| - The close relationship with Carlin has served the druids quite well over the years. In Thais, the druids had only a minor role which was always overshadowed by the sorcerer guild and its close ties to the Thaian throne. In Carlin, however, the druids were seen as trusted advisers for the young city. This early cooperation led to the growth of Carlin in a more harmonic and environmental way than any other city. Right from the beginning, druids instructed the people of Carlin in the ways of nature and watched over the city's development. Moreover, there was a constant demand for the druids' help which resulted in the use of druidic powers in some practical ways that were never thought of before. Additionally, the need of the people led to experiments to expand the druidic powers in new ways. This lead to some significant progress of the druids' magic. Although critics call this approach too practical and too less metaphysical, it is undeniable that new magical practices arose in those days that shaped the druidic research significantly. With additional resources and freedom, the druidic art flourished along with the city, and the teachings of the druids reached more people now that they were always present and no longer hid in some distant caves. The dynamic aspect of the process helped both sides and led to a new boom in druidic magic.
- Now that some contact with Svargrond was established, there are even new chances to reintegrate what many see as early offshoots of druidism developed through contact with shamans. Even though it is a painfully slow process to leave behind prejudices and cultural differences, it is widely accepted that both traditions can learn from each other. The combination of two branches of the same magical teaching that took different paths for centuries might lead to new and unknown heights of druidism that might even herald in a new age of magic.