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  • TibiaWiki:Tools/Lightbearer Basin Monitor/Code.js
  • /* File:Lock Icon.png This page is protected to prevent harmful edits. Contact an administrator if you want to suggest changes to the page. If you think this page should be unprotected, then use {{unprotect}} on the talk page. */ /*jslint browser: true, devel: true*/ (function (window) { "use strict"; /* Utilities */ function proxy(fn, ctx, arg) { return function () { fn.call(ctx, arg); }; } function addClass(e, cls) { var out = e.className + " " + cls; e.className = out.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, ); } function removeClass(e, cls) { var out = e.className.replace(new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + cls + "(\\s|$)"), " "); e.className = out; } function arrayIsEqual(arr1, arr2) { // Determine if arr1 is arr2 for all
  • /* File:Lock Icon.png This page is protected to prevent harmful edits. Contact an administrator if you want to suggest changes to the page. If you think this page should be unprotected, then use {{unprotect}} on the talk page. */ /*jslint browser: true, devel: true*/ (function (window) { "use strict"; /* Utilities */ function proxy(fn, ctx, arg) { return function () { fn.call(ctx, arg); }; } function addClass(e, cls) { var out = e.className + " " + cls; e.className = out.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, ); } function removeClass(e, cls) { var out = e.className.replace(new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + cls + "(\\s|$)"), " "); e.className = out; } function arrayIsEqual(arr1, arr2) { // Determine if arr1 is arr2 for all elements var i, len = arr1.length; if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) { return false; } for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) { return false; } } return true; } function copyArray(arr) { var ret = [], i, len = arr.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { ret[i] = arr[i]; } return ret; } /* QueryString */ function QueryStringParameter(name, value) { this.name = name; this.value = value; } QueryStringParameter.prototype.set = function (value) { this.value = value; }; QueryStringParameter.prototype.toString = function () { if (this.name === undefined) { throw new Error("QueryStringParameter has no name."); } return this.name + "=" + (this.value || ""); }; function QueryString(q) { this.push.apply(this, QueryString.parse(q)); } QueryString.prototype.push = Array.prototype.push; QueryString.prototype.length = 0; QueryString.parse = function (str) { var qString, i, len, fpos, ret = [], cParam, cParamName, cParamValue; if (typeof str !== 'string') { return ret; } qString = str.substr(1); qString = qString.split("&"); for (i = 0, len = qString.length; i < len; i += 1) { cParam = qString[i]; fpos = cParam.indexOf('='); cParamName = cParam.substr(0, fpos); cParamValue = cParam.substr(fpos + 1); ret.push(new QueryStringParameter(cParamName, cParamValue)); } return ret; }; QueryString.prototype.toString = function () { var ret = '?', i, arr = [], len; for (i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i += 1) { arr.push(String(this[i])); } ret += arr.join('&'); return ret; }; QueryString.prototype.get = function (p) { var i, len = this.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { if (this[i].name === p) { return this[i]; } } return; }; QueryString.prototype.getValue = function (p) { var queryParam = this.get(p); if (queryParam) { return queryParam.value; } return; }; QueryString.prototype.set = function (p, v) { var queryParam = this.get(p); if (queryParam === undefined) { queryParam = new QueryStringParameter(p); this.push(queryParam); } queryParam.set(v); }; QueryString.prototype.eq = function (p, v) { var queryParam = this.get(p); return queryParam && queryParam.value === v; }; QueryString.prototype.neq = function (p, v) { return !this.eq(p, v); }; /* BasinMonitor */ function Basin(e) { // Basin data container this.container = e; this.timeElement = e.children[0]; this.history = []; this.timeLit = 0; this.active = false; // set time to now - 2h this.setTime(+new Date() - Basin.TIME_FILL); } // Statics used for calculations Basin.TIME_SEC = 1000; Basin.TIME_MIN = 60 * Basin.TIME_SEC; Basin.TIME_HR = 60 * Basin.TIME_MIN; Basin.TIME_FILL = 2 * Basin.TIME_HR; Basin.pad = function (subj, str, len) { subj = String(subj); str = String(str); while (subj.length < len) { subj = str + subj; } return subj; }; Basin.prototype.getTimestamp = function (mins) { var timeStr = []; // Push hours, minutes and convert to string with colon separator timeStr.push(Basin.pad(Math.floor(mins / 60), "0", 1)); timeStr.push(Basin.pad(mins % 60, "0", 2)); timeStr = timeStr.join(":"); return timeStr; }; Basin.prototype.displayTime = function () { var timeElement = this.timeElement, timestamp = this.getTimestamp(this.getMinutes()); if (this.timestamp !== timestamp) { while (timeElement.lastChild !== null) { timeElement.removeChild(timeElement.lastChild); } timeElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(timestamp)); this.timestamp = timestamp; } return true; }; Basin.prototype.isActive = function () { return !!this.active; }; Basin.prototype.setActive = function () { if (!this.active) { this.active = true; return true; } return false; }; Basin.prototype.clearActive = function () { if (this.active) { this.active = false; return true; } return false; }; Basin.prototype.getMinutes = function () { // Return the number of minutes until the basin expires var tExpiry, tDiff; tExpiry = this.timeLit + Basin.TIME_FILL; tDiff = (tExpiry - +new Date()); return Math.max(0, Math.floor(tDiff / Basin.TIME_MIN)); }; Basin.prototype.setTime = function (t) { this.history.push(t); this.timeLit = t; }; Basin.prototype.getTime = function () { return (this.timeLit + Basin.TIME_FILL) - +new Date(); }; Basin.states = [ // 90 <= x <= 120 70, // 60 <= x < 90 40, // 30 <= x < 60 20, // 15 <= x < 30 10, // 0 <= x < 15 0 ]; Basin.stateNames = [ 'lb-01', 'lb-02', 'lb-03', 'lb-04', 'lb-05' ]; Basin.prototype.setState = function (i) { var pState = this.state; this.state = i; removeClass(this.container, Basin.stateNames[pState]); addClass(this.container, Basin.stateNames[this.state]); return true; }; Basin.prototype.updateState = function () { var time = this.getMinutes(), states = Basin.states, i, len = states.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { if (time >= states[i]) { if (this.state === i) { return false; } this.setState(i); return true; } } return true; }; Basin.prototype.update = function () { this.displayTime(); this.updateState(); }; function BasinMonitor(basinContainer) { this.container = basinContainer; // Update tick for scheduling updates this.tick = 0; // Basin name/id mapping this.names = []; // Query string for the current state this.query = new QueryString(); this.query.set("use_query", "1"); // None start as active this.active = -1; // Add the basins (not reusable) // TODO make reusable this.addBasin("Svargrond", "basin-svargrond"); this.addBasin("PlainsOfHavoc", "basin-plainsofhavoc"); this.addBasin("ForbiddenLands", "basin-forbiddenlands"); this.addBasin("Kazordoon", "basin-kazordoon"); this.addBasin("Ramoa", "basin-ramoa"); this.addBasin("Edron", "basin-edron"); this.addBasin("Drefia", "basin-drefia"); this.addBasin("Hellgate", "basin-hellgate"); this.addBasin("Tarpit", "basin-tarpit"); this.addBasin("Yalahar", "basin-yalahar"); // Container for time input, only 1 can be active at once this.timeInputElementContainer = document.createElement("div"); this.timeInputElementContainer.className = "lb-input-container"; this.timeInputElement = document.createElement("input"); this.timeInputElementContainer.appendChild(this.timeInputElement); this.timeInputElementContainer.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" minutes ago")); // Basin tools (link to share) this.basinTools = document.getElementById("basin-tools"); // Static URL description this.staticurlDescription = document.createElement("span"); this.staticurlDescription.className = "static-url-desc"; this.staticurlDescription.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Share these times:")); // Static URL output this.staticurl = document.createElement("input"); this.staticurl.id = "basin-tools-url"; this.staticurl.readonly = "readonly"; // Add to container this.basinTools.appendChild(this.staticurlDescription); this.basinTools.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); this.basinTools.appendChild(this.staticurl); } BasinMonitor.prototype.push = Array.prototype.push; BasinMonitor.prototype.length = 0; BasinMonitor.prototype.addBasin = function (name, id) { var basin, element = document.getElementById(id); if (!element) { throw new Error("No timer element with id " + id); } basin = new Basin(element); this.names[this.length] = name; this.push(basin); }; BasinMonitor.prototype.getBasinIndex = function (name) { return this.names.indexOf(name); }; BasinMonitor.prototype.update = function () { var i, len = this.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { this[i].update(); } }; BasinMonitor.prototype.getBasin = function (name) { return this[this.getBasinIndex(name)]; }; BasinMonitor.prototype.getActiveBasin = function () { if (this.active === -1) { return null; } return this[this.active] || null; }; BasinMonitor.prototype.clearActive = function () { this[this.active].clearActive(); this[this.active].container.removeChild(this.timeInputElementContainer); this.active = -1; return true; }; BasinMonitor.prototype.setActive = function (basinId) { if (isNaN(basinId)) { throw new Error("Invalid basinId: expected number and instead found " + (typeof basinId)); } if (basinId === -1) { return this.clearActive(); } if (this[basinId]) { if (this.active !== -1) { this.clearActive(); } this.active = basinId; this[basinId].setActive(); this[basinId].container.appendChild(this.timeInputElementContainer); return true; } return false; }; BasinMonitor.prototype.updateTime = function () { // Update each 5 iterations if (!(this.tick % 1)) { this.update(); } // Normally we do this when time is set, but check anyway infrequently if (!(this.tick % 60)) { this.showStaticUrl(); this.sort(); } // Advance the tick for the next update this.tick += 1; }; BasinMonitor.prototype.setBasinTimeRelative = function (basin, rtime) { return this.setBasinTime(basin, +new Date() + rtime); }; BasinMonitor.prototype.showStaticUrl = function () { var loc = window.location, SHORT_URL = ; SHORT_URL = 'tibia.wikia.com/wiki/Project:T/LBM'; if (this.staticurl) { this.staticurl.value = (SHORT_URL || (loc.protocol + (loc.port !== ? ':' + loc.port : ) + "//" + loc.host + loc.pathname)) + this.query.toString(); return true; } return false; }; BasinMonitor.prototype.setBasinTime = function (basin, time) { var b = this[basin]; if (!b) { throw new Error("Cannot find basin " + basin); } if (isNaN(time)) { // Assume 2h ago time = +new Date() - Basin.TIME_FILL; } b.setTime(time); this.query.set("t-" + basin, Math.floor(time / 1000)); this.showStaticUrl(); this.sort(); }; BasinMonitor.prototype.testTimes = function () { var time = new Date(), i, len, t = +time; len = this.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { this.setBasinTime(i, t - Basin.TIME_FILL + i * 12 * Basin.TIME_MIN); } }; BasinMonitor.prototype.loadFromQuery = function () { var qString = new QueryString(window.location.search), i, len, names = this.names; if (qString.getValue("use_query") === "1") { for (i = 0, len = names.length; i < len; i += 1) { this.setBasinTime(i, +(qString.getValue("t-" + i) || 0) * 1000); } } }; BasinMonitor.prototype.setClickEvent = function (basinId) { var input = this.timeInputElement, basin = this[basinId]; input.addEventListener("keypress", function (e) { var txt; // Enter = submit if (e.keyCode === 13) { e.preventDefault(); txt = this.value; if (isNaN(txt)) { alert("Expected a number input, instead found " + txt); return false; } basin.setTime(+new Date() - Basin.TIME_MIN * parseInt(txt, 10)); input.value = ; return true; } }); basin.container.appendChild(input); }; BasinMonitor.prototype.sort = function () { var init, sorted = [], i, len = this.length, ctx = this; if (!this.order) { init = []; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { init[i] = i; } this.order = init; } init = this.order; sorted = copyArray(init); sorted.sort(function (a, b) { return ctx[a].timeLit - ctx[b].timeLit; }); if (!arrayIsEqual(init, sorted)) { for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { this.container.appendChild(this[sorted[i]].container); } this.order = sorted; } }; BasinMonitor.prototype.setGlobalEvents = function () { var ctx = this; document.addEventListener("click", function () { if (ctx.active !== -1) { ctx.clearActive(); } return true; }); this.container.addEventListener("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); this.timeInputElement.addEventListener("keypress", function (e) { var txt; // Enter = submit if (ctx.active === -1) { throw new Error("Invalid active (? should never occur)."); } if (e.keyCode === 13) { txt = this.value; if (isNaN(txt)) { alert("Expected a number input, instead found " + txt); return false; } ctx.setBasinTime(ctx.active, +new Date() - Basin.TIME_MIN * parseInt(+txt, 10)); this.value = ; return true; } }); this.staticurl.addEventListener("click", function () { this.select(); }); }; BasinMonitor.prototype.setTimeClickEvent = function (basinId) { var ctx = this, basin = this[basinId]; basin.timeElement.addEventListener("click", function (e) { // Cancel immediate refocus e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); ctx.setActive(basinId); // Focus on the time element to be shown ctx.timeInputElement.focus(); return false; }); }; BasinMonitor.prototype.setEvents = function () { var i = 0, len = this.length; this.setGlobalEvents(); for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { this.setTimeClickEvent(i); } }; // Initial setup (function (ns) { var lbmonitor = new BasinMonitor(document.getElementById("lb-basin-list")); lbmonitor.setEvents(); lbmonitor.loadFromQuery(); lbmonitor.loopTimer = setInterval(proxy(lbmonitor.updateTime, lbmonitor), 1000); ns.basins = lbmonitor; }(window)); }(window)); /**/
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