| - This page collects what is known about the Language of the Jaghut and tries to provide translations and speculation based on the examples of the language as given in the books. Note: there might be spoilers in the list below.
* Estideein eleint - said by the Jaghut Tyrant, Raest, while fighting Silanah (aka 'Red Dragon') and several Tiste Andii Soletaken Eleint ('Eleint' are Dragons) outside Darujhistan.
* Omtose Phellack - the Jaghut Warren in the SE novel "Forge of Darkness", which was also the name of their 'city' in the time of ancient Kharkanas.
* Verdith'anath - (aka the 'Bridge of Death') an entrance to the Jaghut underworld/realm of the dead mentioned by Ganath, a Jaghut sorceress. Predated Hood's Warren. It is not known if 'Bridge of Death' is a translation of 'Verdith'anath' or is an alternative name. Note the similarity to 'Ganath'.
* Urquall Jaghuthan taezmalas. - said by Feather Witch (a Letherii slave of the Tiste Edur) during a reading by her of the Tiles of the Holds. Seemingly, it had something to do with all of the Jaghut being dead and/or absent in the 'Ice Hold'.
* Nachts - Jaghut creations and/or modifications of Bhokarala.
* Azath edieirmarn - said by the Jaghut Tyrant, Raest, as he was trapped by the Darujhistan Azath House, Finnest House. (It is unclear if this was a Jaghut phrase, a nearly identical Tiste phrase, or even some other language as it was also used by the Tiste Andii, Korlat, who added the words, 'Pillars of Innocence' after saying it).