| - right|thumb|300px|X-Wing w czasie ataku naziemnego X-Wing - to najpopularniejszy myśliwiec wykorzystywany najpierw przez Rebelię, a później Nową Republikę. Wykonany z dykty, słomy i kleju J-B Weld Spawanie na Zimno był jedną z najwytrzymalszych maszyn w arsenale terrorystów. Na tych maszynach wykształcili się najlepsi piloci Rebelii, tacy jak Luke Skywalker, Wedge I Antilles czy Corran Horn.
- In the year 1999, scientists working for the McDonald's-Douglas company, which supplies fighter planes as well as fast food for the United States and other countries, produced the world's first futuristic orbital-flight-capable fighter plane. The X-Wing fighter was the most advanced tactical fighter plane in the world never to successfully fight tactically.
- The X-wing Snubfighter is the Black Imperium's response to the Victory Star Destroyers and the pride of Incom Technologies. A fast, powerful, and all-purpose fighter, the X-Wing is an upgrade from the older Z95 model and has repeatedly proven itself capable of surviving a VSD turbolaser barrage.
- Instead of benefiting the Mentally challenged he decided to start the Alphabet Class of Starfighters. They went through many designs from all the 26 letters but in the end the superior fighter seemed to be the X-wing. The X-wing had it all from superior firepower to being a kick-ass ride for the ladies. The Alliance could use this vehicle for both recruiting hot-sexy women to destroying the Empires swarms of shit fighters.
- [Source] Les X-Wings furent une série importante de chasseurs stellaires produits par la Corporation Incom puis par Incom-FreiTek avec une caractéristique d'ailes en "X" s'étendant hors du fuselage. Ces chasseurs stellaires étaient utilisés par l'Alliance Rebelle qui possédait des X-Wings T-65B et des X-Wings T-65C-A2 puis par la Nouvelle République qui repris les X-Wings T-65B et innova avec les X-Wings T-85 et enfin la Résistance qui possédaient des X-Wings T-70.
- Der X-Wing auch X-Flügler gennant sind Raumschiffe. Die Rebellen-Allianz benutze auch diese Schiffe. Bei der Schlacht von Yavin hat Luke Skywalker hat mit seinem X-Wing den ersten Todesstern zerstört.
- Der X-Wing auch X-Flügler gennant sind Raumschiffe. Die Rebellen-Allianz benutze auch diese Schiffe. Bei der Schlacht von Yavin hat Luke Skywalker hat mit seinem X-Wing den ersten Todesstern zerstört.
- The X-Wing is a hybrid helicopter-airplane configuration designed to combine the low speed and hover capabilities of a helicopter with the high speed and altitude capabilities of a jet fighter. The concept uses helicopter mode in low speed environments and for landing and take-off. It transitions into airplane mode by stopping the oversized helicopter main rotor to use as the airplane wing. Examples of this configuration:
* Sikorsky S-72 RSRA (NASA Rotor Systems Research Aircraft)
- X-Wing is a vehicle that appeared in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.
- The X-Wing is the basic starfighter for the Rebel Alliance. Famous for its X-Wing shape, its four laser cannons deal average damage upon the enemy while protected by average armor. Their boost is decent, and they handle fine against enemy fire. (Equivalent- ARC-170 Starfighter, Droid Starfighter, TIE Fighter).
- The X-wing fighter has a compact life support system of compressors, temperature regulators, and oxygen scrubbing filters. A series of acceleration compensators help isolate the pilot from deadly g-forces generated by high speed maneuvers. There is enough oxygen, fuel and power in an X-wing for a week of non-combat operations. Additional consumable tanks can be affixed to the S-foils at a cost of performance. For hyperspace transit, the X-wing is equipped with an Incom GBk-585 motivator HCU (hyperspace control unit). The motivators on each engine provide a class one performance.
- Mid-tier pilots might welcome the X-wing when it becomes available to them. It has greater maneuvearbility than a Y-Wing and is tougher than a Z-95. Additional droid commands become available to pilots around the time they graduate to an X-wing - learn and incorporate these quickly in order to maximise this fighter's effectivess. It's three laser slots shouldn't be overlooked: a canny pilot could fill these with light or medium-grade blasters and a good capacitor, which will allow them to make short work of unshielded TIE craft they're likely to engage. A proton launcher is recommended.
- thumb|290px|X-wing. Dette var den mest komplette jageren i Opprørsalliansens flåte, og den utførte derfor de aller fleste oppdrag, noe som har gjorde den til opprørernes viktigste jager. Skipet har fire laserkanoner plassert på fire vinger. Det er plass til en astromech-droide bak cockpiten, mens vingene gjør det mulig for skipet å generere et relativt kraftig skjold.
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- The X-wing carried four Taim & Bak KX9 laser cannons, along with tubes for proton torpedoes. Other warheads, such as concussion missiles, could be fired from the launchers, but this required a considerable amount of time and effort on the part of the technical crews, and the overall versatility of the proton torpedo was ideally suited to the X-wing's varied mission profile. However, during the early years of the Galactic Civil War, the Rebellion had a small supply of such weapons. The X-wing's lasers had various settings: