| - Glendaven looks about apprehensively. He looks to have fallen on hard times, well before being captured in battle.
- "It might be best to forgive this merchant by the grace of the Mother, my [lord/lady]. The life of a merchant is difficult in many ways."
- "We'll show mercy to this merchant, but shall also punish him for trading with slavers."
- "If w-we allow all m-merchants to deal with slavers, my [lord/lady], the p-practice of slavery may resume in W-Westeros in due c-course."
- "As a merchant once, would I not choose coin over personal loyalties most days?"
- "What should I do with an old friend falls so low as to trade with slaver scum, Groat?"
- "Were it me, my [lord/lady], I'd take the opportunity to execute the poor wretch, and take his estate. The ban on slavery in these lands is quite clear."
- "He may be a friend, but he also dealt with slavers. Should I let the man go, Alvyn?"
- "We'll send a sworn sword to execute the merchant and claim his wealth."
- "We send someone to free the merchant, and allow him to continue as a trade partner."
- "My [lord/lady], a former merchant friend of yours has been caught dealing with your slaver enemies during a recent battle. He begs your mercy."