| - Cinnabar is the fusion of Smoky Quartz and Ruby. She first appeared in the episode "Fusion Confusion".
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is E34234
- Cinnabar is the fusion of Ruby and Ice.
- Cinnabar is a prefix for Jewels. It is directed towards physical fighters, and gives them a bonus to Damage.
- Cinnabar is an ore that is mercury-based. It is poisonous, since it contains small amounts of mercury-based ore. It is sometimes called "Cinnabarite". Cinnabar was previously used in red paint. bla
- Cinnabar was used to feed dragons. Thus, it was crucial to any war effort to have a great load of this mineral as dragons were imperative to war in Derlavai. In the Derlavaian War, the cinnabar-rich Mamming Hills were the target of n huge Algarvian offensive against Unkerlanters with the aim of getting the minerals for their dragons. Knowing this, the Unkerlanters put up a ferocious defence which culminated with the Battle of Sulingen.
- !NPC !Cost !Town/Area !Coordinates |- |Abia Bint Huda the Archmage |9 |Danby's Outpost |23.3N, 28.7W |- |Archmage (22.5N, 44.0E) (Archmage) |8 |22.5N, 44.0E - Peddler Tent |22.5N, 44.0E |- |Archmage (33.7S, 79.9E) (Archmage) |8 |33.7S, 79.9E - Archmage's Tower |33.7S, 79.9E |- |Archmage (37.7N, 1.3W) (Archmage) |8 |37.7N, 1.3W - Archmage Lifestone |37.7N, 1.3W |- |Archmage (46.0N, 8.0W) (Archmage) |8 |46.0N, 8.0W - Archmage Lifestone |46.0N, 8.0W |- |Archmage (75.5N 10.6E) (Archmage) |8 |75.5N 10.6E - Vendor House |75.5N, 10.6E |- |Archmage (Adam's Beach) (Archmage) |8 |55.9N, 52.3W - Beach House |55.9N, 52.3W |- |Archmage (Al-Arqas) (Archmage) |8 |Al-Arqas |34.3S, 14.4E |- |Archmage (Aqalah) (Archmage) |8 |9.7S, 2.3W - Archmage Home |9.7S, 2.3W |- |Archmage (Bandit Castle Outskirts) (Arch
- Full name Class Nationality First appearanceThe Black Gryphon (novel) Cinnabar is a senior Healer who served with Urtho's armies during the Mage Wars. She is lifebonded to fellow Healer Tamsin. She is described as: