< Ankrahmun Tombs __TOC__ __TOC__ The name Stone Tomb comes from the Stones File:Stone (Big).gif where the entrance to this tomb is covered with. The name is made up by players, CipSoft does not have an official name for it. The third floor of the tomb is the best third floor for Knights as it has no Ghosts or Stalkers.
< Ankrahmun Tombs General Properties Near city Ankrahmun Level & Skills' Requirements
Stone Tomb (tumba de piedra) es uno de los fatalities de Tremor en Mortal Kombat X.
< Ankrahmun Tombs __TOC__ __TOC__ The name Stone Tomb comes from the Stones File:Stone (Big).gif where the entrance to this tomb is covered with. The name is made up by players, CipSoft does not have an official name for it. The third floor of the tomb is the best third floor for Knights as it has no Ghosts or Stalkers.
< Ankrahmun Tombs General Properties Near city Ankrahmun Level & Skills' Requirements
Stone Tomb (tumba de piedra) es uno de los fatalities de Tremor en Mortal Kombat X.