| - Title and short intro here.
- This is a glitch for Xbox In "Numbers," go to where the first big jump is where there are snipers shooting you from on top of the building that you are jumping into. Go on to the ledge that you jump off of and sprint and jump toward the edge of the big sign. Once you are on it, you can jump jump into the window where the snipers are. You will have to squat after you jump to make it through the window. Once in the room, you can stand on he ledge of the window on the side of the room. From there, once you are far enoough you can stand, jump onto the ledge on the caged in area outside. Now you can jump down to the roof where the snipers are. From here you can jump onto several roofs.
- Numbers is a boy-vigilante.
- Please go to this page Counting in Japanese
- Hurley's past is discovered, and his connection to the island is deeper than most thought.
- Numbers are anti-letters used in mathematics and other Satanic sciences. The only good function numbers have is to help count money. Poor people use numbers to keep score.
- 235 234 52 345 76 567884 84 57 673 62 3463 783 6 57 248 735 624 73683 6 26 2 5 2345 23 45 234 523 46 23456 23 478 456 8569 78967 956 784 634 56 145 12 3412 351 35 234 562 46 34 745 6786 89 56780 6789087906895 784 64 76 4562 5 2345 23 45 23456 367468 5679 85789 789 67 894 6734 57 568 47 7684 568 45 6734 4 56 2456 3 4735 6745 7 356 23 89080 8070 60 606 340 30 303 03 03 55 765 857 586 58 343 4535 4 7 987 78 65 5457 654 78564 9786 0 689 709 98790 86 75678 69 75 658 65 8765 8 and pi ITS OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND!!!!!!!!!
- Numbers is a member of the Organization. He is a loyal worker under Hector.
- "Numbers" (「ナンバーズ」 Nanbāzu) is episode N::12 of episode of::Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS. It was originally broadcast on published::June 17, 2007.
- A normie user that almost single handily restored the Vs Battles Wiki, since he made some many pages that the wiki's popurality increased by tenfold He goes by many names and faces, Numbers, 69, and "The dude of the pics"
- Numbers is Apple's spreadsheet program giving a new perspective with being able to arrange the page and play around with charts to make them look 100% professional. It includes Interacive Charts and a vast veriety of charts to choose from.
- Numbers was a henchman for Dr. Hugo Strange, along with Snap.
- |} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por Não creditados Imagens arquivadas "Numbers" foi o décimo oitavo episódio da 1ª Temporada de Lost, e foi ao ar em 2 de março de 2005. Quando Hurley fica obcecado pela Francesa e vai selva a dentro procurar por ela, Jack, Sayid e Charlie não têm escolha senão segui-lo. Durante isso, Locke pede a Claire ajuda para construir algo misterioso.
- "[[|]]" es el episodio Nº 18 de la primera temporada de Lost. Cuando Hurley ve los Números en los mapas y notas de Rousseau, los recuerda de su pasado, impulsándole a adentrarse en la selva para ir a ver a la francesa. Mientras tanto, Locke pide ayuda a Claire para construir algo. Los flashbacks en este episodio muestran la odisea de Hurley del origen de los "Números" malditos tras ganar la lotería con ellos.
- Michael begint aan een nieuw vlot. Hij vertelt Jack dat ze een grotere kans maken om gevonden te worden wanneer ze een signaal kunnen uitzenden. De batterijen van het zendapparaat zijn leeg maar Hurley herinnert zich dat de Franse vrouw batterijen had. Hij stelt voor dat ze haar proberen te vinden.
- Numbers Norton is a character from the 1990 Dick Tracy feature film, played by James Tolkan. He is aware of (and complicit in) Big Boy's illegal activities, but he is not violent or menacing as most of the villains are.
- Numbers (数字, Sūji) is a special chapter of the One-Punch Man manga series included with Volume 10..
- Numbers is a series of crack one-shot fanfiction written and published on FanFiction.Net by Madcow5678. Fifty characters were picked at random and numbered. Reviewers could pick a maximum of three numbers, and Madcow5678 would write a short chapter involving the characters attributed to each number.
- 1-100 101-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 501-600 601-700 701-800 801-900 901-1000
- The elite Pandora Numbers unit was a group composed of four students, consisting of the three top ranked 3rd years (seniors) and the highest ranked 2nd year (junior) at the West Genetics academy. The 2nd year would become the captain of the Numbers unit the next year.
- Numbers is one of the supporting antagonists in the film Dick Tracy.
- Na plaży widzimy Jina próbującego Hurleyowi wyjaśnić, w jaki sposób ma zacząć budować łódź, jednak nie potrafi się z nim porozumieć. Nagle przechodzący Michael tłumaczy słowa Jina i wyjaśnia Hurleyowi, co ma robić... Jak widać, Michael i Jin doszli do jakiegoś porozumienia, przynajmniej jeśli chodzi o budowę tratwy. W czasie późniejszej rozmowy Michael mówi Jackowi, że szanse nawiązania kontaktu z jakimś statkiem byłyby dużo większe, gdyby posiadali na tratwie jakiś nadajnik... Jack, zgadzający się z pomysłem, ma poważne wątpliwości, w jaki sposób rozbitkowie na tratwie mogliby go zasilać... W tym momencie Hurley przypomina sobie, że Sayid po powrocie od Francuzki mówił, że posiada ona baterie... Sayid jednak nie chciałby się spotkać z nią po raz kolejny i nie chce udać się w głąb dżungli
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 skip a few 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
- We were messing around on some random forums when we came across a thread entitled "NUMBERS." My friends and I wanted to see some random noob rant about some aspect of the forum they didn't like, so, for giggles, we went ahead and clicked and began reading. At first it was like one of those stupid chain letters, it started with "DON'T STOP READING, OR YOU WILL DIE!" Ishmael looked at me and mouthed, "Psycho." And turned to use the bathroom. I was about to open the door when Steven said, "Don't open it, he's just being a jerk."
- The basic cardinal numbers are:
* zero – zero
* un – one
* du – two
* tre – three
* cuatro – four
* sinco – five
* ses – six
* sete – seven
* oto – eight
* nove – nine
* des – ten
* sento – hundred
* mil – thousand
* milion – million
* des-un – 11
* des-du – 12
* des-nove – 19
* dudes – 20
* dudes-un – 21
* dudes-sinco – 25
* sento-un – 101
* sento-des-du – 112
* tresento-dudes-un – 321
* cuatrosento – 400
* novesento-sinco – 905 Negative numbers are expressed with min:
- The history of simple numbers starts from hungry nomads counting sheep to warriors counting lost teeth and enging with Saudi Arabian sultans counting their children. None of these counting systems included a zero as no one needed to count something that they had none of. The invention of the zero propelled numbers from an already abstract concept to a radioactive intellectual hysteria. It is impossible to find one single object in your house that could have arrived where it is without the digit zero. Though this is strange...as there are no inherant zeros in the universe...so how did it get there?