| - The welcome the X-Men get from Forge is not altogether friendly, as they learn what he’s been up to. Trying to break the M-Day effect, he created artificial mutants – horrible freaks – and in addition he has an active Ghost Box. Agitated, Forge explains that he became aware of the threat long before the X-Men did. Now with the X-Men here, he can activate the Ghost Box, so both they and his New Mutants can fight the annexers. While he argues over the plan with the X-Men, whose powers are suppressed by an inhibitor, Armor receives a phone call from Abigail Brand, with whom Armor has been sharing everything that is happening via Twitter. Via Armor, Forge is told Brand has a two-zettawatt cannon pointed at Wundagore, though he decides to go ahead anyway. At this point, Wolverine figures out Forge has hidden the inhibitor in his artificial leg and slashes it apart, but not before Forge activates the Ghost Box and orders his New Mutants to attack the X-Men. While the others fight, Storm asks Forge to come with them, as he will die otherwise. However, Forge tells her in no uncertain words he’d prefer death over being belittled by her again. Realizing he is lost to her, Storm uses her weather powers to blow the New Mutants away, enabling the X-Men to flee. Beast tosses Armor’s phone onto the Ghost Box, telling Brand to aim for the phone. They reach the jet just as some kind of Sentinel-like being reaches out of the Ghost Box. Moments after they have left Wundagore, Brand’s spacegun blows it sky-high. Beast muses about what he did, namely allowing the Brand’s weapon to devastate part of the annexers’ world, as he had to take the chance that Forge was right. He and Cyclops muse on growing up, as they fly back home.