He had a great love of warfare and regretted his race did not fight in the Last Great Time War, which he considered the universe's greatest war. He forged an alliance with Luke Rattigan to aid the Sontaran conquest of Earth. He had an ambition to personally kill the Tenth Doctor on meeting him. (TV: The Sontaran Stratagem) Rejecting the Doctor's offer to let him leave Earth alone or be incinerated, Staal mocked him. He and all but one of his troops were then killed by Luke, who gave his life to destroy the flagship. (TV: The Poison Sky)
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| - General Staal, genannt der Unbesiegte, ist ein Sontaraner der 10. Sontaranischen Kampf-Flotte, der im Jahr 2009 versucht, die Atmosphäre der Erde zu verändern und so aus ihr einen neuen Klonplaneten für sein Volk zu machen. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Gegenspieler des Doctors Kategorie:Anführer Kategorie:Mörder Kategorie:Außerirdische Kategorie:Sontaraner Kategorie:Tot
- He had a great love of warfare and regretted his race did not fight in the Last Great Time War, which he considered the universe's greatest war. He forged an alliance with Luke Rattigan to aid the Sontaran conquest of Earth. He had an ambition to personally kill the Tenth Doctor on meeting him. (TV: The Sontaran Stratagem) Rejecting the Doctor's offer to let him leave Earth alone or be incinerated, Staal mocked him. He and all but one of his troops were then killed by Luke, who gave his life to destroy the flagship. (TV: The Poison Sky)
- In the mirror universe, Staal was a male Vulcan in the 22nd century. Early in life, Staal had undergone cosmetic surgery to appear human (a process known as "species reassignment"), and had taken the human alias "Willingham" in order to better integrate into the Imperial Starfleet. As an ensign aboard the ISS Enterprise (NX-01), he managed to pass undetected until 2153, when his true nature was discovered by Commander T'Pol. In a mind-meld just prior to death, Staal also admitted to having killed T'Pol's mother, T'Les, at T'Pau's command. (ENT - Mirror Universe novel: Age of the Empress)
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| - In the mirror universe, Staal was a male Vulcan in the 22nd century. Early in life, Staal had undergone cosmetic surgery to appear human (a process known as "species reassignment"), and had taken the human alias "Willingham" in order to better integrate into the Imperial Starfleet. As an ensign aboard the ISS Enterprise (NX-01), he managed to pass undetected until 2153, when his true nature was discovered by Commander T'Pol. T'Pol opted to keep Staal's secret, believing he could be of use as an ally. This proved true in 2155, when T'Pol was arrested for attempted mutiny against Captain Jonathan Archer, and Staal helped affect her release from the brig. Staal and T'Pol then escaped the USS Defiant aboard the shuttle McCool, fleeing together to planet Vulcan. On Vulcan, Staal and T'Pol connected with a cell of rebels against the Terran Empire led by T'Pau. However, when T'Pau began to doubt T'Pol's loyalty to their cause, she charged Staal with killing T'Pol. T'Pol was able to repel his assault, and instead killed Staal herself. In a mind-meld just prior to death, Staal also admitted to having killed T'Pol's mother, T'Les, at T'Pau's command. (ENT - Mirror Universe novel: Age of the Empress) It is unknown if Staal has a counterpart in the primary universe.
- General Staal, genannt der Unbesiegte, ist ein Sontaraner der 10. Sontaranischen Kampf-Flotte, der im Jahr 2009 versucht, die Atmosphäre der Erde zu verändern und so aus ihr einen neuen Klonplaneten für sein Volk zu machen. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Gegenspieler des Doctors Kategorie:Anführer Kategorie:Mörder Kategorie:Außerirdische Kategorie:Sontaraner Kategorie:Tot
- He had a great love of warfare and regretted his race did not fight in the Last Great Time War, which he considered the universe's greatest war. He forged an alliance with Luke Rattigan to aid the Sontaran conquest of Earth. He had an ambition to personally kill the Tenth Doctor on meeting him. (TV: The Sontaran Stratagem) Staal remained in the Sontaran flagship when he ordered his subordinate Skorr to attack UNIT. He was contacted by the Doctor shortly after claiming the Doctor's TARDIS as his trophy. After his plan of turning Earth into a cloning planet for more troops failed, he furiously decided to destroy Earth by force. Rejecting the Doctor's offer to let him leave Earth alone or be incinerated, Staal mocked him. He and all but one of his troops were then killed by Luke, who gave his life to destroy the flagship. (TV: The Poison Sky)
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