Ricardo "Rico" Tubbs (played by Jamie Foxx, b. 1973) is a Detective of the Miami-Dade Police Department and an undercover detective in the Organized Crime Bureau - Vice Division in the film adaptation of the Miami Vice television series. Tubbs is urbane, smart and level-headed, although occasionally prone to somewhat reckless outbursts of violence, particularly when confronted with the abuse of women. In a significant departure from the television series, he is in a long-term relationship with Bronx-born intelligence analyst Trudy Joplin, who he lives with. He is also qualified to fly light aircraft. He is the partner of Metro-Dade Detective James "Sonny" Crockett.
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| - Ricardo "Rico" Tubbs (Film)
| - Ricardo "Rico" Tubbs (played by Jamie Foxx, b. 1973) is a Detective of the Miami-Dade Police Department and an undercover detective in the Organized Crime Bureau - Vice Division in the film adaptation of the Miami Vice television series. Tubbs is urbane, smart and level-headed, although occasionally prone to somewhat reckless outbursts of violence, particularly when confronted with the abuse of women. In a significant departure from the television series, he is in a long-term relationship with Bronx-born intelligence analyst Trudy Joplin, who he lives with. He is also qualified to fly light aircraft. He is the partner of Metro-Dade Detective James "Sonny" Crockett.
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| - Detective, Metro-Dade Organized Crime Bureau-Vice Division
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| - In a relationship with Trudy Joplin
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| - Ricardo "Rico" Tubbs (played by Jamie Foxx, b. 1973) is a Detective of the Miami-Dade Police Department and an undercover detective in the Organized Crime Bureau - Vice Division in the film adaptation of the Miami Vice television series. Tubbs is urbane, smart and level-headed, although occasionally prone to somewhat reckless outbursts of violence, particularly when confronted with the abuse of women. In a significant departure from the television series, he is in a long-term relationship with Bronx-born intelligence analyst Trudy Joplin, who he lives with. He is also qualified to fly light aircraft. He is the partner of Metro-Dade Detective James "Sonny" Crockett.