| - William Travis is a British actor from Leigh, Greater Manchester. Studying at Butts CE Primary, Bedford High School and Salford College of Technology, he began his acting career in 1991. He has appeared on Coronation Street in three roles:
* Vince - who along with friend Don - started work on building a smoking shelter in the yard of the Rovers between March and April 2008
* Sergeant Major Partridge, who called at 6 Coronation Street on the hunt for absent soldier Gary Windass between April and May 2010
* Neil Beckett, the husband of Andrea, appearing between June and September 2014.
- thumb|Eine Spielfigur von William Travis. William Travis ist ein Soldat in der Schlacht von Alamo im Jahr 1836. Als Doktor Julian Bashir und Chief Miles O'Brien die Ereignisse um die Schlacht 2375 in ihrem holografischen Alamoprogramm nachspielen, verkörpert Bashir Travis und versucht den Nordwall des Alamo gegen die mexikanische Übermacht zu verteidigen. (DS9: , ) Als O'Brien und Bashir mit dem Gehirn von Agent Luther Sloan verbunden sind und Bashir die Verbindung nicht lösen kann, will O'Brien weiter nach dem Heilmittel suchen und seine Pflicht tun, wie Travis und Davy Crockett. (DS9: )
- In 1836, Colonels Travis, Crockett, and Bowie, along with 188 Texian soldiers fortified the Alamo, an old Spanish mission in preparation for an attack from several thousand Mexican troops led by General Santa Anna. After a thirteen day siege, Santa Anna attacked the mission on 6 March. Despite a heroic effort by Travis and his troops, Santa Anna would ultimately be victorious in eliminating all of the Texian rebels in what history would later remember as the Battle of the Alamo.
| - In 1836, Colonels Travis, Crockett, and Bowie, along with 188 Texian soldiers fortified the Alamo, an old Spanish mission in preparation for an attack from several thousand Mexican troops led by General Santa Anna. After a thirteen day siege, Santa Anna attacked the mission on 6 March. Despite a heroic effort by Travis and his troops, Santa Anna would ultimately be victorious in eliminating all of the Texian rebels in what history would later remember as the Battle of the Alamo. In 1960, the Battle of the Alamo was depicted in the movie titled The Alamo. Actor Laurence Harvey portrayed the role of Travis. (DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang") In 2374, a holosuite program recreating the battle was designed by Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir aboard Deep Space 9. Bashir was to play the role of Travis; O'Brien the role of Crockett. (DS9: "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night", "Afterimage") After experiencing the battle, Bashir and O'Brien got into a heated discussion on the finer points of the battle in Quark's. One issue addressed was Travis's "line in the dirt". Bashir argued on the contrary of what he believed O'Brien's stance would be, regarding how there was no evidence that Travis didn't draw the line in the dirt. Bashir, however, argued that there was a great deal of evidence to suggest that the story was invented. (DS9: "Once More Unto the Breach") O'Brien built a scale model of the Alamo complete with miniature figurines. The Travis figurine was later lost and O'Brien blamed Bashir, but he eventually found it in his quarters as he packed to leave the station for his new role of Professor of Engineering at Starfleet Academy. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil", "What You Leave Behind") In "What You Leave Behind" , Damar was chosen as the first recurring character to die, as Casey Biggs had played Travis in the 1988 IMAX film directed by Kieth Merrill, Alamo: The Price of Freedom, and Travis was the first to die at the Battle of the Alamo. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion)
- thumb|Eine Spielfigur von William Travis. William Travis ist ein Soldat in der Schlacht von Alamo im Jahr 1836. Als Doktor Julian Bashir und Chief Miles O'Brien die Ereignisse um die Schlacht 2375 in ihrem holografischen Alamoprogramm nachspielen, verkörpert Bashir Travis und versucht den Nordwall des Alamo gegen die mexikanische Übermacht zu verteidigen. (DS9: , ) Es gelingt den Gegnern jedoch immer wieder, das Alamo zu stürmen, woraufhin Bashir einige Veränderungen am Programm vornehmen will. Um ihre Taktiken für den Kampf besser zu planen, baut O'Brien einige Stunden an einem Modell des Alamo. An diesem plant Bashir den Südwall und den Nordwall zu verstärken, Kanonen bei den Baracken aufstellen und einen Graben um das Alamo zu ziehen. Doch O'Brien meint, dass es dann nicht mehr das Alamo wäre und der Doktor, wenn er wirklich gewinnen will, einfach die Rolle von Santa Anna übernehmen soll. Wenig später verliert Bashir die Figur des Travis und O'Brien ist etwas verärgert darüber. (DS9: ) Als O'Brien und Bashir mit dem Gehirn von Agent Luther Sloan verbunden sind und Bashir die Verbindung nicht lösen kann, will O'Brien weiter nach dem Heilmittel suchen und seine Pflicht tun, wie Travis und Davy Crockett. (DS9: ) Ende des Jahres verlässt O'Brien Deep Space 9, um auf der Erde als Professor für Ingenieurswesen auf der Akademie der Sternenflotte zu arbeiten. Beim Verlassen seines Quartiers findet O'Brien die Figur des Travis wieder. (DS9: ) William Travis kommt bei der Schlacht von Alamo ums Leben.
- William Travis is a British actor from Leigh, Greater Manchester. Studying at Butts CE Primary, Bedford High School and Salford College of Technology, he began his acting career in 1991. He has appeared on Coronation Street in three roles:
* Vince - who along with friend Don - started work on building a smoking shelter in the yard of the Rovers between March and April 2008
* Sergeant Major Partridge, who called at 6 Coronation Street on the hunt for absent soldier Gary Windass between April and May 2010
* Neil Beckett, the husband of Andrea, appearing between June and September 2014. His other credits include roles in The Bill, Monsignor Renard, Where the Heart Is, The Second Coming, Between the Sheets, Holby City, No Angels, Dalziel and Pascoe, Blue Murder, Torchwood, Shameless, The Street, The Royal, Casualty, The Syndicate, Doctors and Accused. Alongside fellow actress Susan McArdle, he co-founded the LittleBig Theatre Workshop in Urmston, which reopened in September 2012.