| - Rephidim (Hebrew: רפידים) is one of the places visited by the Israelites in the biblical account of the exodus from Egypt. This episode is described in the Book of Exodus. The Israelites under Moses have come from the wilderness of Sin. At Rephidim, they can find no water to drink, and angrily demand that Moses give them water. Moses, fearing they will stone him, calls on Yahweh for help and is told to strike a certain "rock in Horeb," which causes a stream to flow from it, providing ample water for the people. He names the place Massah (meaning 'testing') and Meribah (meaning 'quarreling').(Exodus 17:1-7 NRSV)
| - Rephidim (Hebrew: רפידים) is one of the places visited by the Israelites in the biblical account of the exodus from Egypt. This episode is described in the Book of Exodus. The Israelites under Moses have come from the wilderness of Sin. At Rephidim, they can find no water to drink, and angrily demand that Moses give them water. Moses, fearing they will stone him, calls on Yahweh for help and is told to strike a certain "rock in Horeb," which causes a stream to flow from it, providing ample water for the people. He names the place Massah (meaning 'testing') and Meribah (meaning 'quarreling').(Exodus 17:1-7 NRSV) Afterwards, the Amalekites attack the Israelites encamped at Rephidim, but are defeated. The Israelites are led in the battle by Joshua, while Moses, Aaron and Hur watch from a nearby hill. Moses notices that when his arms are raised the Israelites gained the upper hand, but when they are down the Amalekites prevail. He sits with his hands held up by Aaron and Hur until sunset, securing the Israelite victory.(Exodus 17:8-16 NRSV) In the Book of Numbers the same event is described as taking place near Kadesh. In this version, Yahweh tells Moses to speak to the rock. Moses strikes it twice with his staff and water pours out. Yahweh then reproaches Moses and Aaron for their lack of trust in him and tells them that for this reason they will not see the Promised Land.(Numbers 20:1-7 NRSV)