| - (The short opens up at the Krusty Krab with Squidward talking to SpongeBob) Squidward: Hurry up with that patty, SpongeBob! SpongeBob: Hurry up? Really? You never move around at all, and now you expect me to? Why don't you make these patties yourself? Squidward: Are you just gonna stand there making stupid comments or are you gonna hurry up?! SpongeBob: Neither. YOU'RE gonna shut up, and I'M gonna do whatever the heck I wanna. (Scene cuts to Mr.. Krabs' office where Squidward and SpongeBob are talking to Mr.. Krabs) Mr. Krabs: What's going on here? Squidward: CheeseHead here thinks it's more funny to make jokes than to do his work! (SpongeBob sits down) Mr. Krabs: Is that true SpongeBob? SpongeBob: Oh, look who's the daily disciplinarian now. (in mocking voice) "Is that true SpongeBob?" (stops mocking voice) Nope, but what's true is that you're an idiot. Mr. Krabs: Me boy, since when have you become so rude? SpongeBob: Since the time Squidward became fat. In other words, as long as I've been alive. Mr. Krabs: Oh dear. (Transition to Bikini Bottom Mental Institute) Mr. Krabs: What seems to be the problem, doctor? ​Psychiatrist: I am not a doctor. I am a psychiatrist! Mr. Krabs: Whatever. Can you just tell me what's wrong?. Phsychiatrist: Apparently he had a lump on his toe according to an X-Ray we did on him. At first we thought it was a tumour, but it turned out to be one measly pebble. We got rid of it and now he is fine. (SpongeBob comes out of the X-ray room nervously) Mr. Krabs: You have a lot to explain, boy-o. SpongeBob: Heheheheheheh........ (The short ends)