| - Also: Drachkin (Na'ven), Dreyc'chyn (High Tongue), Drechyn (Low Tongue), D'ragych (Southlands, refers only to lizard-shape), Drac (Irhad), Dragon, Drage, Drache, Dragone (various Stark languages - refers only to lizard-shape) The Kin can appear in the form of great dragons - this appears to be their native form - speak a sibilant language amongst themselves, and have the ability to wield powerful magic.
| - Also: Drachkin (Na'ven), Dreyc'chyn (High Tongue), Drechyn (Low Tongue), D'ragych (Southlands, refers only to lizard-shape), Drac (Irhad), Dragon, Drage, Drache, Dragone (various Stark languages - refers only to lizard-shape) "The Draic Kin, having lived among us for untold generations, rose to offer their guidance and assistance in preserving the Balance of our world... Draic Kin, Drachen, Dragons - whichever name they go by, they remain the eternal servants and custodians of the Balance." - Vestrum Tobias The Draic Kin are four beings who came to Earth many thousands of years ago. They were instrumental in creating the Balance when the Earth was threatened by Chaos, and they brought the Stone Disk ("forged in the fire of their world") that eventually became the key to the Guardian's Tower. Each Kin bears a 'Dragon's Eye' jewel that forms part of the Stone Disk: part of April's task is to recover those jewels. The Kin can appear in the form of great dragons - this appears to be their native form - speak a sibilant language amongst themselves, and have the ability to wield powerful magic.