| - * "I believe the difference between those up there and me is the question of whether you have given up or not."
* "Pick me please! If you just pick me, I'll do anything! If you tell me to bark like a dog, I'll bark! If you tell me to lick, I'll lick! Just pick me!"
* "It's alright, you crybaby. If I fail, I can just retake the test. What do you take me for? The fact that you have something to protect... you're already a great man, Nia. Even without climbing the Tower, I think you found your true self, here. You've now graduated from being my mentee. Congratulations, Nia. You're such a kind boy, really."
* "The one who beats down the bad guy is not a good guy, but an even worse guy. You… aren’t you the worst guy in this Tower? So why don’t you go punish that pathetically evil guy with me."
* "Even if everyone laughs at me and tells me it’s impossible! Even if I fail the tests thousands of times! Even if I’m betrayed and forgotten! I will never give up!"
* "Because... I, too, want to be forgiven... In order to climb the Tower... Ignoring people on the verge of death, tricking people, killing people... I realised him and I wasn't that different after all. From now on... I couldn't imagine how many more people I might be killing after him... So... That's why..."
* "If I was your friend, I don't think I'll regret it even if I were to die for you. Friend."
* "Those guys... messed with the wrong guy. Viole doesn't enjoy fighting, but if he thinks he see's the need to fight, he becomes frightening."
* "Akraptor.. I'm actually an extremely remarkable person. Although I can't tell you right now.. I'll definitely tell you someday. What kind of person I am.."
* "And just don't forget this one thing as we are climbing the tower together. Someday, without a doubt.. I will make you pay the price for killing Arkraptor!!."
* "Don't get me wrong. I was insulting you, not complimenting you. All I wanted to know is why a nice kid like Viole would be following you around."