| - The intense rays of the sun pierce the window of a small apartment stirring a young shinobi from his restless slumber. Pulling himself to his feet and recalling his responsibilities as a member of Sungakure's military force Nōsei prepares himself for his first day of service. Washing up and collecting a bite to eat he slowly scans the emptiness of his humble abode. Nobody would be wishing him luck on his first day as a ninja, but this was the fate of an orphan. He didn't consider himself unlucky though, while he didn't receive a proper upbringing his home and expenses were taken care of. In fact Nōsei believed that he was luckier than most for being able to study ninjutsu as a profession. "Soon," Nōsei whispers while gazing at his front door. Across town, the market beings to open up and the roar of the morning shoppers begins to leak in through a window on the 2nd floor. Rubeing and wiping his face, flipping up and sitting on the side his bed. A young boy places his hands over face. Running his hands down along his face he feels the cut running across his face that he and gained just the day before. Thinking to himself, "Ozume, today starts the first day of what has the potential of being a journey for the ages". Ozume Fuyutama jumps up and grabbing his uniform as he heads to the bathroom. After a few mins he steps out dressed and ready for his first day as a ninja. Grabbing some breakfast he heads to the door. He grabs the door handle, stops, turns and looks over his shoulder at the empty house. A slight look of loneliness over comes his face. "I will found out what happen..." Ozume thinks as he turns back around and steps out of the house. On to the market street, the old man who owns the potato stand. right outside Ozume's home. Waves and says "good morning Tsuyoi ippou" as he does everyday. Ozume has no idea way the man calls him that perhaps he is becoming crazying in his age. Everything seemed still and silent in Nanase district. Knowing today would be the official day she would become a Genin she had already gotten up earlier to prepare. Though Nana was still a bit nervous to meet her new teammates and sensei. It was unnecessary stress she knew but she still couldn't help herself. Being a shinobi was her dream and knowing it was about to begin she couldn't help but be over excited and nervous. After cleansing her face, she sat in front of her dresser mirror to brush her messy hair. Nanase's walked up the stairs to call her daughter down to eat. Before she could get the chance to knock on her door, Nanase could sense her. "Yes what is it?" Nanase asks. "Uh...Its time to eat dear. You know...me and your father still don't like the idea of you becoming a shinobi...but if this really makes you happy, I'm alright with it." Nanase smiles, "Thanks mom I'll be down in a minute." She looked back into her mirror smiling. "I hope this turns out good..." Back in the small hole of an apartment Nōsei was suiting up as he secured a a few kunai under his sleeves of his black kimono top. Assuming that he wouldn't require anything more than some basic equipment he simply secured a shuriken pouch to his side before heading towards the door. Looking back at his new sword leaning against the wall Nōsei simply leaves it behind for now unwilling to take it with him after the events the night before. Locking his door and heading down a small staircase Nōsei surveys the surrounding neighborhood which appeared to decay further everyday. Even in the early morning people can be heard yelling and fighting amongst themselves. But that was simply life in the slums. The young genin navigates the maze of burnt out buildings making his way towards the location which he was instructed to meet his team. Ozume stops at a fruit stand and buys a apple to eat later if needed, placing it in his punch. A young boy no older then 5 walks up to him and engages in conversation about Ozume's two swords on his back. After a few mintues of talking with the young boy Ozume says his goodbyes and walks away. He enters the main drag of the market. Roar of beggers and shopping makes it difficult to even think to himself. Becoming annoyed, Ozume leaps up to the roof tops of the city. Taking a moment Ozume looks around at the town. The dirty run down streets of the market are only complemented by the burnt out, beat down homes of the slums. Ozume shakes his head in disappointment of the state the west-side of town has fallen into. He starts walking jumping for roof to roof as he leaves the market district and enters the slums, heading to the location of his team and sensei Nanase calmly makes her way to the meeting place while she began to unwrap a quick snack she grabbed from her home. As she was walking along she noticed younger children could be seen in the allies and streets either happy or depressed. This reminded her of how rough times can become. Approaching a young boy that appeared to be sulking in a corner, she gave him her snack. At first he was confused that she would be this generous, but soon took the snack and gave her a polite thank you. She walking to her designated location. Making their way towards a third training ground that his team was ordered to meet at Nōsei passes by some questionable business establishments. The genin makes his way to the back of one of the particular and waits outside a door. After a few moments a heavy set man smelling heavily of alcohol and surrounded by a few guards comes out of the back exit. The man immediately takes notice of Nōsei's presence and makes his way across the alley towards him. The young shinobi had already memorized his benefactor's schedule which made finding him at any given time quite easy. "Ah boy...showing up just like I asked you to. You are an excellent commodity," the merchant begins. "Thank you sir," Nōsei responds calmly keeping his eyes down, "I was just making my way to meet my squad." The large man coughs a few times showing both his age and the effects of his privileged lifestyle, "Good...good. What squad was that again?" "Team 14 sir," the genin answers quickly. "Oh yeah," the merchant continues motioning for one of his guards to take note of that information, "Run along then...you have your responsibilities as a shinobi now boy." Without another word Nōsei dashes up the wall of the building and begins to truly make his way towards training ground. He was unsure if he was going to make it on time so he began to rush. Quickly rebounding between the walls of the stone constructions he flew towards his target, but he was nearly sure that his teammates would probably beat him there. If he made it there before the jonin he wasn't going to worry. He would do anything to avoid drawing unnecessary attention towards himself. Taking note that the sun has moved nearly an hour since we woke up, he processeds with great speed to the meeting point. Just after a minute or so he arrives at a very old tree just outside the school. He scopes out the area hoping he isn't late. Ozume jumps down and takes a seet on a brick bench and waits. "Guess I'll just have to be fashionably late...or just late." Nanese remarks due to her turning out of whack due to the blazing suns heat. Taking out a small bottle of water, she drunk it slowly. "Ugh I should at least make some effort into this...Alright." Finishing the refreshing beverage she tossed it into disposal and dashes her way to the training ground by rooftop. After a run she came across her destination, she notices the Fuyutama boy from her academy school. A little embarrassed and blushing she merely leans against the wall waiting for other members. Too shy to make contact or even say hello to her new partner. Now on the roofs of Sunagakure Nōsei leaps around making his way toward his destination. A few blocks from the training ground near the school he stops after seeing two people shaded from the sun's rays by the old tree. He ducks down to avoid their attention and drops behind a building hoping to walk up casually. As he is is approaching the group he pauses for a moment, unwilling to walk quite past him. At this point though approaching from another direction would definitely make him late, which would draw even more attention to himself. He takes a deep breath and puts on his sunglasses before walking toward his group. He feels as if their eyes are piercing him as he passes them sits up against the tree. "This is going to be a long day, " Nōsei thinks to himself looking over the training field. Nearly an hour after waiting in the training courtyard, a tall famine figure finally began to approach the graduation genin. As she entered, the area was filled with silence which caused Naomi to be a little embarrassed. After a few moments of observing the face expression, there shinobi wear, very carefully she started to giggle. She couldn't help herself from doing this, it was just in her and she needed to get it out. "So I'm guessing from the looks of things your the genin of Team 14, correct?" Naomi politely asked. Unwilling to speak up even when he had just been addressed by his superior officer Nōsei simply nods his head in recognition without making eye contact. He then calmly waits for the other members of his team to respond as well. Team work had always been his weakness, and he was worried if his career was doomed to be stunted because of it. Nanese pondered of this womens odd behavior as she already labeled her as a nice but goofy sensei. "Ah yes...we are the genin that were assigned to join Team 14. We've been her for quite awhile now like...an hour..." Nanese oddly added. With an embarrassed appearance along with an uneasy chuckle stated, "Hehehe...I...kinda...sorta..forgot...hehehehe..heh.." Nervously she started to pick at her hair as she would hate to think that her own little teammates would already start to dislike her over waiting for such a long period, especially when the sun was blazing. "Im sorry!! I had other matters to attend to concerning my...kekk..well its not really important or something you should worry about...but again my apologies!! Will...you forgive me?!" Naomi emotionally spoke and looking as if she was about to cry as if they hated her. Looking over at their obviously distressed sensei Nōsei wonders how he should respond. He felt like he should say something, but nothing was coming to mind. As tears started to form in Naomi's eyes he couldn't help it and suddenly stood up most likely drawing everyone's attention to himself. "Now I've done it....they're all looking at me. What was I thinking?" he thinks to himself as he begins to choke out some words of encouragement. "Uh...well...uh...I suppose that...well," the young shinobi begins having trouble finding the words, "I'm...I mean we...everyone's here now so..." Calmly walking up to Nosei, she gives him warm and comforting hug which really made her feel better that he would forgive her. Even though it wasn't Nosei's exact words of forgiveness, it was enough to make her feel better. "Thank you." Naomi silently whispered into his ear. Surprised by this sudden occurrence Nōsei simply doesn't respond at all. This was the first time he can be sure if he had ever been hugged, for he couldn't remember his early childhood. Naomi's actions seemed incredibly foreign to him, and he was having trouble fully understanding them, but for the first time in his life he felt like he had been acknowledged as a living person. Before he had noticed, several moments had passed and the jonin was still holding on to him. He glanced over at his new teammates and from their expressions realized that the situation had be come a bit awkward. "Umm...sensei?" he quietly questioned. Continuing her hug she squeezed him even tighter and lifted him from the ground in a spinning motion. After Naomi released him from her soft clutches she repeated her embarrassed facial expression. "Sorry...I guess I got carried away again." Naomi apologizes while patting his short hair scuffing it up. "Now let me introduce myself..." She walked to the corner and turned around facing her new team. "My name is Naomi, I'm a Jonin and quite known throughout Sungakure, I've also gained my reputation outside of this village. Superiors and allies alike have given my the moniker of the Red Sand...heh I guess its best if I just say I gained it by protecting the people of this village. Now enough about me tell me about yourselves...your names, your goals, and nindo's,etc. Basically anything you would like to share." Naomi stated. Seemingly exhausted from the exchange between himself and and his sensei Nōsei decides that he will definitely be letting someone else respond first this time. It wasn't even noon and already the day had been quite engaging. He wondered what would be coming up next, for he had heard about Jonin issuing examinations of their own. Still sitting on the bench which is now covered by the shadow of the old tree, Ozume speaks up "I'm Ozume Fuyutama, the goal I have in life is to find out what happen to my parents. My nindo is to learn the truth and find out who I am." Ozume folds his arms as a small care free smile leaks across his face. Still a little embarrassed, Nanase tried to reply towards her sensei's answer by calming herself down with a brief sigh. "My name is Nanase Sudachika. My goal in life is um...to become an exceptional kunochi and my nindo...is to help and serve the people of Sungakure from any danger." "Already my turn?" Nōsei thinks to himself as the jonin's eyes fall upon him. "Well...uh my name is Nōsei. As for a goal...umm...I'm content right now learning ninjutsu," he begins feeling a little more confident talking in front of this group, "As for my nindō...I don't like mistakes, so I will accept nothing but absolute perfection in my action." Startling himself with that last part he begins to think about the weight of his words, "I didn't even know that was how I felt...I suppose it makes sense, but... " "This seems to be an interesting group I have here...hopefully this will go along great. It is my first time being working with Genin, so I hope I can do an exceptional job." Naomi pondered for a while analyzing the teenagers. Nōsei was unsure of what awaited him and his team, but for the first time in his life he was anxious to see what the future held for him. "Ah yes...before anything...you three must complete the test that Genin must pass in order to continue your quest as a shinobi." Naomi states.