| - (The video opens with Jeffrey walking towards Jesse and Jeff Sr., who are arguing over Jesse's Xbox 360 and job interviews he was supposed to be taking part in) Jesse: Dad! Dad! Jeff Sr.: What is it!? Jeffrey: Shit. Shit. Shit. Jesse: That's my Xbox that you broke! Jeffrey: The fuck's going on over here? Jeff Sr.: Where'd you get it from!? Jesse: I mean, I fixed it today! Jeff Sr.: Yeah, but you were supposed to do job interviews today too, weren't you!? Jesse: Yeah! Yeah! Look at what I'm wearing! I did do it! Jeff Sr.: Yeah! Jesse: I applied! And now I can play video games because I'm going to have a job! Jeff Sr.: (holds the Xbox up to Jesse) Where did you get the money for it!? Jesse: I had money! Birthdays, Christmas! Jeff Sr.: Yeah, that doesn't count! I know you're out of money! Where'd you get the money!? Jesse: Mom... Jeff Sr.: Your mother!? Jesse: Mom gives me money. Jeff Sr.: Your mother gave you money!? Jesse: Yeah. (In a fit of rage, Jeff Sr. throws the Xbox through the back window of Jesse's car, shattering it) Jesse: Dad! DAD! Holy shit! Jeffrey: Holy fuck. Jesse: Dad! Dad! Jeffrey: Holy shit. Jesse: Now how am I gonna go to work, huh!? Huh, how the fuck am I gonna go to work!? Jeffrey: Holy shit. (Jesse notices that Jeffrey is filming him) Jesse: Are you...? Oh, get the fuck out of here! Are you kidding me!? Jeffrey: *chuckles* Jesse: Dad does this and...*stutters*...Dad is- (Out of nowhere, Jeff Sr. starts smashing the car's windows with a metal pipe.) Jesse: Holy shit! What the fuck!? Woah! Jeffrey: Oh my God! Jesse: Dad! (Jesse starts screaming as Jeff Sr. continues to smash the car's windows.) Jesse: Oh! Fuck! Do you realize how dangerous this is!? (Jeff Sr. ignores him and continues smashing the windows, causing Jesse to continue screaming.) Jesse: Fuck! Get me out of here! (Jesse takes his tie off, as Jeff Sr. smashes the remaining windows on the car (save for the windshield) Jesse: Fuck! There's glass everywhere! (Jeff Sr. smashes a brake light, tosses the pipe away, and approaches Jesse) Jeff Sr.: Where's the keys? Jesse: I don't want... Jeff Sr.: Where's the keys!? Jesse: I don't wanna do this anymore! Jeff Sr.: Where's the keys? Jesse: Fucking just take them! (Jesse tosses the keys to his car on the ground and walks away, Jeff Sr. picks them up and starts walking back towards the car) Jesse: (walking towards Jeffrey and unbuttoning his shirt) Fuck! Stop filming this! This isn't entertaining for all you people watching! Fuck! Jeffrey: *laughs* (Jeff Sr. enters the car) Jesse: This cost a lot of money! (Jeff Sr. starts the car) Jesse: DAD! Dad! (Jeff Sr. backs the car up to a pile of firewood) Jesse: What are you doing!? Hey! Dad! (Jesse takes off his shirt) Jesse: I need this! I need this! Fuck! (he throws the shirt on the ground) Jesse: Fuck! What the hell are you doing!? (Jeff Sr. gets out of the car, and picks up a large piece of firewood.) Jesse: Dad!? Dad! (Jeff Sr. slams the firewood against the windshield, heavily denting it.) (Jesse starts screaming) Jeffrey: Oh my God. Jeff Sr.: You're mine! Starting tomorrow, you're mowing lawns, you're gonna make a living! You're mine! Jesse: I don't wanna mow lawns! Jeff Sr.: Tough, you are! Jesse: I don't wanna be your slave! (Jeff Sr. swats his hand at Jesse in disapproval, and starts walking away, while Jesse looks back at his wrecked car) Jesse: Ah...what am I...? (he screams again, and looks at Jeffrey) Jesse: And you...you don't even care! (Jesse walks over to his car and kicks the front of it) Jesse: Fuck! Jeffrey: *laughs* Jesse: And you laugh!? (Jeffrey continues laughing) Jesse: And you laugh! God! (Jesse starts taking his shoes off and throwing them) Jesse: Fucking hate this shit! Fucking clown shoes! (Jesse starts ripping his undershirt) Jesse: Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! (Jesse starts walking towards a puddle) Jeffrey: You gonna get a bath? (Jesse falls into the puddle) Jeffrey: *bursts out laughing* (Jesse starts weeping as Jeffrey continues laughing) Jesse: You think that's funny!? Fucking piece of shit! (Jesse gets out of the puddle and leans against another pile of logs, continuing to weep as he does so) Jeffrey: *laughs* Jesse: (flips the bird at Jeffrey) I fucking hate you! Jeffrey: Adult life! Jesse: You know what? If I'm gonna get my car destroyed...I'm gonna destroy this goddamn camera! COME HERE! (Jesse charges at Jeffrey, causing the video to abruptly end)