| - This map game will be like no other! Rules:
* If you wish to both explore and colonize new unexplored territories, you must give up one turn.
* After you capture a region, revolts are sure to happen, so you must give a description of how you put it down: With either force or propaganda.
* It must be plausible. Example: No taking-over-Russia-as-Finland in a few turns. Here is a list of new moves you can make:
* If a nation wants an alliance with you, your nation can bargain (example-Portugal wants an alliance with Spain, but Spain will only join if Portugal gives its land claims in South America.)
* You can hire raiders/pirates and make them raid any nation's ship, but this greatly reduces that country's relationship with your nation.
* Unoccupied countries or nations led by inactive users can be invaded. If no resistance is made by said inactive users or the nation is unclaimed, you can conquer it in a plausible amount of time. Remember, the population will be angry about this, and after completely annexing a nation or a blank province players must explain how they deal with the entire populace. There are several options: Suppress them by force, massacre them, deport them, leave them as they are, etc.
* The rest of Asia still unexplored as of 1493, Australia included, will not be colonized until 1513. This is to ensure a level of plausibility. Any posts stating colonization in that area before that will be deleted. Europeans will not have access to the South China Sea, and the Chinese/Japanese will not have access to Indonesia or such. Please understand, this is only for the sake of fairness and balance. Once eight to eleven turns in a year are made, we can move on to the next year. This includes the turns of two separate nations controlled by one player.