In the distant future, the year 3030, the now immortal Franklin Richards, whose powers have increased as he grew older, bands together a rag-tag team of mutants to defend the modern day mutantkind from the evil Robert Trask, descendant of Bolivar Trask, who has waged war against the mutants much like his father. Meanwhile, a mutant terrorist group operates in the shadows, and has their own plans for Trask.
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| - In the distant future, the year 3030, the now immortal Franklin Richards, whose powers have increased as he grew older, bands together a rag-tag team of mutants to defend the modern day mutantkind from the evil Robert Trask, descendant of Bolivar Trask, who has waged war against the mutants much like his father. Meanwhile, a mutant terrorist group operates in the shadows, and has their own plans for Trask.
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| - In the distant future, the year 3030, the now immortal Franklin Richards, whose powers have increased as he grew older, bands together a rag-tag team of mutants to defend the modern day mutantkind from the evil Robert Trask, descendant of Bolivar Trask, who has waged war against the mutants much like his father. Meanwhile, a mutant terrorist group operates in the shadows, and has their own plans for Trask.