| - The Land of Water is notorious for its tumultuous history, rife with conflict and civil war. It is a nation of scattered islands, surrounded by oceanic waters said to consume and devour all but the bravest of sailors. Like its people, it is cruel and ruthless. The strong survive and the weak perish, such is the undisputed law governing these islands. Under the dark canopy of the stormy sky, chaotic forces clash beneath. A flash of lightning, and thunder booms in concert with a raucous detonation that sends bits and pieces of molten metal rocketing to the waters. This particular island is wrought with devastation, for its two inhabitants are at war. Craters and smoldering rock dot across its landscape. Entire regions gouged as though a massive sword had plummeted from the heavens. The stench of ozone is thick and heavy, as explosions continue to pepper its surface. Through it all, through this symphony of destruction is the howling laughter of one in chorus with roaring fury of another. It is beautiful. Yamanaka Akihiko thinks that the visage before him is truly a work of art. He leans to the side narrowly evading the chakra-infused fist that would turn an ordinary man's head into pulp with an amused smile. Sliding out of her reach he darts back, laying a minefield of exploding tags in his wake, his fingers a lit with mystic power as he draws eldritch symbols in the air which thrum briefly with power before releasing another series of detonations. But his opponent is undeterred, as walls of steel take the brunt of his attack. Flickering once more his form blurs into three and he takes to melee once again. It is a dance of death. His clones and his adversary trade blows, faster than the eye can see, in an instant his clones close in before detonating once more, hurling earth and shrapnel. To his delight she emerges unscathed, as she fixes him a contemptuous glare. A wave of her hand and the steel flickers into existence, row after row of razor sheets before she gestures hurling the wall of death his way. He slithers through the maelstrom like water, lightly stepping and evading, gazing at her the entire time, a cheshire grin etched onto his face. When at last the hail of steel ends he stands, and gestures grandly. The implication clear. Stalemate. "Come now," he purred. "You didn't think it would be that easy did you?" "Of course not," Uchiha Sayuri retorted, lavishly emerging from within the war torn abyss. "You would not have been worthy of once being my subordinate otherwise." As she took her time in confronting him once more, a trickle of blood seeped beginning from her forehead, and taking a shortcut between her eyes, followed the same path down to her chin. Her clothes were tattered, with her kimono harnessing but a single sleeve and a noticeable rip along her thigh. Though most of all, a dreadful smirk possessed her beauty, embedding a vile aspiration of sin within her being, which she conveyed ferociously through her scorching red eyes; eyes that truly belonged to her forefathers, who looking upon her now from the blazing chambers of hell could manage nothing more than a subtle hint of pride. It was within her very blood to behave in such a manner; only, she had seemed to have lost her way, somewhere along the path of becoming the Hokage. But now, within the heat of battle, her true instincts had yet again awakened. With the flames encompassing the island, she couldn't have felt more at home. Sayuri's right hand curled into a tempered fist along her hip, before an exuberant beam of utter chaos oozed from the pores of her bicep --whose sheer magnitude revoked the earth beneath her-- and delicately worked to magnify the dexterity of her flesh by converting it into hardened steel. A heave of steam lingered about the arm as it concluded its transformation, only to be met halfway by a torch that commenced at her fingertip and continued until it devoured the entire weapon, encasing it in an additional layer of flames that fed virtually off of her own sweat. Within the next instance, a crater formed beneath her swollen bare feet, and she exploded forward, dragging her arm behind her, prompting a long trail of flames to aid her in suit. As she neared her target, her teeth were once more reunited and her sharingan captured the image of her former disciple. Akihiko's features curled in amusement. Reaching into his cloak he quickly withdrew a smoke pellet, hurling it into the ground. In an instant Akihiko was enveloped in a choking smog of smoke, hidden from sight. Though it may have been a second too late as Sayuri's steel encased fist, wreathed in crimson flame, simply blew the distraction away with its force. She saw that flicker of surprise on his face before her hand was buried in it. The sickening crunch that followed would have been satisfying, had her Sharingan not revealed to her the ruse. In another plume of smoke, Akihiko was replaced by, of all things--- a log. Where he found one on this desecrated island is anyone's guess. In her peripheral vision her Sharingan detected a trace of movement, and there was Akihiko hurling a salvo of kunai in her direction, familiar streamers whipping in the wind in their wake. Her concentration was interrupted by a hiss as another pellet, presumably dropped during his escape began releasing a highly reactive gas that would no doubt turn what would have been a nuisance of detonations into an all consuming conflagration around her. The sheer winds accompanying Sayuri's relentless drive cut through the cloud of smoke, dealing a horrendous blow to what initially appeared to be Akihiko, only to be replaced by a log at the very last second. The blazing aura from around her arm exploded, sending a surge of energy forth that crackled the ground and demolished the log into dust, though even after such a terrorizing feat, the flames remained in full anguish, awaiting their very next opportunity. Sayuri turned quickly, and she was met just then by a flurry of kunai, carrying invitations for her funeral; a second grenade sounded below her, summoning forth a substance that would work to strengthen the incoming blast. The entire play had been executed perfectly. All that remained to be seen now, was Sayuri's counter attack. Stopping on a dime, the busty kunoichi turned to face the incoming projectiles, and without so much as a gesture, the kunai froze in midair for just an instant, and turning around, changed their trajectory; this time, however, they took to the skies and detonated as their timer gave in, making for quite the explosion nonetheless, even without ever tasting the gaseous substance Akihiko had prepared earlier. It was an obscene sight, that Sayuri had somehow orchestrated the man's attack for her own benefit. With the power of the infamous metal release came both the production and manipulation of all metals, even those that she herself had not created. For this reason, weapons were futile against Sayuri, and when pitted in a war format such as this, made for a truly difficult cover. Utilizing the detonation between them as a means to conceal her own movements, Sayuri escaped from the ensuing gas before the remnants of the blast managed to spread backward and make for an even greater explosion. Because the smoke itself was not laced with chakra, Sayuri's sharingan proved as a valuable asset in order to more efficiently navigate through the area, until Akihiko's figure was once more clear. Maintaining her distance, the woman utilized the very same technique as she did before, though in a completely different manner. Plunging her arm into the ground, she channeled her flames inside, prompting cracks to form all over the terrain. The entire island seemed as though it was suddenly trembling in fear of her might, as a volcano began to form beneath the Yamanaka's feet, ready to erupt within a moment's notice and unleash upon him a scorching hot geyser filled with Uchiha redemption. Akihiko clicked his tongue in annoyance at seeing his attack redirected as it was. Seems that Sayuri was through playing around. Still her anger had yet to abate and her stubbornness and straightforward attack while simple was nonetheless deadly. He could feel the earth beneath him groaning, as cracks splintered outward from where her fist had penetrated the earth, faint light emanating from their crevices. The low rumbling giving way to a booming crescendo as the ground began oozing out streams of white hot magma. He had precious little time to admire the apocalypse before the earth beneath him belched geysers of molten rock. He somersaulted backwards, evading the follow up cascading eruptions, before slamming a fist into the ground and wrenching a massive slab of stone and heaving above his head. Timing it right he flipped himself forward, reorienting the rock, and just in time, as yet another geyser burst open beneath him. The stone slab absorbed the impact, and promptly jettisoned him and his makeshift shield upwards into the sky. With a burst of strength he leapt off the disintegrating mass, and stared in admiration of the volcanic wasteland that greeted his eyes below. Bringing his right hand up he formed a single seal. A surge of chakra, a plume of smoke and vertigo. In his place was a falcon, and he sped forward weaving through the rain of smoke and fire, his small form affording him even greater maneuverability. He spiraled past a surging gout of flame, its searing heat nearly destabilizing the chakra-matrix that sustained his technique. But in his haste a stray blog of lava nipped at his 'wings' shattering the ninjutsu and he was human again, and in free-fall. He barely managed another evasion, as a wave of lava blasted through his previous space, but was clipped by debris before crashing haphazardly into the ground his body bouncing across the landscape before skidding to a stop well outside the zone of her attack. Letting out a humorless laugh he dragged himself up into a standing position, looking only slightly ruffled for his efforts. Then he blurred out of sight, hurling pellets wrapped in tags at her feet. In the same instant throwing a particularly nasty illusion at her. With the Sharingan she would no doubt dispel it, but the object was to create a momentary diversion whilst her vision was clouded in phantasm. Speeding forward, he twisted mid-air and in a deft spin gouged out a chunk of rock shaped like a spear with a spinning kick. Completing his rotation he reached out grasping hold of his tool coating the earthen pole-arm with chakra, considerably enhancing its penetrating force and then hurled it. Without even bothering for a hand seal, intangible clones darted forward positioning themselves in front of the speeding spear. With multiple constructs of chakra in her direct line of view, the intent was to hide the extended reach of the spear. Sayuri did all but wait as she watched Akihiko deal with the ensuing chain of disaster of what was the after effect of her last technique. Lava spewed essentially everywhere, and she herself was forced to back pedal in order to escape its line of sight. With whatever time she had been supplied, she clipped her hands together and concentrated chakra within every ounce of her body, so as to invoke a thin coat of blue energy that appeared around her frame as an outline. It served to enrich her movements more than anything, though also engaged her mind to remain stable; she noticed a pattern circulating within her opponent, who seemed to be growing more and more sadistic as the battle dragged on. He was surely enjoying himself to another extent, and Sayuri was not certain if she could match his exact enthusiasm. As far as she could tell, Akihiko had an absurd obsession with using pellets, especially those with armed explosives. While precise, they indicated a subtle level of shinobi warfare and Sayuri needed to prove to him that she was far beyond that. Weaving a single hand sign, she diverted her attention towards the incoming projectiles, individually encasing each of them within a layer of her metal, and then commanding them into the ground, where they were forcibly detonated. The metallic wrapping masked the explosions effectively, preventing so much as a fume from leaking free from within its borders. However, paying too much attention towards the explosives resulted in her being caught within a genjutsu, though with the use of her sharingan, she broke free rather swiftly, something Akihiko had been expecting. For, as she regained consciousness, Sayuri was met by a squadron of clones, which much to her chagrin, slipped through her as she tried to defend herself against them, leaving her wide open. Against an opponent of Akihiko's caliber, leaving her guard down was much too costly; the stone collided with her hardened body, and sparks flew at every which angle as she cupped her hands around it. The soles of her feet sank in to the soft earth, and before she knew it, she was heaved backward along with the spear, her feet dragging along with her. For several more seconds she struggled, until her hands managed to deprive the stone of its life by absorbing the applied energy. With that, she came to a sudden stop, and crushed the spear into tiny pieces of dust by overpowering it with her gloves of tempered steel. Presenting her palms in the direction of her opponent, Sayuri unleashed a barrage of metallic shards consisting of an endless array of small projectiles. They could have best been compared to senbon, only they were much more durable, having been created from her metal release. She waited until Akihiko would have been caught within the center of the storm to initiate the true phase of her technique. Each individual shard carried the distinct formula of her hiraishin spell as it was birthed, employing warping potential to and from each. In preparation, Sayuri's body covered itself within the same fabric, from head to toe; spikes protruded from every inch of her body, supplementing extremely potent slicing capabilities. Then, surpassing even the level of comprehension, she vanished from plain view with a burst of yellow light, and reappeared through one of the many shards within the storm, before trading places with another, repeatedly. As she jumped from each shard, her body would have grazed Akihiko, cutting him into pieces in preparation for dinnertime. Already resorting to the Flying Thunder God? he thought, bemusedly. For Sayuri to feel so pressured as to unveil the crowning achievement of the Fourth, how the mighty have fallen. Grinning at the approaching hailstorm of steely death, he leapt into the air with a twist kicking up dust and debris, a moment later a massive plume of smoke briefly obscured his presence and the wall of death punched straight through the haze, encircling it. As Sayuri flashed forward intent on shredding Akihiko with her body, she found that he had somehow evaded her death trap. But a flicker of chakra sped across her field of vision during a teleportation and it was in the next one that she saw a stray senbon tumble from the whirling maelstrom of death, except its chakra signature was far greater than what she had infused in her creations. In the next moment its appearance fizzled out revealing a slightly haggard Akihiko, sporting numerous holes through his cloak. He had but a few cuts across his person but nothing substantial or debilitating. Flickering through from one sealing formula to the next her it was apparent to Akihiko that she was counting on the instantaneous speed granted by the Flying Thunder God to eviscerate him. That is until he withdrew from his sleeve a stone club roughly twice his size in height and used it as a blunt shield against her assault. Akihiko swung his earthen tetsubo with unearthly speed and grace, the moment Sayuri dashed forward, smashing into her form. Steel grinded against stone, but the woman's body flooded with its potent chakra completely obliterated his makeshift weapon during the pass. Flickering to another swirling senbon she darted forward, only to be met with a twin flickering earthen swords which he used to expertly parry her assault once more. His blades slide against her body cracking the steely protrusions as he slide beneath her attack, and just as quickly discarding his now defunct weapons. It was like a dance, time and time again she hurled herself with the speed granted by the Flying Thunder God, but in every pass, every flickering maneuver he met her blow for blow, drawing upon an armory of weapons at his disposal, all either stone or wooden, preventing her from using her ability to bend metal to her will. He moved lightly between her attacks, using the force of her own blows to stay just outside of her reach. She saw her chance when a massive cleaver of his shattered when she strengthened her body during one pass, using the opportunity to ram herself into his person with extreme prejudice. At the moment multiple things happened at once. His body disappeared in a plume of chakra infused smoke momentarily blinding her as she had ran straight into it. Even then her Sharingan pierced through the feeble attempt at deception as she could clearly see that he had assumed the form of a small rock. Using a transformation to evade her attack, what was the point? Her eyes shifted off to the side and she could see one of the shattered remains of his sword flying out of the trap. Just as quickly he bodily replaced himself with the flying shard... a shard now bearing a sizzling explosive tag that detonated sending rock and steel flying in all directions. In the midst of the confusion, the wall of steel she had used to trap the man had weakened just enough for him to slip out. Wreathed in smoke, his form was revealed to have suffered little from the point blank explosion. In the near instant he had transposed himself he summoned forth two immense tower-shields to serve as protection against his own attack. Still his ears were ringing and the concussive force had damaged him to some degree, but that said nothing for Sayuri who was at point-zero of the explosion. Akihiko was no fool, given her formidable defenses, he was confident that she had survived with relatively few injuries. However, the disorientation, possible momentary deafness, lack of visibility, and shock of seeing her gambit defeated might give him the window he needed. He weaved a series of layered illusions, hiding one within the other and so on. Should any one illusion be defeated the other will immediately spring up to take its place. The first illusion was a simple misdirection, targeted specifically on Sayuri herself. Its design was to shift her sense of direction, thereby buying him just a few more seconds. The second illusion was a subtle shift in the surroundings, rearranging the battlefield. With both working in tandem, the intent was to disorient Sayuri with the shift in her directional sense, combined with the rearrangement of the battlefield to completely obscure his own position. Finally the last illusion was placed over the field itself, in essence serving as a secondary layer, by which if the second were to be dispelled this one would rearrange the the contents of the battlefield. Given the trauma Sayuri might have suffered it is possible for her to succumb to the illusion, even if only for a few moments. With his field-type illusions in place, Akihiko wove another set, spreading a thin veil over the area causing swarms of clones to arise from the ground and nearby debris and converging on Sayuri. Satisfied with his little trap, he darted across the area, slapping explosive sealing tags on the ground, all of which were hidden by the layers of genjutsu, thus beginning the next phase of his plan. The pleasant figure of Uchiha Sayuri emerged from within the confinements of the detonation, tainted black. Residue of the blast was left all over her physique, though quickly dissipated as she recalled her metal armor, allowing it to crackle and fall in between her bare feet. As the shell opened, her true form was revealed in full, complete with her angelic white flesh and glossy brown hair. It was quite evident that the armor had sustained majority of the physical trauma, as not a single newly inflicted wound could be seen across the entirety of her body; however, there was no getting beyond the mental frustration that came along with it, which was all Akihiko had accounted for in the first place. With her refined senses weakened, she was now especially susceptible to his genjutsu, which, when executed through himself, transcended to become one of the utmost caliber. Recovering quickly, Sayuri was thrown off for that one instant. Against Akihiko, who had already proven himself superior to the Flying Thunder God, that mere instance was extremely crucial, and all the more unforgiving. She would have hardly made out the difference between reality and the illusion if it were not for the tamed tomoe of her crimson eye; working to combat the genjutsu on its own accord, it swiftly conquered the surrounding illusions and proclaimed truth to the fair maiden. Still yet, by the time this was all achieved, a mass of clones fashioned like an army of undead zombies intending on challenging her emerged from beneath her, and she was forced to retreat backward towards a shard she had fired in the past to properly evade them, before she once more returned to the cold, harsh reality of their battle in full, once more free of the petty hallucinations and for the time being, the zombies. It was then that the thought came into her mind. While she had not yet unleashed her full wrath upon her former subordinate, he appeared completely intent on forcing her to do so. The various techniques he had so far revealed, while they were enhanced through his own expertise, were no more than those taught at the beginner level. She couldn't help but feel disrespected at the idea that he truly believed he could bring her down using only them. It was time for her to take things up a notch. The zombies wasted little to no time in relocating Sayuri, and just as they were programmed, they once more offered their humblest of efforts in giving chase. Curling her hands into tightened fists, Sayuri brought them to simmer beside her hips, before tucking her rear end beneath her and taking a very defined stance. Upon stomping her bare heel into the ground, she provoked a small quake, which in turn, resulted in the formation of a fragile crack. Her hands then reunited beneath her inflated chest, taking the role of a key to trigger her next move. In that very instant, a hot geyser erupted from the previous fissure she had created, and abiding to the fluctuation of her chakra, swiftly took the form of a serpent dragon with an elongated jaw. With one meaningful movement, the creature boomed, unleashing a deafening roar, and in the next instant, flew over Sayuri's head and devoured the clones with one fell swoop. The dragon was far from done after all that, however, as it soon paced itself forward, where it progressed into a berserk rampage. The long water body of the dragon swayed from side to side as it scaled the terrain, causing the landmines Akihiko had planted earlier to detonate, slowly crippling the dragon until it diminished into nothing more than a puddle of steaming water. Sayuri's hands once more separated and fell back down to her waist, where she cupped her hands and motioned as if she were releasing a sword from its scabbard. Abiding to her wishes, a long katana was forged from thin air, which she welcomed with a firm grip around the hilt. She then shifted it to rest up over by her head, arching the blade to represent a poised scorpion awaiting its chance to strike a lethal blow. There is a saying, that the best laid plans often go awry, and for Akihiko such a statement has never been more true. His clones, dissipated as the massive liquid construct made short work of them and the seals he had placed were either too drenched to be of any use or had detonated as planned when the water dragon came in proximity. Regardless, Sayuri had handedly annihilated his little gambit with all the effort of a derisive wave of her hand. It seemed she had finally caught on to his actual plan then. Well now that his strategy had been discovered he supposed it was time to lessen the shackles that restrained him so. Appearing thirty paces before her in shimmer of light, the tell-tale signs of his genjutsu-enhanced speed faded away. There he stood, arms splayed outward in a grand welcoming gesture, his cloak fluttering in the wind, a toothless smile spread across his face. Then in a dramatic motion he began to clap. "Well, it seems you've finally emerged from the haze of your blood-rage. I believe that qualified well enough as a warm-up, wouldn't you agree?" he asked amicably. Reaching into his sleeve he drew forth a saber that seemed to absorb all light around it, like a thin sliver of void greedily lapping at the illumination of creation. It was a stone blade, that weighed half as much as a grown man, but its properties were legendary. Extremely resistant to heat, it had a razor edge that could cleave stone, yet had the durability that exceeded even steel. It was a rare earthen material found only in the volcano’s of Kumogakure’s mountains, and was that a single dagger costs enough to purchase a small army. “Oh, you wish to have a battle of swords then? Well I shan’t keep a lady waiting. We shall see if your swordsmanship has improved since the last time we crossed blades milady.” He gripped the sword lightly at his side, taking a rather neutral stance, seemingly leaving himself wide open. That is until he took his first step. To an observer it was as if he simply phased out of existence, but her eyes revealed the truth. Swift was he, that he crossed the distance between them nigh instantaneously, the air itself was displaced as a thunderous boom echoed in his wake. He reappeared before her hanging in the air, his obsidian hued blade poised to strike, and then she saw the tell-tale signs of a rapidly approaching shockwave emanate from the tip of his blade where it pierced, the sound barrier, unleashing a wave of crashing penetrative force towards her. In the same motion, his arm flickered and his sword became a blur of darkness before it too defied logic, seemingly splitting into three blades descending from her either side and front. Again her Sharingan pierced the illusion he wove, only to discover no trickery, no deception. He was simply moving quickly enough as to attack her nearly instantly from three angles in the span of a single attack. The dreadful gaze of the serene empress yet again sprang to mind, deciphering the brisk movements of her opponent. They foresaw even the future, fracturing the delicate fabrics of space and time as they fell upon a certain position in the sky; surely enough, his form appeared within the next instant, unleashing a finely crafted crescent of energy her way. In response, she too channeled her spirit into the tip of her blade, leading two penetrative forces to greet one another. The result was a devastating explosion, the likes of which stirred the ground and invoked a cloud filled of debris to scatter about. Even with such a mask, Sayuri's sharingan saw no equal, as it very well ignored the smoke and made only the ensuing movement of her enemy apparent. Any ordinary shinobi would have lost his life to the beat of his own heart before such turbulence. She, however, possessed a refined physique capable of matching such speed. For a being of Sayuri's caliber, there seemed to be a slight hiatus within the period of Akihiko's assault. With a firm grip about her weapon, she parried first to her left, and then again to her right, before ultimately planting her weapon into the ground, so as to meet an incoming third strike. Her palms went to rest upon the pommel of her blade as the tip itself was buried into the earth, fending off the might of Akihiko's clearly superior weapon. The sword did not budge an inch, and any previously identified ripples across its length were quickly regenerated, as if the iron itself possessed some sort of bizarre healing capabilities. "They say a weapon is only as powerful as the one who wields it," Sayuri snickered, as a playful grin formed on one side of her elegant facial structure. "When two blades meet, however, it is nothing more than a test of physical strength. I wonder, can you match the might of a Senju?" Holding his weapon in place with the inheritable might of Tsunade, Sayuri parted her lips, firing a dozen senbon at the man before her. The smaller the metal, the quicker it traveled through the air, that much was fundamental. At the same time, the katana submerged half way into the ground began to feed off the natural elements existent beneath the battlefield, drawing them towards itself. Chakra siphoned from Sayuri's body itself ran down the length of the blade in return, supplying the realms of the underground with as much as it took out. Flashing a smirk at her provocation, he opened his mouth to retort only to find a barrage of senbon hurtling towards his face for the effort. The look of hurt on his face was priceless, and Sayuri was thankful that her Sharingan would forever immortalize this moment in her memory. Said amusement was wiped from her face however when Akihiko reacted with speed that was far higher than any shinobi of his level should have been capable of. Launching himself backward his arms flickered, and with deft precision his hands snatched four of the senbons midflight, grasped in his hands like chopsticks before using the acquired weapons expertly to deflect the rest of the senbons. All this in the window of less than a second. Regardless in his haste he was forced to relinquish a hold on his weapon, allowing it to clatter to the ground. "Still riding on the coat-tails of your ancestors I see?" he said landing in a low crouch. Rising up to his full stature he flashed her a disarming smile. "Yet for all the power of the Senju and Uchiha they were wiped out in the end, such a tragic fate. It's a wonder how any of their progeny maintains such hubris." Shifting his body he adopts an unusual stance. To her trained eyes it appeared to be a derivative or some variation of Iwagakure taijutsu. He gives her a mocking bow and then his chakra flares. His leg snaps upward, a massive conflux of tightly compressed chakra swirling at its tip before he brings it down releasing it in a titanic explosion. The earth buckles and groans for a moment, but then it gives and there is naught by chaotic upheaval as the ground splits open before him. Like a scalpel the earth is reaved apart tearing open a massive gouge stretching from onward to Sayuri. Her blade which had once been imbedded deep into the earth was freed, as the ground simply gave way followed by the cloud of dust and debris. She has only a moment to make her next action before he senses pick up a surge of chakra in the sky above. Through the cloud of dust she can hear the melodious thrum of chakra, and with her Sharingan she can see it spiraling around his chambered arm. That little trick I showed you earlier was nothing compared to the real thing. Let me show you the technique that spawned the Hell Stab! His voice did not register from her ears, and to her growing alarm realized that rather it came from within her own mind. Hanging in the air Akihiko thrust his knifehand downward, with such speed as to shattering all manners of barriers; speed, sound, air, it did not matter, they were all violently ripped apart in that instant. There is no sound, for the world is muted by the attack. Rippling shockwaves emanate outward from the apex of his attack, expanding outward faster than the eye could see. Everything from the clouds in the sky to the earth below is blown away. The entire battlefield flattens from the sheer concussive force, as though smashed by the angry fist of a heavenly god before it too is pulverized by the continuous waves of force that barrels downward. There was hardly anytime to react, let alone breath. The last thing Sayuri remembered was firing a dozen senbon through her mouth, before the mental projection of Akihiko crept within her mind, discerning her morale. It played perfectly into the entire sequence, whether or not it was truly intended to be apart of the assault. The sudden emergence of words within her head that did not belong to her was enough to throw her off balance. Her head sprang upward, so as to catch a glimpse of the dagger looming forth; her weapon fell from her grasp, as her arms came to her defense at the very last instant. A deafening clash capable of shaking even the heavens commenced. However, in this instance, Akihiko's might proved superior, for he had established too much momentum to emerge a failure now. Even with her arms tainted black by the metals residing within her being, Sayuri felt herself losing ground. Her feet chiseled against the dirt infested terrain, before her entire shape began to submerge into bedrock, only for it too, to be completely shattered. Both sides of her teeth united, pitted into an endless battle. With proper timing, her lips were sealed as an array of cracks tore apart the rest of the island, capturing up to her waist in water. She held on for just a second longer, before the almighty force of her opponent overwhelmed her, sending her down towards the ocean floor like a rocket. A series of explosions sounded, one after the other, as Sayuri plowed through the sinking masses of land that had come down along with her. She thrusted her body swiftly in retaliation, relying strictly upon instinct within the dire situation, in attempt to soften some of the impact. As she grew further in her descent, the surrounding waters were shaped into pillars, leaving an entire circle free of plague. When she finally reached the bottom of the ocean, her form was completely visible to the floating Akihiko, in all its dismay. For a moment, she appeared to be defeated, as she lied there on her backside, blood oozing from her mouth. When suddenly, a single one of her fingers twitched, leading the others into a curled fist. With her eyes still closed, her lips formed into a devilish grin. A horrific laughter escaped her mouth next, as a chill was sent down along her spine. And then, it was all blatantly interrupted... by a moan. Akin to the purr of a sly kitty cat, she bellowed, issuing her mating call as if she were actually enjoying this. As she made to sit up, she ran her thumb along her cheek, collecting the spilt blood and transferring it to her mouth for a taste. This was, apparently, how she rated each of her battles. "Mmmm, it's unlike it ever has been. This flavor; yes, it is truly exquisite," Sayuri said, rising to her feet at last. As she looked up towards Akihiko, a sadistic expression --one without regard for human life-- sat upon her visage, complimenting the surge of murderous intent within her red eyes. Evidently, her Uchiha blood had finally come to a boil.