| - The show first premiered on March 7, 1973 and was based on the Martin Caidin novel "Cyborg" (which was the working title of the series during pre-production). Following three television pilot movies (which all aired in 1973), "The Six Million Dollar Man" began airing as a regular TV series on January 18, 1974. The show also produced a spin-off series, The Bionic Woman, starring Lindsay Wagner. On March 6, 1978, the show ended after 5 seasons and 101 episodes.
- The Six Million Dollar Man var en populär tv-serie på 1970s på Jorden. Under 2001, en av Doktor Peter Tanners män använde aliaset "Steve Austin," som var namnet på huvudpersonen som spelas av Lee Majors. (SG1: "Wormhole X-Treme!") Under 2008, Doktor Meredith Rodney McKay använt raden "Vi har teknologin" vid införandet av nanite skapande maskin. Denna linje är en referens till öppningsinformationen på The Six Million Dollar Man. (ATL: "Be All My Sins Remember'd")
- The Six Million Dollar Man was among the 20th century Earth television shows broadcast by Reef Station One in the New Earth Republic during the 101st century. (PROSE: Synthespians™)
- The Six Million Dollar Man is a Sci-Fi movie.
- The Six Million Dollar Man is published by Dynamite Entertainment. Price per issue is $3.99.
- The Six Million Dollar Man was a television series that ran from 1973 to 1978, chronicling the adventures of Steve Austin, American astronaut turned bionic superhero.
- One of the longest running strips in the comics history, The Six Million Dollar Man was also based on one of the most popular programmes in the seventies. Centred around the exploits of Steve Austin, an astronaut who, whilst on re-entry from a space shot, crashes and barely survives. He is taken to a government facility, and his shattered body is given a host of replacement 'Bionic' parts, (Two legs, an arm and an eye) enabling him to to have speed, super strength and super vision. He becomes government property and is sent on a host of missions for the OSI (Office of Strategic Investigations), but strangely in Look-in it was always the OSO (Office of Strategic Operations), headed by Oscar Goldman. The strips in comparison to the series were very different. A lot of them were quite unbelie
- The Six Million Dollar Man was a popular television series in the 1970s on Earth. When android O'Neill and Colonel Jack O'Neill meet up on P3X-729, and the original O'Neill asks, "What's that mean?" in response to android O'Neill's claim that he does the job better, android O'Neill says, "Better? It means BET-TER, stronger, faster. (SG1: "Double Jeopardy") In 2001, one of Dr. Peter Tanner's men used the alias "Steve Austin," which was the name of the main character played by Lee Majors. (SG1: "Wormhole X-Treme!")
- The Six Million Dollar Man is an American television series about a cyborg working for the OSI starring Lee Majors as Steve Austin. The show was based on the novel Cyborg by Martin Caidin. It was initially aired on the ABC network for five seasons between 1974 to 1978, following three television pilot movies in 1973. The series spawned a spinoff, The Bionic Woman, in 1976 and was also the subject of three made-for-television reunion films in the 1980s and 90s.
- When astronaut Steve Austin is severely injured in the crash of an experimental lifting body aircraft, he is "rebuilt" in an operation that costs six million dollars. His right arm, both legs and the left eye are replaced with "bionic" implants that enhance his strength, speed and vision far above human norms: he can run at speeds of mph (), and his eye has a 20:1 zoom lens and infrared capabilities, while his bionic limbs all have the equivalent power of a bulldozer. He uses his enhanced abilities to work for the OSI (Office of Scientific Intelligence) as a secret agent.