| - Sora Bulq was born into a wealthy Weequay merchant family which owned most of Ruul, a moon of the Weequay homeworld, Sriluur, and on which they had their estate. Identified as Force-sensitive early in his life, Sora was taken in by the Jedi Order to be raised as a Jedi. During his training, Sora was one of the Jedi Temple's most promising students, and as he rose up through the ranks of the Jedi Order, he became exceptionally skilled in lightsaber combat, eventually mastering all lightsaber combat forms except Form VIII and was considered to be one of the most formidable swordsmen in history. Eventually Sora became a Jedi Master and a lightsaber instructor in the Jedi Temple.
| - Sora Bulq was born into a wealthy Weequay merchant family which owned most of Ruul, a moon of the Weequay homeworld, Sriluur, and on which they had their estate. Identified as Force-sensitive early in his life, Sora was taken in by the Jedi Order to be raised as a Jedi. During his training, Sora was one of the Jedi Temple's most promising students, and as he rose up through the ranks of the Jedi Order, he became exceptionally skilled in lightsaber combat, eventually mastering all lightsaber combat forms except Form VIII and was considered to be one of the most formidable swordsmen in history. Eventually Sora became a Jedi Master and a lightsaber instructor in the Jedi Temple. Sora trained many young Jedi in his career and was said to have great influence over his students. Sora helped Mace Windu develop and perfect the deadly Vaapad style of lightsaber combat, but unknown to Windu or indeed any other Jedi, Sora became fascinated by the dark side, and though he worked hard to resist it, this fascination did not go away. He started to secretly study the dark side but at the same time, he tried not to actually submit to it, merely studying it out of facination rather than malicious intent. Ultimately his facination with the dark side would cause him to betray the Jedi Order. After the Kiffar Jedi Quinlan Vos regained his memory after a period of amnesia Sora gave him some training in Vaapad, though not on an advanced level. A few months before the Battle of Geonosis, Sora Bulq accompanied Jedi Knight Carmen Conrose and her recently promoted Padawan Tom Norton to Ryloth to rescue Orn Free Taa from a criminal group. On Ryloth Bulq used Vaapad to kill or injure the majority of the criminals which disturbed Carmen and Tom.