Castle Drakan is the home of Lord Drakan, the vampyre lord of Morytania. Found just north of Meiyerditch, it looms over the Sanguinesti Region and reminds all that are trapped there of the vampyres' dominance. Castle Drakan cannot be accessed by players (due to the walls that surround it) until partially completing Darkness of Hallowvale quest .
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- Castle Drakan
- Castle Drakan
| - Castle Drakan is the home of Lord Drakan, the vampyre lord of Morytania. Found just north of Meiyerditch, it looms over the Sanguinesti Region and reminds all that are trapped there of the vampyres' dominance. Castle Drakan cannot be accessed by players (due to the walls that surround it) until partially completing Darkness of Hallowvale quest .
- [[Castle Drakan on koti Lord Drakanille, Morytanian vamppyyri johtajalle. Tämän löytää justiinsa pohjoiseen Meiyerditchistä, ja tämä on Sanguinesti regionissa ja kaikki täällä ovat ansaan joutuneita, ja ovat vamppyyrien vallassa.
- Castle Drakan is the home of Lord Drakan, the vampyre lord of Morytania. Found just north of Meiyerditch, it looms over the Sanguinesti region and reminds all that are trapped there of the vampyres' dominance. A number of Vyrewatch Vampyre juveniles can be seen wandering the grounds. The roof of Castle Drakan can currently only be accessed by players during The Lord of Vampyrium. Players also visit the Vampyrium counterpart of the castle during said quest.
- Apart from the Drakans, the huge castle complex is known to provide residence to other members of the vampyric nobility, such as Tenebra and Solomon Lamescus. Werewolf servants from Canifis also reside there. The castle is known to have a dungeon and a library. In the quest Darkness of Hallowvale the player must assist Safalaan Hallow, a member of The Myreque in drawing the castle from the north, west and south. Also, below the castle walls at a certain point of drawing the castle, players see a cutscene with Vanstrom Klause speaking to Lord Drakan's relatives and a vampyre juvinate.
- Castle Drakan is de naam van het kasteel en huis van Lord Drakan, dat ligt in Morytania. Het is te vinden ten noorden van Meiyerditch en ten oosten van Barrows. Voordat Lord Drakan zijn huis van maakte behoorde het kasteel en het gebied tot de koning en koningin van Hallowvale, het gebied dat nu Morytania heet. Toen Zamorak zijn troepen erheen stuurde in de Third Age, versloeg het leger van Zamorak, onder leiding van Lord Drakan het leger van de koning en koningin van Hallowvale. De koning en koningin van Hollowvale behoorden tot de soort Icyene en het verhaal ging dat Lord Drakan de koning gegijzeld had waardoor de koningin zich overgaf met het leger erbij. Sinds die tijd is er niets meer vernomen van een Icyene, behalve in de God Wars Dungeon. Volgens geruchten, zal de koningin nog steed
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| - Castle Drakan is the home of Lord Drakan, the vampyre lord of Morytania. Found just north of Meiyerditch, it looms over the Sanguinesti Region and reminds all that are trapped there of the vampyres' dominance. Castle Drakan cannot be accessed by players (due to the walls that surround it) until partially completing Darkness of Hallowvale quest .
- Apart from the Drakans, the huge castle complex is known to provide residence to other members of the vampyric nobility, such as Tenebra and Solomon Lamescus. Werewolf servants from Canifis also reside there. The castle is known to have a dungeon and a library. In the quest Darkness of Hallowvale the player must assist Safalaan Hallow, a member of The Myreque in drawing the castle from the north, west and south. Also, below the castle walls at a certain point of drawing the castle, players see a cutscene with Vanstrom Klause speaking to Lord Drakan's relatives and a vampyre juvinate. The roof of Castle Drakan can currently only be accessed by players during The Lord of Vampyrium or during and after River of Blood. Players also visit the Vampyrium counterpart of the castle during The Lord of Vampyrium. The cellar of Castle Drakan can be accessed during and after River of Blood, where it is now being used as an ore refinery, for daeyalt ore. Before The Lord of Vampyrium update in 2015 the castle was a cosmetic complex with four, small, individual towers but was later redesigned to just one large tower with the release of The Lord of Vampyrium. There are several methods to reach the roof after River of Blood's completion.
* Players should click on the gates near Sentinel Plaguemanst and select the option to go to the roof. Drakan's medallion teleport to Darkmeyer gets you near the gate.
* Players can use Drakan's medallion to teleport to Meiyerditch or the Meiyerditch Laboratories, go from there to the mines, and push the mine cart of Daeyalt ore to enter the castle. Then make your way up to the roof.
- Castle Drakan is the home of Lord Drakan, the vampyre lord of Morytania. Found just north of Meiyerditch, it looms over the Sanguinesti region and reminds all that are trapped there of the vampyres' dominance. A number of Vyrewatch Vampyre juveniles can be seen wandering the grounds. The roof of Castle Drakan can currently only be accessed by players during The Lord of Vampyrium. Players also visit the Vampyrium counterpart of the castle during said quest. Apart from the Drakans, the huge castle complex is known to provide residence to other members of the vampyric nobility, such as Tenebra and Solomon Lamescus. Werewolf servants from Canifis also reside there. The castle is known to have a dungeon and a library. In the quest Darkness of Hallowvale the player must assist Safalaan Hallow, a member of The Myreque in drawing the castle from the north, west and south. Also, below the castle walls at a certain point of drawing the castle, players see a cutscene with Vanstrom Klause speaking to Lord Drakan's relatives and a vampyre juvinate.
- Castle Drakan is de naam van het kasteel en huis van Lord Drakan, dat ligt in Morytania. Het is te vinden ten noorden van Meiyerditch en ten oosten van Barrows. Voordat Lord Drakan zijn huis van maakte behoorde het kasteel en het gebied tot de koning en koningin van Hallowvale, het gebied dat nu Morytania heet. Toen Zamorak zijn troepen erheen stuurde in de Third Age, versloeg het leger van Zamorak, onder leiding van Lord Drakan het leger van de koning en koningin van Hallowvale. De koning en koningin van Hollowvale behoorden tot de soort Icyene en het verhaal ging dat Lord Drakan de koning gegijzeld had waardoor de koningin zich overgaf met het leger erbij. Sinds die tijd is er niets meer vernomen van een Icyene, behalve in de God Wars Dungeon. Volgens geruchten, zal de koningin nog steeds in het kasteel bevinden, als gevangene van Lord Drakan. Toen Lord Drakan het kasteel veroverd had, maakte hij er een donker kasteel van. Nog nooit hebben spelers de mogelijkheid gehad om het kasteel te betreden. Spelers kunnen het kasteel alleen bekijken vanaf de muur.thumb|Het kasteel op de kaart|400px
- [[Castle Drakan on koti Lord Drakanille, Morytanian vamppyyri johtajalle. Tämän löytää justiinsa pohjoiseen Meiyerditchistä, ja tämä on Sanguinesti regionissa ja kaikki täällä ovat ansaan joutuneita, ja ovat vamppyyrien vallassa.
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