- A light mace is little more than a metal club with flanges, knobs, or ridges of metal placed symmetrically around the head. A light mace is slightly smaller than a short sword in length but about twice the weight, with much of the weight concentrated in the head. An average light mace costs 5gp and weighs 4lbs (1.8kg). See also: Mace and Heavy mace
- Weapon Description and Picture Here.
- ================================================================================ Name: Light Mace Model: Generic Light Mace Type: Melee weapon Mods: STR+1D+1 damage, maximum of 5D+1. DifficultY: Easy A short, flanged stick with a heavy metal ball mounted at the end. ================================================================================
- A light mace is an off-hand weapon. A character can use a light mace to make attacks even while holding another one-handed weapon in the other hand, and can use the other one-handed weapon to make attacks even if it isn't an off-hand weapon. A light mace is also a small weapon. Other classes do not have proficiency with the light mace as a class trait, but any character can become proficient by taking a Weapon Proficiency feat.
- A light mace is an off-hand weapon. A character can use a light mace to make attacks even while holding another one-handed weapon in the other hand, and can use the other one-handed weapon to make attacks even if it isn't an off-hand weapon. A light mace is also a small weapon. Ardents, artificers, avengers, barbarians, bards, battleminds, clerics, druids, fighters, invokers, paladins, psions, rangers, runepriests, seekers, shamans, sorcerers, swordmages, vampires, wardens, warlocks, and warlords are proficient with all simple melee weapons, including the light mace. Assassins are proficient with one-handed simple melee weapons, including the light mace. Other classes do not have proficiency with the light mace as a class trait, but any character can become proficient by taking a Weapon Proficiency feat.
- A light mace is little more than a metal club with flanges, knobs, or ridges of metal placed symmetrically around the head. A light mace is slightly smaller than a short sword in length but about twice the weight, with much of the weight concentrated in the head. An average light mace costs 5gp and weighs 4lbs (1.8kg). See also: Mace and Heavy mace
- Weapon Description and Picture Here.
- ================================================================================ Name: Light Mace Model: Generic Light Mace Type: Melee weapon Mods: STR+1D+1 damage, maximum of 5D+1. DifficultY: Easy A short, flanged stick with a heavy metal ball mounted at the end. ================================================================================