| - High was originally titled as High (Five). It was released on November 4th, 2008, all around the world. This song is an uplifting song about doing a great job at something that was a challenge. "You did it, you did it, you pushed yourself, Give me a high five, a high high five. High high high h-high five."
- The act of being high, which is different from being drunk, is when you take some sort of drug and it makes you feel real good inside, even though drugs can taste bad to certain people. A high person, such as King George the CLXXXIX (192nd, or something like that), who was always high, tended to attack people with swords and rocket lauchers, often causing schools to get ripped into millions of pieces, both violently and graphically disturbing. This article is another one of those fucking . You can, and should, dammit, help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- This is the third episode of the season one of The Young Knight.
- Name: High Run Time: 4:30 Year: 2004
- “I was gonna pay my car note until I got high. I was gonna gamble on the boat but then I got high. Now the tow truck is pulling away and I know why, because I got high.” ~ Afroman
- Getting "high" on drugs. Since drugs are a major theme in The Hold Steady's music (see Category: Drug References), this word figures into many of their songs, often in certain forms.
- To be high or not to be high. That is the question. - Shakespeare High also known as being Stoned.
- High was the Norwegian entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 2004 in Istanbul performed by Knut Anders Sørum. Because of Norway's 4th-place finish in 2003, under the new rules it was not required to participate in the semifinal. In the final, it was performed 3rd following Austria and preceding France. At the close of voting, it finished in last place with 3 points (which all came from Sweden) thus requiring Norway to participate in the semifinal in 2005.
- Being High, is reaching the peak of human existence. All human achievement, on the philisophical level, is due to people getting stoned. Some musicians are geniuses, and they all got stoned. Coincidence? Look at Albert Einstein and tell me he wasn't stoned all the time. Albert Einstein is among Plato, Socrates, Confucious, Aristotle, and Galelao, as one of the more brilliant minds to grace the Earth. All those men came up with radical ideas that changed history. Those ideas all went against everything the world thought during their time. Rebellious behavior. All their ideas seem normal now, but in their own time they were like the rambling of madmen, they were ridiculous. Stoners today come up with ways to radically change the course of history, all the time. During the sixties, when Weed
- “So, basically, I asked Jen out... guess what she said?” My friend rolled his eyes. “We were all high that night, Jason. Yes?” “Hell, YES!" to quote her exact words. Does it matter, though? We’re in a relationship now, Aaron, a freakin’ relationship!” I twisted the laptop around to prove my point. Aaron stared at it. “Tell me you didn’t just update your relationship status on Facebook.” “Heck yeah I did.” Aaron sighed. “Listen, Jason, she’s already dating someone.” I was rendered speechless for ten seconds straight. “No way.” “Shit?” “Jason?” “Sure.” “Jason?” Aaron stammered. “‘Scuse me?”
| - High was originally titled as High (Five). It was released on November 4th, 2008, all around the world. This song is an uplifting song about doing a great job at something that was a challenge. "You did it, you did it, you pushed yourself, Give me a high five, a high high five. High high high h-high five."
- The act of being high, which is different from being drunk, is when you take some sort of drug and it makes you feel real good inside, even though drugs can taste bad to certain people. A high person, such as King George the CLXXXIX (192nd, or something like that), who was always high, tended to attack people with swords and rocket lauchers, often causing schools to get ripped into millions of pieces, both violently and graphically disturbing. This article is another one of those fucking . You can, and should, dammit, help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- This is the third episode of the season one of The Young Knight.
- Name: High Run Time: 4:30 Year: 2004
- “So, basically, I asked Jen out... guess what she said?” My friend rolled his eyes. “We were all high that night, Jason. Yes?” “Hell, YES!" to quote her exact words. Does it matter, though? We’re in a relationship now, Aaron, a freakin’ relationship!” I twisted the laptop around to prove my point. Aaron stared at it. “Tell me you didn’t just update your relationship status on Facebook.” “Heck yeah I did.” Aaron sighed. “Listen, Jason, she’s already dating someone.” I was rendered speechless for ten seconds straight. “No way.” “Yes way, Jason. Look, everyone was high that night. You seriously expect to believe a high person in a party?” “Well, at least it’s a start. Hey, did I tell you about the stuff I saw that night?” “Shit?” An old man sitting across from us looked up to greet the waiter that brought his meal. His eyes then shifted to us. Looking back at his food, he mumbled the stuff an old guy would mumble to ‘those college guys’, then promptly picked up his fork, and stabbed the steak. “Jason?” I shifted my attention back to Aaron. “You want to hear the story?” “Sure.” “So, basically, when we were alone in the dining room, cleaning up after everyone got knocked out, I heard some scratching from the front door. Then a pair of red eyes staring through the window. Then a triple rainbow. Just kidding.” I saw Aaron’s shoulders, which had been hunched up before, loosen up a little. I went on. “But, the eyes? Personal experience, man,” I thumped my chest, studying the forehead of Aaron, which was glistening with sweat all of a sudden. “Personal experience. Nice story, huh?” Aaron looked scared. He usually wasn’t scared. I looked behind him again, at the old man. He was almost done gobbling up his steak. “Jason?” Aaron stammered. “‘Scuse me?” “Did you take lots of crack?” “Well, not reall-” “I don’t think you were high, man.” “What are you saying?” As Aaron went on his rant about the hallucinations of crack, my vision just seemed to float back to the old man. He waved for the bill, his red eyes glistening under the chandelier that was hanging above him. After he paid the bill, he got up and left. “Jason, I’m scared.” Aaron was shaking real bad. My vision rested back to Aaron, but not until noticing the peculiarly sharp fingernails of the old man.
- “I was gonna pay my car note until I got high. I was gonna gamble on the boat but then I got high. Now the tow truck is pulling away and I know why, because I got high.” ~ Afroman
- Being High, is reaching the peak of human existence. All human achievement, on the philisophical level, is due to people getting stoned. Some musicians are geniuses, and they all got stoned. Coincidence? Look at Albert Einstein and tell me he wasn't stoned all the time. Albert Einstein is among Plato, Socrates, Confucious, Aristotle, and Galelao, as one of the more brilliant minds to grace the Earth. All those men came up with radical ideas that changed history. Those ideas all went against everything the world thought during their time. Rebellious behavior. All their ideas seem normal now, but in their own time they were like the rambling of madmen, they were ridiculous. Stoners today come up with ways to radically change the course of history, all the time. During the sixties, when Weed and acid was EVERYWHERE, there was a small revolution in the nation, that changed the course of history. Since then, harder drugs have taken control of people and weed is less common.
- Getting "high" on drugs. Since drugs are a major theme in The Hold Steady's music (see Category: Drug References), this word figures into many of their songs, often in certain forms.
- To be high or not to be high. That is the question. - Shakespeare High also known as being Stoned.
- High was the Norwegian entry at the Eurovision Song Contest 2004 in Istanbul performed by Knut Anders Sørum. Because of Norway's 4th-place finish in 2003, under the new rules it was not required to participate in the semifinal. In the final, it was performed 3rd following Austria and preceding France. At the close of voting, it finished in last place with 3 points (which all came from Sweden) thus requiring Norway to participate in the semifinal in 2005.