| - Dwarves in LotR are short, aggressive, and bearded. As a race, they are known as fine warriors and craftsmen, but motivated mainly by personal gain and greedy of material wealth. They are extremely secretive about their culture, rarely speaking their own language in front of others and never giving out their real Dwarvish names. Unlike Men and Elves, they were not created by Ilúvatar, but by Aulë.
| - Dwarves in LotR are short, aggressive, and bearded. As a race, they are known as fine warriors and craftsmen, but motivated mainly by personal gain and greedy of material wealth. They are extremely secretive about their culture, rarely speaking their own language in front of others and never giving out their real Dwarvish names. Unlike Men and Elves, they were not created by Ilúvatar, but by Aulë. Individually, most named dwarves are known to be honourable and courageous while some few have been villains. Notable dwarves include Thorin Oakenshield and his companions, whom Bilbo Baggins accompanied to the Lonely Mountain, and Gimli son of Glóin, the sole dwarf member of the Fellowship of the Ring.