| - An aircraft is any machine capable of atmospheric flight.
- An aircraft is
- There were many different aircraft used in World War II. There were also many roles that they played, like bombers, fighters, transports, dive bombers, recon, and even torpedo bombers. During World War II was when the worlds nations really started to realize the power of aircraft and what they could do. Some battles were solely won or lost thanks to air power, and the major key to winning battle was controlling the skies.
- There are a medium amount of aircraft in the game, they are the core of this game, lovely to watch and cool yet a little unrealistic to fly :) The number of airplanes of each side is fairly equal. This is a list of the airplanes in the order you unlock them.
- An aircraft was a type of craft designed for atmospheric flight, and were in common usage on the planet Earth during the 20th and 21st centuries. Airplanes were different from spacecraft as they were usually designed to fly no higher than the upper reaches of Earth's atmosphere. Examples of these craft included balloons, fixed-wing airplanes or jets, and rotary-wing helicopters.
- Aircraft are flying units produced through a Helipad or an Airfield. Aircraft units have finite ammo. When they run out of ammo, they head back to the nearest unoccupied Helipad (if Allied) or Airfield (If Soviet) and reload. Note that aircraft travel in a straight line to the base when wanting to reload. This is not always desired as it can sometimes put them directly above enemy anti air units. It is sometimes better to manually fly them back.
- Most Veritechs fashioned an aircraft as one of their modes, and a Helicopter was a type of aircraft.
- These units are always airborne and are used for many purposes, on land and in the air. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- An aircraft is a machine that is able to fly by gaining support from the air, or, in general, the atmosphere of a planet.In the Known Universe the most widespread types of aircraft are Ornithopters and Flyers. In contrast crafts which are supported by Suspensors are known as Drifters or Levitators ("Levs").
- In Airline Tycoon, new airplanes can be purchased at the Plane Broker, while used planes can be purchased at the Museum. Although used planes are usually less expensive than old planes, their maintenance conditions are generally poorer than new planes. In Airline Tycoon Evolution and Airline Tycoon Deluxe, airlines can also design their own planes at the HiTech Design Shop. The following chart details standard airplanes available for sale at the Plane Broker and Museum; they cannot be customized:
- In order to produce aircraft, you must have an Airbase or an Aircraft Carrier.
- Aircraft are vehicles that move through air and are the most widely used category of vehicle on Tetro. They are generally powered by hydrogen turbine engines and stay aloft via a combination of aerodynamic lift and thrust vectoring. While traveling at full speed, most aircraft can stay aloft from aerodynamic lift alone, and rely on thrust vectoring only for takeoff, landing, and low-speed maneuvering.
- Generally includes Fighters and Bombers, but other mods have created new forms such as Airships.
- gngfbdfhersdshsdhbfdhdsfhdshfdhgsdgbdsgsfgggggggggggggg
- Aircraft are made in air factories, aircraft carriers, or by certain experimental units, and have the capabilities of intelligence gathering and attacking units. Offensive aircraft can be considered either combination fighter/bombers, air superiority fighters, gunships, or bombers. Transports can also be used to move land units to a more favorable location. All types of aircrafts require fuel to function effectively, which limits how long and far away they can operate. Special anti-air units or buildings are necessary to counter attacking air units. File:XRA0105 build btn.pngCybran - Jester
- Aircraft are aerial units available to both the CORE and the ARM; the CORE use patterning to produce aircraft run solely on an intelligence module, the ARM use clones as pilots to fly aircraft across the map. Aircraft are generally known for their high top speeds, long build times and poor armour, although they can simply fly over any terrain elevation unhindered. The aircraft in Total Annihilation all take off and land on the spot using the science of VTOL, allowing them to lift off quickly from the ground (which is when aircraft are vulnerable); unlike other units in Total Annihilation, aircraft do not turn on the spot instead having to complete their turns while flying slowly, they are able to be targeted by many enemy units while they do this though. Due to their high top speeds and ex
- An aircraft is a vehicle that is able to fly by gaining support from the air, or, in general, the atmosphere of a planet. It counters the force of gravity by using either static lift or by using the dynamic lift of an airfoil, or in a few cases the downward thrust from jet engines. Although rockets and missiles also travel through the atmosphere, most are not considered aircraft because they do not have wings and rely on rocket thrust as the primary means of lift. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Aircraft is a special type of military unit newly introduced to Cyber Nations. There are currently 18 types of aircraft, 9 fighter craft and 9 bomber craft, each of which has its own requirements. The initial limit to the number of aircraft that one may own is 50. Resources which provide aircraft bonuses include:
- Aircraft are vehicles that travel through the air. The most common types of aircraft are airplanes, helicopters, and balloons. Aircraft can generally be divided in aeronautical vehicles and thrust vehicles. Thrust vehicles keep themselves aloft by the thrust of their engines, while aeronautical vehicles use aeronautic lift to keep aloft. Aeronautical vehicles can be divided into lighter-than-air aerostats that derive their lift from buoyancy and heavier-than-air vehicles that use aerodynamic lift, generated by pushing a wing through the air to generate lift.
| - An aircraft is any machine capable of atmospheric flight.
- Aircraft are aerial units available to both the CORE and the ARM; the CORE use patterning to produce aircraft run solely on an intelligence module, the ARM use clones as pilots to fly aircraft across the map. Aircraft are generally known for their high top speeds, long build times and poor armour, although they can simply fly over any terrain elevation unhindered. The aircraft in Total Annihilation all take off and land on the spot using the science of VTOL, allowing them to lift off quickly from the ground (which is when aircraft are vulnerable); unlike other units in Total Annihilation, aircraft do not turn on the spot instead having to complete their turns while flying slowly, they are able to be targeted by many enemy units while they do this though. Due to their high top speeds and extendable sight, aircraft are most commonly used to explore the map and seek out enemy base (particularly on larger maps); Construction Aircraft are the slowest builders because they can fly above other units, which makes them more suited to repair work. In order to build aircraft, the Commander (or any construction unit that is able to) must first build an Aircraft Plant. Upon the addition of The Core Contingency expansion pack, another form of aircraft was introduced, called a seaplane; they are basically the same as normal aircraft, other than the ability to submerge in any body of water. In order to build seaplanes, an Adv. Construction Sub must first build a Seaplane Platform.
- Aircraft is a special type of military unit newly introduced to Cyber Nations. There are currently 18 types of aircraft, 9 fighter craft and 9 bomber craft, each of which has its own requirements. The initial limit to the number of aircraft that one may own is 50. Resources which provide aircraft bonuses include:
* Lead - Lowers aircraft upkeep cost by -20%
* Aluminum - Lowers initial cost of aircraft by -8%
* Oil - Lowers initial cost of aircraft by -4%
* Rubber - Lowers initial cost of aircraft by -4%
* Space Program - National Wonder Lowers initial cost of aircraft by -5%
* Construction - Bonus Resource Increases aircraft limit by +10
* Foreign Air Force Base - National Wonder Increases aircraft limit by +20
- An aircraft is
- There were many different aircraft used in World War II. There were also many roles that they played, like bombers, fighters, transports, dive bombers, recon, and even torpedo bombers. During World War II was when the worlds nations really started to realize the power of aircraft and what they could do. Some battles were solely won or lost thanks to air power, and the major key to winning battle was controlling the skies.
- There are a medium amount of aircraft in the game, they are the core of this game, lovely to watch and cool yet a little unrealistic to fly :) The number of airplanes of each side is fairly equal. This is a list of the airplanes in the order you unlock them.
- An aircraft was a type of craft designed for atmospheric flight, and were in common usage on the planet Earth during the 20th and 21st centuries. Airplanes were different from spacecraft as they were usually designed to fly no higher than the upper reaches of Earth's atmosphere. Examples of these craft included balloons, fixed-wing airplanes or jets, and rotary-wing helicopters.
- Aircraft are flying units produced through a Helipad or an Airfield. Aircraft units have finite ammo. When they run out of ammo, they head back to the nearest unoccupied Helipad (if Allied) or Airfield (If Soviet) and reload. Note that aircraft travel in a straight line to the base when wanting to reload. This is not always desired as it can sometimes put them directly above enemy anti air units. It is sometimes better to manually fly them back.
- Most Veritechs fashioned an aircraft as one of their modes, and a Helicopter was a type of aircraft.
- These units are always airborne and are used for many purposes, on land and in the air. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Aircraft are vehicles that travel through the air. The most common types of aircraft are airplanes, helicopters, and balloons. Aircraft can generally be divided in aeronautical vehicles and thrust vehicles. Thrust vehicles keep themselves aloft by the thrust of their engines, while aeronautical vehicles use aeronautic lift to keep aloft. Aeronautical vehicles can be divided into lighter-than-air aerostats that derive their lift from buoyancy and heavier-than-air vehicles that use aerodynamic lift, generated by pushing a wing through the air to generate lift. Lighter than air vehicles (aerostats) can be divided into airships that push themselves through the air and balloons that drift with the wind. Heavier than air vehicles using aerodynamic lift can be divided into airplanes that push their lifting surfaces forward in the direction of motion to generate lift, kites and gliders that instead have their lifting surfaces forward pulled through the air to generate lift, and rotorcraft that rotate their lifting surfaces round and round to generate lift. Examples of thrust vehicles are rocket-belts, the DC-X Delta Clipper, and NASA Flying Bedstead Rotorcraft can be divided into units which rotate the aerodynamic lift surface about a verical axis, and those that revolve around a horizontal axis. Of those rotorcraft that use a vertical axis, they can be divided into: helicopters that derive lift by swinging a lifting surface around in a circle, like arms on a clock, with a connection point driven motion; rotordynes which like helicopters, rotate the lifting surface through a circle, but use tip mounted thrust units instead of a connection point powered unit; autogiros that let forward motion push the lifting surface around the central attachment point, by pushing the vehicle forward; rotor kites that are like autogiros, but which are pulled forward instead; Of those rotorcraft that use a horizontal axis, they can be divided into: cyclogyros, fletter planes, magnus-effect planes, fanwings. Of these, several aircraft are hybrids of these categories, and some deviate from the standard in some way, such as aerostats that are heavier-than-air, and use aerodynamic lift to overcome the lack of buoyancy. Some aircraft have severe flight height restrictions, as they are ground effect vehicles or ekranoplanes. Some authorities do not count GEVs as aircraft. Not all aeronautical vehicles are aircraft. Hovercraft, are not aircraft, though they depend on aerodynamic forces to lift the vehicle into the air. Hovercraft are extremely restricted in flight height, needing to be virtually in contact with the ground.
- An aircraft is a machine that is able to fly by gaining support from the air, or, in general, the atmosphere of a planet.In the Known Universe the most widespread types of aircraft are Ornithopters and Flyers. In contrast crafts which are supported by Suspensors are known as Drifters or Levitators ("Levs").
- In Airline Tycoon, new airplanes can be purchased at the Plane Broker, while used planes can be purchased at the Museum. Although used planes are usually less expensive than old planes, their maintenance conditions are generally poorer than new planes. In Airline Tycoon Evolution and Airline Tycoon Deluxe, airlines can also design their own planes at the HiTech Design Shop. The following chart details standard airplanes available for sale at the Plane Broker and Museum; they cannot be customized:
- In order to produce aircraft, you must have an Airbase or an Aircraft Carrier.
- An aircraft is a vehicle that is able to fly by gaining support from the air, or, in general, the atmosphere of a planet. It counters the force of gravity by using either static lift or by using the dynamic lift of an airfoil, or in a few cases the downward thrust from jet engines. Although rockets and missiles also travel through the atmosphere, most are not considered aircraft because they do not have wings and rely on rocket thrust as the primary means of lift. The human activity that surrounds aircraft is called aviation. Manned aircraft are flown by an onboard pilot. Unmanned aerial vehicles may be remotely controlled or self-controlled by onboard computers. Aircraft may be classified by different criteria, such as lift type, propulsion, usage, and others. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Aircraft are vehicles that move through air and are the most widely used category of vehicle on Tetro. They are generally powered by hydrogen turbine engines and stay aloft via a combination of aerodynamic lift and thrust vectoring. While traveling at full speed, most aircraft can stay aloft from aerodynamic lift alone, and rely on thrust vectoring only for takeoff, landing, and low-speed maneuvering.
- Generally includes Fighters and Bombers, but other mods have created new forms such as Airships.
- gngfbdfhersdshsdhbfdhdsfhdshfdhgsdgbdsgsfgggggggggggggg
- Aircraft are made in air factories, aircraft carriers, or by certain experimental units, and have the capabilities of intelligence gathering and attacking units. Offensive aircraft can be considered either combination fighter/bombers, air superiority fighters, gunships, or bombers. Transports can also be used to move land units to a more favorable location. All types of aircrafts require fuel to function effectively, which limits how long and far away they can operate. Special anti-air units or buildings are necessary to counter attacking air units. Air Scouts - Tiny, nimble, and very weak, T1 Air Scouts serve no purpose other than to collect intelligence on enemy positions. The Seraphim scout is unique with it's deathcam ability, allowing it to continue to provide intel for a short period after its death. File:UEA0101 build btn.pngUEF - Hummingbird File:URA0101 build btn.pngCybran - Flying Eyes File:UAA0101 build btn.pngAeon - Mirage File:XSA0101 build btn.pngSeraphim - Sele-istle Interceptors - Lightly armed and armored anti-air aircraft, designed to intercept and destroy other aircraft. Despite their differences in appearance and armament, they are roughly equal in effectiveness. File:UEA0102 build btn.pngUEF - Cyclone File:URA0102 build btn.pngCybran - Prowler File:UAA0102 build btn.pngAeon - Conservator File:XSA0102 build btn.pngSeraphim - Ia-atha Attack Bombers - Small bombers with light ordinance, excels at harassing ground forces or making early first strikes. They are vulnerable to Interceptors. Each faction's ordinance functions in different ways, and may be more useful in one situation than another (UEF and Cybran is especially useful against massed amounts of units because they drop a lot of bombs over a large area, while the Aeon and Seraphim ones are good at taking out single units like engineers and partly commanders because they deliver all their damage in a small area). File:UEA0103 build btn.pngUEF - Scorcher File:URA0103 build btn.pngCybran - Zeus File:UAA0103 build btn.pngAeon - Shimmer File:XSA0103 build btn.pngSeraphim - Sinnve Light Air Transports - Relatively large, lightly armored air units made for carrying slow land units where they need to go. They vary in appearance and carrying capacity. File:UEA0107 build btn.pngUEF - C-6 Courier File:URA0107 build btn.pngCybran - Skyhook File:UAA0107 build btn.pngAeon - Chariot File:XSA0107 build btn.pngSeraphim - Vish Light Gunship - A unit unique to the Cybran Nation, the Jester light gunship provides an excellent tool for early base defense. File:XRA0105 build btn.pngCybran - Jester Fighter/Bombers - Capable of both air and ground attack, these versatile aircraft mount heavy AA weapons as well as bombs (or missiles in the case of the Cybran one). File:DEA0202 build btn.pngUEF - Janus File:DRA0202 build btn.pngCybran - Corsair File:XSA0202 build btn.pngSeraphim - Notha Combat Fighter - The Aeon answer to the Fighter/Bomber, the Swift Wind provides very good AA at T2 for the Aeon faction. File:XAA0202 build btn.pngAeon - Swift Wind Torpedo Bombers - These bombers are anti-naval only, dropping ship-sinking torpedoes or depth charges. File:UEA0204 build btn.pngUEF - Stork File:URA0204 build btn.pngCybran - Cormorant File:UAA0204 build btn.pngAeon - Skimmer File:XSA0204 build btn.pngSeraphim - Uosioz Gunships - A formidable close air support solution, gunships hover around, attacking ground forces in total impunity. That is until the flak shows up... File:UEA0203 build btn.pngUEF - Stinger File:URA0203 build btn.pngCybran - Renegade File:UAA0203 build btn.pngAeon - Specter File:XSA0203 build btn.pngSeraphim - Vulthoo Air Transports - Heavier and a lot more durable than T1 transports, these also carry more units and are armed to defend their cargo (do not rely too much on them to defend themselves though...). File:UEA0104 build btn.pngUEF - C14 Star Lifter File:URA0104 build btn.pngCybran - Dragon Fly File:UAA0104 build btn.pngAeon - Aluminar File:XSA0104 build btn.pngSeraphim - Vishala Guided Missile - A unique Aeon craft, essentially a flying suicide weapon. File:DAA0206 build btn.pngAeon - Mercy Spy Planes - Extremely fast and agile aircraft with an Omni Sensor, designed to provide maximum intelligence coverage. File:UEA0302 build btn.pngUEF - SR90 Blackbird File:URA0302 build btn.pngCybran - Spook File:UAA0302 build btn.pngAeon - Seer File:XSA0302 build btn.pngSeraphim - Iaselen Air-Superiority Fighters - Powerful, swift AA aircraft, designed to engage air threats of any kind. File:UEA0303 build btn.pngUEF - Wasp File:URA0303 build btn.pngCybran - Gemini File:UAA0303 build btn.pngAeon - Corona File:XSA0303 build btn.pngSeraphim - Iazyne Strategic Bombers - Large, heavily armored bomber that drop devastating ordinance. File:UEA0304 build btn.pngUEF - Ambassador File:URA0304 build btn.pngCybran - Revenant File:UAA0304 build btn.pngAeon - Shocker File:XSA0304 build btn.pngSeraphim - Sinntha Heavy Gunships - The epitome of close-air support, heavy gunships combine heavy weaponry with high armor. The Aeon version is a special AA gunship capable of holding off even the best of air units. File:UEA0305 build btn.pngUEF - Broadsword File:XRA0305 build btn.pngCybran - Wailer File:XAA0305 build btn.pngAeon - Restorer Heavy Air Transport - This unique unit of the UEF provides the safest and most effective way to deliver important cargo/ a lot of cargo. The Continental is heavily armed, armored, and shielded to ensure maximum reliability and protection for it's cargo. File:XEA0306 build btn.pngUEF - Continental Heavy Torpedo Bomber - The Aeon Solace, while not economically effective, can be useful when a more powerful and durable torpedo bomber is desired. File:XAA0306 build btn.pngAeon - Solace
* File:XEA0002 build btn.pngUEF - Novax Defense Satellite - A highly capable, stationary experimental which sends out a satelite traveling in orbit. This satelite can not be shot down and will only be destroyed if the station is destroyed.
* File:URA0401 build btn.pngCybran - Soul Ripper - A highly destructive, direct support experimental which can destroy entire T3 armies in a few moments or obliterate enemy AA trying to take it out.
* File:UAA0310 build btn.pngAeon - CZAR - The unit with the highest damage given by crashing in the game (10000/enough to destroy a stock Cybran Commander) and a highly destructive laser at it's center. Also features efficent AA.
* File:XSA0402 build btn.pngSeraphim - Ahwassa - Travels at a high speed and features a bomb capable of leveling entire bases. Also features good flak and good movement.