| - * Requiem no. 2 - Panihida, voor mannenkoor, op. 39
*# The Great Litany
*# Alleluia
*# Troparion: Blessed be Thou, Lord, who hast taught me Thine law
*# The Small Litany
*# Psalms And Prayers To The Mother Of God
*# Give Peace, O Lord
*# Irmos, Chant 3
*# The Small Litany
*# Give Peace, O Lord
*# Irmos, Chant 6
*# Small Litany
*# Soul Of Thy Servant...
*# Trapation "Spirits of the righteous"
*# The Augmented Litany
*# Eternal Memory
* Revealing to you
* S nami Bog
* Sacred Choral Works, op. 43
*# "Presvyataya Bogoroditse"
*# "What shall we call thee, O full grace"
*# "Miloserdiya dveri otveri nam"
*# "Ne umolchim nikogda, Bogoroditse"
*# "Pod tvou milost pribegaem"
*# "Zastupnitse userdnaya"
* Sovet prevechnii, op. 40, no. 2
* Shepot, robkoje dykhan'je - tekst: Afanasij Afanas'jevitsj Fet
* Svete tihiy
* The Great Litany
* The Litany of Fervent Supplication
* The Litany
* The Litany During the Burial
* The Wise Thief, op. 6 no 4
* Thou Life of life
* Under thy merciful protection
* Velichit dusha
* Vesenneje uspokojenije - tekst: Fjodor Ivanovitsj Tjutsjev
* Vespers, op. 44
*# Praise The Lord, O My Soul
*# Blessed Be The Man
*# Shining Light
*# Today You Forgive
*# Praise The Name Of The Lord
*# Sunday Psalm "Angle Hosts"
*# From The Days Of My Youth
*# Those That Have Seen God's Resurrection
*# Great Hymn Of Praise
*# The Chosen Wojewoda
* Vo pole beriozonka
* Voskresni, Bozhe, op. 48, no.2
* Vsenoshchnoe bdenie
*# Blagoslovi, dushe moia, Ghospoda
*# Tebe poyem
* Why hast Thou rejected me
* Wisdom ; Holy Virgin, save us''
- * 1897 Cherubic Hymn - Kheruvimskaya pesn
* Ah vi seni
* Angel vopiyashe
* Blessed is the Man - Blazhen muzh, op. 37 no 2
* Da ispravitsia molitva moya
* Da molchit
* Dostoyno yest
* Dubinushka
* Duh Tvoy blagiy
* Eternal memory
* Evening Sacrifice
* Gornimi Tikho letela Dousha...
* Holy Mother of God
* Hvalite imia Ghospodne
* In Days of Battle, cantate, op. 45
*# Merciful God, bring healing
*# O most gracious and generous Jesus
*# To Thee, insurmountable wall
*# Hasten to assist
*# Thou, Mother of God
*# Thee, one and only
*# On the bed of suffering
*# Deliver us from evil
* Kanava
* Let all mortal flesh keep silent, op. 27, no. 1
* Let my prayer be set forth before Thee
* Let us take refuge in the holy mother of God
* Liturgiia prezhdeosviashchennykh
* Liturgy of St John Chrysostom , op. 42
* Lord, welcome Thy servant
* Maloe Slavoslovie: Blagosloven esi, Gospodi
* Maundy Thursday hymn
* Milost' mira
* Na starom kurgane
* Ne imami iniya pomoshchi
* Ne otverzhi mene vo vremya starosti
* Nynye otpushchayeshi = Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart
* O God, Save Thy People - Spasi, Bozhe
* O Lord, save those who fear God and hear us, op. 38, no 1
* O tebe raduyetsia
* Open the gates of mercy
* Ot yunosti moyeya
* Otche nash
* Oy, kabi Volga Matushka
* Paschal hours, voor sopraan, alt en gemengd koor
* Paschal hymn to the Virgin, voor sopraan en gemengd koor
* Praise the Lord from Heavens - Hvalite Ghospoda s nebes, op. 10 no 5
* Praise the Lord, O my soul, op. 40 no 1
* Plachu i ridayu
* Pod Tvyoyu Milost Pribegaem
* Prichastnykh, op. 25. "Spasenie sodelal"
* Raduytesia, pravednii
* Razboinika blagorazumnago, op. 40 no. 3