| - TruthOn.org is a non-profit political action group of radical, free-thinking librarians dedicated to the preservation of civil liberties, reference materials, and the truth. They have a strong commitment to uncovering, protecting, and cataloguing the truth for future generations, and they will fight anyone who tries to block the free flow of information. They believe that the internets should be a free source of widely circulating information, and that all Americans have a right to check out the truthiness online, for free, without interference from government censorship or greedy corporate interests.
| - TruthOn.org is a non-profit political action group of radical, free-thinking librarians dedicated to the preservation of civil liberties, reference materials, and the truth. They have a strong commitment to uncovering, protecting, and cataloguing the truth for future generations, and they will fight anyone who tries to block the free flow of information. They believe that the internets should be a free source of widely circulating information, and that all Americans have a right to check out the truthiness online, for free, without interference from government censorship or greedy corporate interests. Not much is known about them, as they are very secretive. It is widely believed that they spend their days passing as mousy, repressed, "typical librarian" types in order to shield their secret identities as sexy, anarchist, ass-kicking defenders of truthiness by night. Some people, on both ends of the political spectrum, think they are a little crazy. Wikiality.com doesn't care; they helped us get back online after Viacom shut us down on April 1, 2007. Thank you, "Cataloguers in Action"!