respect for Sayuri's household. He exited the bathroom before flopping back on Shigemi's bed. Satisfied with her cleanliness, Shigemi turned off the shower head, before exiting the shower stall. Wrapping a towel around her slender frame, she began to systematically dry her hair until it was completely to her liking. Next, she brushed her teeth before wrapping the towel more securely around her body. With that finished, she exited the bathroom before going to her closet. Looking through its contents, she found a pair of artfully faded jeans and a cotton t-shirt. For shoes, she chose the moccasins that sat on the closet floor. "Um Kiyoshi, you need to leave so I can change," Shi said over her shoulder as she found the last touches of the outfit she was going to wear for the day in the closet space. Having his face completely submerged into the comforter of Shigemi's bed, Kiyoshi let out an unpleasant yet muffled shout. Soon thereafter, he began to laugh at his own immaturity. Turning to face Shigemi, he blankly look at her round rear end. "Do I have to?" He asked rhetorically smiling as he did so. "I promise, I won't look!" He lied putting his face into his large hands while slightly peeking out of them. Shigemi didn't have to look in order to know that Kiyoshi was peeking. "Kiyoshi....." she sighed, as she skillfully pulled the closet door shut, using it as a changing room of sorts. Since she kept most of her clothing and apparel there, she easily slid on a some clean panties and a matching bra, before sliding the t-shirt over. She then slipped into her jeans, before placing her feet in a set of comfortable yet durable moccasins. Sliding her keys into her pocket, she reopened the closet door, before eying Kiyoshi laying on the bed with his eyes partially obscured by his hands. "I hope you don't plan to go like that Ki," Shi commented, as she sat down on the bed beside him. "Uhhhh of course not." He replied pulling his body up beside Shigemi. "I was just waiting on you, so I could take my turn." He then suddenly stood up, looking down at Shigemi, as if he were going to do something. Grinning somewhat slyly, he pushed her forehead --hard enough just to knock her on the floor-- and afterwards he swifty bolted out of her room and into the guess room where his belongings lie. Once there, he began to dig through his luggage to find suitable clothing for today's events. Grabbing his towels and body wash, Kiyoshi headed back down the hall and into the bathroom. Once in, he stripped himself of his former attireand then hopped into the shower. He laughed joyfully as the warm water run down his dark skin. Washing himself for several minutes, Kiyoshi turned of the shower waters and stepped out in all his naked glory. Not bothering to dry of, he proceeded to brush his teeth while in the nude. Getting that sparkling shine he loved , Kiyoshi wrapped the towel around his waist, Kiyoshi exited the bathroom --walking past Shigemi's room-- he stopped just stood there, staring at her with a pressed facial expression. "Hey!" Shigemi exclaimed as she fell backwards onto her bed, her a smile threatening at the corners of her lips. She righted herself to see that the premise had been vacated, leaving her to sit there in a forlorn manner while she waited for Kiyoshi to shower, with the faint sound of water telling her that he had done so. Bored, she fiddled with her hair, trying it in a french braid before letting it hang down. She ultimately decided on her usual ponytail, finding it to be the favored style. She let two long bangs hang to frame either side of her face. It was at that point when Kiyoshi stood in the doorway, everything from the waist down wrapped in a towel, almost as if it was a present waiting to be unwrapped. His well-muscled physique and milky brown skin contrasted beautifully with his gray eyes. It was enough to make Shi become numb with desire, and the satisfaction that this belonged to her. She stood up and walked over to him, stopping just short of him. "What are you thinking about?" Shigemi asked in an ambiguous manner, her gray eyes wandering over his body. Kiyoshi's light gray eyes dug deep into Shigemi's own, the young man bore a faint smile as he answered, "I don't know.... You wanna find out?" He said seductively licking his lips while gazing at her. "Although you probably already know... What do you think I'm thinking about?" Shigemi closed her eyes as if she was thinking before opening them once more. "I honestly don't know," Shi said mischievously as she closed the gap, her left hand tracing the definition of his muscles, while she smiled faintly. This smile became more prominent when she placed her lips tantalizingly close to his. "How about you show me?" she said, a sensuous tone coloring her voice. Kiyoshi's former faint smile became wider as the space between the two thinned. And as she leaned in to plant a kiss on his chocolate lips, he would meet her halfway. The first was merely a simple peck, and with each reconnection, they seem to grow deeper and more passionate. It was almost as if the two belonged that way. Kiyoshi pulled her in close, moving his hands down the frame of her body. Guiding his hand even lower, he placed them just below her rump; he lifted her up from the ground to retain eye level. Between short breaths Kiyoshi uttered, "Should....we....stop?" As Kiyoshi lifted her up, she draped her hands over his shoulders, before crossing them over his upper back. Shigemi then proceeded to lock her legs around his waist, as her and Kiyoshi established some communication. Her mouth fully busy as each connection lasted longer then one that preceded it. It was the walking definition of delayed gratification, as they had waited for a while as each dressed for the day. "I...think...not," Shigemi breathed in response to Kiyoshi's question, as her tongue sought a reunion with his. Part of her was aware of the door open behind them, but Shigemi didn't care. The house's other inhabitants were away already. And in seeking their reunion, Shigemi would not be disappointed. He allowed her entry and in return he did the same. The two fought for dominance in the battle of tongue twisters. He firmly squeezed Shigemi's rump, lightly biting into her bottom lip as he did so. Leading her to the bed, he crashed on top of her, still engaged in full lip lock. He started to trail downward, fully removing his lip from hers as he dug into her collarbone, nibbling and biting while he spoke. "Heh... What's my name?" He asked mischievously as he began to nibble on her neck. Shigemi's sensuality rose as they landed on the bed, her clothes pressed against her body by Kiyoshi's strength. As he gripped her but tightly, a small moan of pleasure elicited from her mouth, that was furthered by his trailing down her body. As he settled on Shigemi's collarbone, her grip around his waist tightened, as her hands began making their way through those wonderful locks of his. "....Kiyoshi," she moaned, her pleasure growing exponentially each second as he dug ever deeper into her collarbone. Grabbing hold of Kiyoshi's head, Shi shifted his attention to the large melons that she had inherited from her mother, which had begun to wobble. "Oh yeah..." He whispered in accomplishment. As he was directed to her voluptuous fun sacks, he proceeded to place himself in between them and began to make motorboat sounds while moving his head from side to side; in a quickened manner. He hungrily bit into one.....and then the other. Though it would seem as if he was only biting into the fabric of her shirt. As his excitement was beginning to show, he sought to remove Shigemi of all her clothes. First with her shirt, literally ripping it apart from his immediate desire. Then he would rid her of the bra that contained her beasts, and in their release, they jiggled almost uncontrollably further turning on his excited demeanor. And after finally removing her jeans and undergarments beneath, he stared her in the eyes... "You ready?" Her head kicked back as he bit into her breasts, being further turned on as he made his presence known to them. She could feel the effects of his desire as he ripped her shirt apart before relieving Shi of her bra. As Shigemi felt him work downwards, she noticed how light she was becoming, as adrenaline and pleasure took over her entire system. Then the undergarments and jeans were discarded, leaving her there to lie in all of her glorious nudity. Finally, her gray eyes locked with his, the towel that he had worn around his waist having been removed a long time ago. She smiled as he asked her the question she had been waiting for that entire morning. "Yes," Shi said, as she pulled his body down to her own, a cry of ecstasy welling in her mouth as his sword entered her scabbard and his lips locked with her own once more. With a sudden pull, the two were connected like never before. Kiyoshi's mind went blank from the sudden feelings of ecstasy. Their lips crashed together in a hot fury, they were certainly moving all over the place as they thoroughly enjoyed each other's company. Having his inner lust completely over taken him, Kiyoshi continue to fall deeper into Shigemi's grasp; completely giving himself in. While at first, his movements were slow and passionate, he had started to quickly build in speed and power. The area filled with sounds of passion and noises of faint but steep clapping. Removing his lips from her mouth. Kiyoshi redirected his attention to the sides of her neck, and began to draw her flesh into mouth. And at such power in which he held, it would certainly leave a bruise. Shigemi felt a warm feeling of passion enter her as Kiyoshi built up speed and power, and her passionate moans and cries of desire grew tenfold. They navigated each others bodies like experts, as if they had known each other for centuries and knew just which portions to touch, bite or kiss in order to magnify each others desire. As their bodies ground against each other, her back arched to close the millimeters that separated them. Her moan grew as passion and pain mixed as Kiyoshi took the side of her neck into his mouth. It was her first time, and thus her years a virgin and model of chastity ended. However, every girl needs their chocolate, and it was her turn to eat from the delicious milk chocolate that lay pressed against her body. Her mouth pressed against Kiyoshi's neck as her kisses grew in potency. It was a freeing sensation indeed. The sun shined brightly down upon the land of fire, birds harmoniously sung in the garden. The day was warm, the two young lovers exited the home, hand and hand, fully clothed, unlike their most recent encounter. Guarded by his dark spectacles, Kiyoshi glanced over at Shigemi, smiling slightly from how the sun's rays magnified her already gorgeous appearance. "You ready?" Kiyoshi asked in a humorous tone. Shigemi smiled as her hand grasped Kiyoshi's. "I guess so," she said tactful manner, as the left the residence. After they had finished, Shigemi had to change clothes, in particular her shirt, which was now in tatters. Part of her was sad, because that had been one of her favorite shirts. Nevertheless, she had found another shirt to match with her faded jeans and moccasins, thus she wore that instead. Otherwise, she remembered to take contraceptives after their sexual escapade had ended. It was too soon in the relationship to have a baby come calling. Due to the brightness of the sun's rays, she had opted to use a pair of raybans that sat on her dresser. "How are we traveling there?" she asked curiously. "See we two ways of transportation... Either I... Meh.. I'll take the easy way out this time.." He suddenly changed his mind. "Hold on, babe." He said pulling her in close and wrapping his arms around her slim waist. He built his potent chakra throughout his body before shifting it into his gray eyes. Through his darkened shades, Shigemi could see his eyes which now shined in a white hue. In that sane instance, there was a barrier that surrounded the two. A spiraling void then somewhat distorted their figures as it pulled them in, teleporting then away. Nearly in that same moment, the couple appeared in the land of Lightning, standing before a fairly large blue home. "Well we're here." Shigemi stood transfixed as the home they were about to enter lay in front of them. It was fairly large, definitely comfortable for a family of five, slightly understated yet more eloquent because of it. Put simply it was quite a nice house. "Your family has a wonderful home," Shigemi said, impressed with the décor of the building, "I assume your family awaits us inside?" In her mind, anticipation began to build as she stepped toward the door. If she was correct, Kiyoshi had a couple of sisters, one older and one younger, both of whom gave their father a run for his money. She paused to knock, knowing Kiyoshi would be a step behind. "Shall we?" she asked. "Meh... It's alright." Kiyoshi joked shortly following behind Shigemi. Upon reaching the doorstep, Kiyoshi twisted the doorknob and walked right in. "Of course.. Heh. This is my family." He said gripping her hand as the disappeared inside. Once inside, Kiyoshi was familiarized with the typical decorations and chandelier that hung above them. The two entered the living room which consisted of a single large loveseat, two recliners, a coffee table and a fifty five inch plasma screen. On the far left of the room, there was a passageway that led to the rooms upstairs, and on the opposite end would be the place of the kitchen. "Mother! Mom! Mamaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Kiyoshi shouted attempting to gain someone's attention. After a few moments of silence, the couple would hear faint steps coming from the stairs and out of the exit, a woman came wearing what seemed to be a blue nightgown and white rabbit slippers. Her blue eyes sparkled with contentment as they viewed her son. "Kiyoshi!" She voiced with excitement. "It's about time you decided to show back up!" Hugging him, she set her sights on the young woman next to him. "Oh. Who's this beautiful young lady?" "Mom.. This is my girlfriend, Shigemi Hatake." "Hatake?! The daughter of Kakashi, I presume? Well it is very nice to meet you... Kirei Yuri, mother of your boyfriend and future grandmother of your chil-.." Kirei was cut off by Koyishi covering her mouth. "Mom..." He laughed nervously. "You should let her speak." Shigemi smiled as she watched Kirei embrace her son Kiyoshi. It was a sight for sore eyes, and quite different from the household that she had spent time growing up, where she often played the parent. If anything, it was clear that she was ecstatic to see him again, before turning her attention to Shigemi. "Yes indeed, I see that you have heard of my father," Shigemi responded to Kirei's question. She laughed as Kiyoshi covered his mother's mouth before smiling sheepishly. It was clear that Kirei was no fool, having observed the dynamics between Shigemi and Kiyoshi, while determining whether or not they would last. Shigemi wondered absently if she was that easy to read. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Yuri," Shigemi said resorting to proper manners. As they moved away from the doorway into the living area, a young woman with long black hair and eyes that shown like sapphires approached the home. The sound of multiple voices peaked her interest, in particular one that sounded familiar. "My little brother decided to come home?" Mihaya pondered as she prepared to open the door to the place she now called home. "Oh please darling, calling me Kirei..." Kirei insisted removing Kiyoshi's hand from her mouth. "Gosh.. You are just so lovely. Just gorgeous." Kirei continued to speak as she reached to hug Shigemi. "Oh I must go get Kiyomi! She's going to be thrilled!" Quickly retracting from her embrace with Shigemi, Kirei set back up upstairs to retrieve Kiyoshi's other sister. Shaking his head. Kiyoshi turned to face, Shigemi, taking both hands into his and placing his forehead on top hers. "My family is mega awkward.." He laughed again staring down into her eyes. "It would be ten times as bad if my father was here." Shigemi laughed as Kirei ran up the stairs to grab Kiyomi. "I don't think your family is awkward, I think they're quite nice actually," Shigemi said gently, as she grasped Kiyoshi's hands. Her smile returned as their eyes locked once more. At this point her raybans sat on her head, while her desire returned once more, though notably muted out of respect for the house they stood in. However, it wasn't muted enough to prevent her from kissing Kiyoshi on the cheek, "thanks for bringing me to see your family," she whispered into his ear. Meanwhile, Mihaya had opened the door to stumble upon a young woman kissing her brother on his cheek. The woman was clearly attracted to him, and the feeling seemed to be mutual. Part of her felt like she was intruding on something, but to Mihaya that didn't matter. "May I ask who you are?" Mihaya said, unable to prevent a little bit of snark for coming into her voice. Kiyoshi smiled joyously as Shigemi reassured that his family wasn't what he what he thought they were. As she kissed his cheek, he returned by kissing her lips. Suddenly startled by Mihaya's entry, he turned to his older sister. "Mi!" He shouted running over to his sister and picking her up into a mighty hug. "I can actually say that I missed you." "Very funny," Mihaya said, "It's been a while little brother," It was at that point Kiyoshi picked her up, unexpectedly one must add. "Hey! Put me down Ki!" Mihaya exclaimed before falling into a fit of laughter. "I can actually say that I miss you too, even though you are honestly annoying," Mihaya said before looking at Shigemi. "And who is this lovely lady? Dare I say it...Ki are you finally off the market?" Mihaya teased as she was set down. Shigemi watched the whole exchange with interest, one that began as jealousy before descending back to normalcy at the announcement of the two being related. "Hi my name is Shigemi Hatake, though you can call me Shigemi or Shi. It's a pleasure to meet you," Shi said as she introduced herself. Mihaya's confusion cleared. "Ah, so you are the girlfriend we have been hearing so much about. I take it you are related to Kakashi?" Mihaya said while thinking, "an interesting woman you've found Kiyoshi," "More like... Amazing, Spectacular or incredible! Yes. All of those will do." Kiyoshi shout running back over to Shigemi. "She's Kakashi's daughter! Do you remember Katoku? You know.. The guy you thought was so gorgeous? Well this is his older sister.." From the staircase, the group of young adult heard shouts of dramatic excitement, soon after thud came dooming as a short dark skinned girl shot from the passageway. "Squeal!" She exclaimed running past Mihaya and right into her brother's chest, though it was a failed attempt to knock him over, her blue eyes gazed up into her brother's darkened shades. "Oh what a glorious day it is! Thou older brother have returned!" The room filled with cheerful laughter as the two held a tight embrace. Kiyomi retracted from her hug to scold her older brother, not giving off any sort of warning before she openly slapped. Kiyoshi's head slightly turned left, Kiyomi's hand left a visible bruise on his face. "You know... I'm really upset that you don't visit me often." Shigemi smiled as Kiyoshi gushed over her qualities. "That's enough Kiyoshi, you're embarrassing me," Shi said, a hint of blush appearing. It was at that point she heard the arrival of the younger sister that Kirei had went to retrieve. As she plowed into Kiyoshi, Shigemi laughed, the delicious sound filling the room. However, she went into shock when the girl slapped him across the face after hugging him with such passion. Her grey eyes darkened slightly at the action, particularly the girl's claim of Kiyoshi. "Was that action really necessary?" Shigemi asked calmly while eying the younger sister. For her part, Mihaya berated her sister though she did agree that Kiyoshi should have visited more. "Kiyomi!" Mihaya uttered sharply, "don't ever do that again, or you will answer to me," Her tone made it clear that she wasn't joking. Kiyoshi turned back toward his sister, removing his glasses and staring her deep into the eyes. Their respective colors of gray and blue glistened as their stare grew more intense. Kiyoshi let out of heavy sigh, placing his hand on Kiyomi's shoulder, slightly massaging it to comfort her. "I'm sorry.." He apologized to everyone's surprise. "Sometimes I get so caught up in my travels that I forget to write or stop by." He confessed, hoping she'd stop acting overly dramatic. Kiyomi huffed, pouting and folding her arms. "Kiyoshi.. You are capable of instantaneous teleportation. Your excuses are worthless.. But... I forgive you." Smiling slightly she turned to Mihaya... "Oh chill out, Miha... Kiyoshi is fine, see?" Kiyomi spat, pointing at Kiyoshi's face. She then stepped closer to Shigemi, "Hi.. I'm Kiyomi, Kiyoshi's younger sister. You're really pretty. Too pretty in fact.. How Kiyoshi managed to get pull a girl of your caliber is beyond me.." Mihaya glared at her little sister, her eyes like chips of ice. The amount of insolence that came from her annoyed Mi greatly. She considered putting her little sister in an illusion, but with the amount of witnesses around her, Mihaya decided against it. She would punish her sister later. And people thought Mihaya was a spoiled child when she was younger. They clearly had not met Kiyomi yet, who made Mihaya look tame in comparison. Shigemi watched the exchange with fascination, as Kiyoshi apologized in a sincere manner to his sister. It was clear that the latter was used to getting her way when it came to confrontations and things in general. She laughed as Kiyomi complimented her while insulting her brother in the same sentence. "I guess he should consider himself lucky then," Shigemi said in agreement, while thinking maybe Kiyoshi's little sister wasn't so bad after all. "What did I miss?" Kirei asked, traveling back down the flight if stairs. "I heard yelling and what not... Kiyomi... Are you beating on your brother again? How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't do that." Kirei walked over to the trio, noticing the red print where Kiyomi's hand previously landed. "You even left a bruise on his face.." Turning Kiyoshi's head, Kirei looked at the bruise before looking back at Kiyomi. "You cannot continue to abuse your brother. You're going to mess his pretty face up..." She paused, looking over to Shigemi chuckling lightly. "I don't think Shigemi would like that..." Looking past Shigemi's long bangs, Kirei's eyes focused in on the darkened area around her neck. "Darling? Is that a bruise on your neck?" Kiyomi's mouth was left extended open. "Ohhhh.." She chuckled. "Kiyoshi," she started sharply. "what have you two been doing?" Shigemi's mind flashed back to a few hours ago, while the intimacy of what had happened then made her hot all over. She sighed before responding to Kirei's question, "It's nothing, just the spoils of a battle. It will heal in due time," She then turned to Kiyoshi, curious about what he would say about the subject that was her bruise, as well his little sister's question. If there was anything Shi learned, it was that the sister expected to be answered, with a good portion of the truth, if not the entire thing. What will he say... Shigemi thought. Mihaya's attention was drawn to the mark that Kirei had pointed out. As her stepmother so acutely pointed out, it was indeed a bruise. However, Mihaya had an idea about the nature of its creation. She grinned widely, echoing her little sister's question, "What have you been doing you two lovebirds?" To think they started so young, it honestly made Mihaya feel old, despite the fact she only had 4 years on her brother. Kiyoshi rolled his eyes at Kiyomi's attempt to be back in the spotlight. He shrugged his shoulders, and turned to Shigemi. "Spoils of battle.. I mean she is like the Commander of Konohagakure's ROOT. What do you expect?" He ended hoping that his little white lie would be enough to fool his family and hide their "activeness". "Oh.. Okay..." Kiyomi said with disappointment. For a minute her and Kiyoshi stared at one another again before she broke away. "I'll be right back... I must... go shower." Trailing off into the staircase she disappeared upstairs. Her footsteps suddenly paused, everyone could tell that she was eavesdropping to see if the conversation would continue. Growing irritated, she stormed into the bathroom closing the door behind her. From down stairs, Kirei and Mihaya stood locking eye contact at Kiyoshi and Shigemi. "Spoils of battle, ehh?" Kirei started shooting a smug grin at Kiyoshi. "From Shigemi, it actually sounded factual... But you, Kiyoshi. I have a hard time believing it." She began to laugh lightly while pinching Kiyoshi's cheek and cooing as if he were a baby. "You have way too much of your father in you. Sorry honey, you may have fooled Kiyomi. But I'm your mother. Hiding things from me would be like trying to hide things from yourself... Or better yet, your dad. He can read each of you like an open book, even if that book is closed." She ended her trial of laughter, looking at Shigemi. "It's okay darling, you guys are young and want to have fun. Heck, I may be getting grandchildren before I know it.." Shigemi sighed. While they may have indeed thrown Kiyoshi's sister for a loop, Mihaya and Kirei weren't fools. They knew the origin of the mark, and that it had come in a moment of rather intense passion. "I see why they call you Seika Jr.," Shigemi said while laughing. Now that Kirei mentioned it, Kiyoshi mirrored his legendary father's habits greatly. However, Shigemi felt it was too early to think about children. She needed to be with him longer before the first child came calling. Though from what she could tell, Kirei would be more than enthused to be a grandmother, something that relieved Shigemi greatly. Children....hmm.... Shigemi thought, surprised that she was considering the option all of a sudden. Maybe she was caught up in Kirei's own excitement. Mihaya grinned. She knew that it had happened, especially considering the two people involved as well as their immediate family. One thing that was known about Kakashi was his fascination with the Icha Icha series, as well as that he was a closet pervert. It didn't help that Shigemi's mother was a lustful person as well. While Shigemi herself looked like she had resisted the lustful/passionate inheritance for quite a while, it eventually caught up with her. As for her brother, their shared father was explanation enough. "To think it would happen so young...." Mihaya pondered thoughtfully before falling into a fit of laughter. Her brother was lucky to find a woman that could match his own lustful and perverted nature, if Shigemi didn't look like the type at first glance. "Oh my gawdddd." Kiyoshi groaned loudly. "You guys are embarrassing me..." He continued, pulling Shigemi over to the loveseat, they sat and continued to listen to Mihaya and Kirei's lectures. Uninterested in listening to this any further, Kiyoshi covered his ears. "LA LA LA LA." He started, acting as if he was four years old, well aware of his massive immature behavior. With Kiyoshi's noticeable annoyance, Kirei laughed further patting her son's back as he walked away. "Oh boohoo. You think we're embarrassing? Just imagine if your father were here.." Despite his immature noises, Kiyoshi still somewhat heard his mother's comment. "If dad were here..." He repeat, uncovering his ears. "The man would have driven me insane." "Exactly.." Kirei returned Mihaya grinned, "Knowing him, he would have given you a hearty clap on the back and said 'that's my boy', before lecturing you on how to keep a woman happy," she laughed, "Don't worry, I won't bore you to tears with my insightful wisdom on the nature of relationships, considering I have a derth in that regard. Don't expect Kirei to hold back though," With that, she found a nearby chair and sat down, summoning some popcorn so she could thoroughly enjoy the torturous lecture given by Kirei. Shigemi was surprised when Kiyoshi pulled her onto the loveseat, though she decided to go with the flow of things. She was starting to like her future sister-in-law Mihaya, particularly how she wielded a sense of order similar to Shi in her younger days. However that didn't stop Mihaya from joking and teasing, something that the younger version of Shi would have envied. However, knowing escaping was futile, unless Ki used his space-time ninjutsu again, Shigemi settled in closer to her lover as she prepared for the knowledge giving to begin. "Mi! You're so right. I think itse amazing how all of his children know exactly how he is." Kirei joked more as she took her place in front of the three. "I can imagine your father now." She started, curling her hands into fists and placing them on her hips, poking her chest outward to resemble a man. "Now Kiyoshi.. " she began again, imitating Seika's deep voice. "I'm going to tell you all tricks to keeping you woman happy." She suddebly burst into more laughter not being able to continue her speech as Seika. Kiyoshi groaned as he leaned over to Shigemi's lap, resting his head while she played in is short dreadlocks. He faced turn downward as he felt a surge in power. A giant, no enormous level of chakra was drawing near their house. The power seemed to be all to familiar. The front door suddenly came bursting open and a person shouted, "And Daddy's home!" He quickly peeled around the corner to greet the bewildered faces of his family. Kiyoshi's head darted at Seika with unimaginable belief, genuinely taken by surprise. "D-Dad?" He managed to stutter out. "K-Kiyoshi?" Seika returned in a playful manner. "Geez.. You guys act lie you've seen a ghost.." Surprisingly, Mihaya kept her head, unlike the rest of the bewildered family. "Well, you are supposed to be dead if I am correct, all of that dying from natural causes and the like. So, to what can we owe this visit?" Mihaya's immediately changed from their standard crystalline blue to a familiar red. She quickly scanned the man in the doorway of the living room, noting that his chakra levels were as large as expected and his presence was as hard to ignore as usual. Just to be sure, she went another level, revealing a flowered pattern to further scan for any signs of a transformation. Seeing none, her eyes reverted back to normal. "It's indeed him unfortunately," Mihaya said sarcastically before laughing. Satisfied with her position, Shigemi calmly played with Kiyoshi's locks as he lay on her lap when she too felt the large, spectacular level of chakra, one which matched the size of her mother's. A man was then revealed, sharing some facial traits with Kiyoshi, in particular his dark hair, though the man was much lighter in complexion and bore onyx colored eyes. As she was about to ask who he was, she received her answer as Kiyoshi stammered out the word "Dad". It then clicked. "Are you Seika Uchiha? Shouldn't you be..ah...deceased?" Shigemi asked, her gray eyes cloudy with confusion. Kirei's second trail of laughter was suddenly stopped by the appearance of her deceased husband. Hearing Kiyoshi and Mihaya's confirmations she slowly shifted her body to her beloved. Filled with many emotions, Kirei watched over to where Seika stood. Reaching her hand up, she rubbed the side of his face while shedding tears. "Seika..." She whispered thought her light weeps. "How are you alive?" Without much warning, the man took his loving widow into a embrace that seemed to last for years. He wiped away her tears while caressing her head that laid and his chest. "Meh.. I'm Seika, death does not bound me!." He mused, kissing her head. "Mihaya... Come here." He said sternly looking into his daughter's deep blue eyes. For when Mihaya neared, Seika would forcefully pull her into the embrace as well. Looking over to Kiyoshi, be bore a blank expression. "Boy, if you don't get your ass over here and hug me." He spat with a sense of humor embedded in his voice. Sitting up from his current position, Kiyoshi began to walk over to Seika. His eyes too began to water from the reunion with his father. "Hold it." Seika interrupted.. "Bring that beautiful girl of yours over here too." Kiyoshi's eyes leaked the wet streams of raw emotion, gripping Shigemi's hand again, they joined the warm embrace. Hearing thuds rumble for upstairs, Seika began to count. "One... Two... Three... Four... And Boom." Right on cue. Seika's youngest child burst from the staircase. "DADDYYYYYYYYYY" she yelped landing on Seika's back, surprisingly Kiyomi managed to fit her entire wingspan around the entirety of the group. With the large amount of emotions circulating through the entire party, Mihaya began to feel the effects of them, her blue eyes glistening with tears of joy. "But how?" Mi asked to no one in particular as she embraced her formerly deceased father. Part of her wondered if he had decided to return for the sake of visiting his family, or to congratulate her brother of his excellent luck. To be honest it was probably both, though either way she was glad he was back, at least for the moment. Shigemi was in a daze as Kiyoshi led Shi to her future father-in-law. Wait, what am I thinking? Marriage? It's too soon for that... Shigemi thought as she joined the large bear hug. She could tell that Seika's family had missed him greatly, in particularly Kiyoshi and Kiyomi, as well as Kirei. Mihaya had been cooler to his return, but even she had warmed up since the moment Seika first arrived. The whole prospect had made Shi nostalgic for her own father, who had approved Kiyoshi and Shigemi's relationship after testing the young man in intelligence and skills. Seika sighed with contentment as he loosened his grip, relieving the rest from the hug while Kiyomi still held on to his back. Her eyes were barreled shut. Seika gave a hearty chuckle at his daughter's actions. "Yes daddy, do tell us how you've return to the land of the living?" She ask along with Mihaya and Kirei. Groaning loudly, Seika rolled his eyes after breaking away from his family. "Jeez.. You guys wanna know everything. My goodness." He complained, still holding his humorous tone. "Oh Seika... How are you alive?" He imitated Kirei's voice. "But how?... Yes father, please explain." He continued doing the same with Mihaya and Kiyomi's statement. From his many times of played out teasing, the party broke into joyous laughter. "Okay.. I'll explain. But first... I'm really hungry. And I refuse to explain anything until I have been fed!" He huffed, flopping down in the nearest recliner. "Dad.. Come on. Tell--..." Kiyoshi had began before he was cut short by Seika. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE." the man yell immaturely. "You must feed me first." Shigemi stared at Seika for a legendary figure he seemed decidedly...normal. He casually bickered and joked with his family, while teasing about the nature of his sudden reappearance. He then huffed before complaining about how hungry he was, after a long journey and the usual, something that Shigemi laughed at as Kiyoshi tried to coax some information out of his father. However, his father was resolute about being fed, something that didn't surprise her in the slightest. "Well, let's give the guy something to eat, he must be so tired after making the journey back," Shigemi teased before grinning. She headed toward the kitchen, to see what ingredients lay around for use. Doing so made her think of a question. "What would you like to eat Seika?" Shigemi asked as she rummaged through the cabinets. Mihaya was incredulous though not surprised about her father's behavior. Despite his status or maybe because of it, he could be comically childish about various things, particularly eating. She sighed, knowing that her fahter could be easily as stubborn as her younger sister, if not even more so. Thus, she knew that he had no plans on changing his mind, causing her to sigh in a resigned manner. She was surprised however when her brother's girlfriend went into the kitchen intent on making a meal so they could all find out the information they were dying to know. It was then that Shigemi posed a question about what Seika desired. "Well?" Mihaya asked Seika as she waited on his answer. Part of her was contemplated joining Shigemi in the kitchen, however, the way Shi took charge of the situation suggested this wasn't the first time she had cooked. "Oh.. So the future daughter-in-law was the first to act.. Kiyoshi! My Dark Child! You chose an excellent young woman!" Seika proclaimed, much to Kiyoshi's embarrassment. "My dear ladies! Surprise me!" Seika continued, ejecting the leg swing and falling back into the chair. "Kiyoshi... I hope you're hungry." "What are you trying to do?" Kiyoshi questioned, stepping into his father space. Seika immediately stood up, matching Kiyoshi's height and then stood a few inches taller. "Haven't you figured it out yet?" Seika spat, glaring into Kiyoshi's gray eyes with his dark onyx ones. "You want to challenge me, old man?" Kiyoshi retorted, matching Seika's heavy tone. "Old? You didn't..." The two glared at each other with malice, actually butting heads and growling "Oh dear.." Kirei sighed with mild frustration. "Of course... They are at it again." She too joined Shigemi in the kitchen. "He wants an entire feast... I'm going to have to got grocery shopping after this.." She laughed playfully. "It brings me joy to be able to cook like this again.. When Kiyoshi and Seika weren't here, I didn't have to slave in the kitchen. My boys have retuned!" Pacing over to the pantry, the woman frantically rambled through tossing out loads of ingredients hoping Mihaya and Shigemi would catch. "Get ready girls! We're about to prepare the lunch of a lifetime!" Shigemi expertly began catching and organizing the mass of ingredients that were being thrown at her by Kirei. "Meh, this is nothing, I've prepared lunch for my two brothers and father before," Shigemi said, "unfortunately, my mom was initially hopeless in the kitchen, so the creation of most meals fell in my lap," At that moment, Shigemi thanked her Hatake lineage for helping her be skilled at a multitude of things. "Is there anything you want me to start on while we gather the ingredients?" Shigemi at this point had gone into cook mode, ditching her raybans and moccasins while adopting an apron. She made sure that her hair was securely pulled back in a ponytail, as well as that her long bangs were kept in check. "How much experience do you have in the kitchen Mihaya?" Shi asked. Mihaya regretfully followed her stepmother into the kitchen, worried about how the meal would turn out. She had never been much of a cook, instead being a peacekeeper between her brother and father during one of their many spats. It was the original reason that she had developed the tower among countless other genjutsu, testing out their effectiveness on keeping the piece between the two. However, she knew her stepmom would need the extra hands now that both were here. Thus she activated her demon eyes, skillfully snagging ingredient after ingredient before beginning to chop all of the vegetables. Something told her that they would need every food in the kitchen to satisfy those two. "Enough to know that you should not put me on cooking duty," Mi responded, cringing at the memory of the last time she tried to cook something. "Just anything you can think of, Shigemi. One thing you should know about Kiyoshi and his father.. They are not picky eaters. They will eat nearly anything, just as long as it pleases their taste buds." Standing from her crouching position, Kirei began to sort out many different ingredients to put establish an appropriate feast for her husband and son. "Shoot! I'm missing a lot! Kiyomi, tell your father and brother to go entertain themselves outside! I need to run to the store! I will return shortly! No one touch anything!" Kirei bolted out of the door before anyone could even reply to her request. Kiyomi pressed her lips to together as she eyed her father and brother from the kitchen. "Miha... Dad and Ki are at it again." From within the living room, the girls could hear the arguing of Seika and Kiyoshi, ranting about who want more muscular and other things. "I think they may actually fight this time." Kiyomi shrugged walking into the living for a closer view. Seika and Kiyoshi stood in front of each other, shirtless, ranting on about which of their bodies was more defined. "Oh please dad. Soon all that is going to be flappy skin." Kiyoshi insulted, getting a distraught expression from Seika. "Even when I am "flappy", I'll still be more defined than you!" "Oh whatever! You can barely keep up as it is! You should be ready to call it quits any day now." "You want to bet?" Seika returned, openly challenging Kiyoshi to a duel. "Let's do this, geezer." Shigemi eyes followed Kiyomi's gaze, as she trailed the younger sister. Sure enough, they were indeed having a verbal spat, and it looked like fighting words that could eventually lead to a smack down. However, that was not what caught her attention; rather she was noting the fact that her boyfriend was now shirtless once more, drawing a blush to her face as she admired the physique that she had just learned intimately a few hours earlier. It was enough to make her hot as the flames of desire arose anew. It was at that moment she regretted the genes she had inherited from her perverted parents, though part of her knew it wouldn't have mattered. Kiyoshi was that toned. Mihaya as she heard what the argument was about. As usual it was something along the lines of male testosterone and how muscular one was. What a pointless conversation, she thought as she reached the doorway of the leaving room. "Please take this argument outside, or else I will use that again," she stated in a bored manner. They would know exactly what she was talking about. It was a technique that she had formed for this purpose before realizing it's usefulness in combat as well. It was something that she figured to be akin to the Bringer-of-Darkness, however it was contained and could be used as a medium for more "damaging" attacks. While she did recently acquire some more potent tools, she preferred to rely on what she already had, not in the mood for leaving her father and brother a psychological mess.