| - In 1787, a treaty was signed between the Mississauga Indians and the British, who thereby purchased the land on which the city of Toronto would later be built. In "Blackwing", Javier Vachon was actually there as one of the representatives of the Mississauga Nation; and, in that capacity, he signed the treaty himself. However, the Mississauga signatories were ambushed and killed on their way back home; and their copy of the treaty was lost.
| - In 1787, a treaty was signed between the Mississauga Indians and the British, who thereby purchased the land on which the city of Toronto would later be built. In "Blackwing", Javier Vachon was actually there as one of the representatives of the Mississauga Nation; and, in that capacity, he signed the treaty himself. However, the Mississauga signatories were ambushed and killed on their way back home; and their copy of the treaty was lost. In 1995, Robinson Developers plan to build the world's largest shopping mall—a plan that is opposed by the Mississauga, who take them to court. The only evidence that the land is actually theirs is the lost treaty. Gary Blackwing claims to have a copy; but, when he is murdered, it cannot be found. Without it, there is no proof of the claim that can stand up in court. The murder of Gary Blackwing is investigated by Vachon's friend, Det. Tracy Vetter and her partner, Nick Knight. Tracy is surprised to learn that Javier Vachon strongly supports the Mississauga in their claim for compensation; but she has doubts about his story that he was there when the treaty was signed. However, when she and her partner finally discover the place where Blackwater had hidden the treaty, Tracy is able to see that the name "J. Vachon" is indeed on the parchment.