| - Clinohedrite is a rare silicate mineral. Its chemical composition is a hydrous calclium-zinc silicate; CaZnSiO4·H2O. It crystallizes in the monoclinic system and typically occurs as veinlets and fracture coatings. It is commonly colorless, white to pale amethyst in color. It has perfect cleavage and a brilliant luster. It has a Mohs hardness of 5.5 and a specific gravity of 3.28 - 3.33. Under SW ultraviolet light it fluoresces a rich orange color. It is frequently associated with minerals such as hardystonite (fluoresces purple), esperite (fluoresces bright yellow), calcite (fluoresces orange-red), franklinite (non-fluorescent) and willemite (fluoresces green). Clinohedrite is found primarily at the Franklin and Sterling Hill mines in Franklin, New Jersey, but has also been reported from the Christmas mine, Gila County, Arizona. It was first described in 1898 and was named for its crystal morphology from the Greek klino for incline, and hedra for face.