| - Amaya Ōtsutsuki (あま大筒木, Ōtsutsuki Amaya) is a genin ranked kunoichi from Takigakure. Abandoned by her original unknown family, she was then found by the Takikage, Shingi. At which he adopted her, and is know known as his most prominent parter. She was the first successful person, to live through Operation Samsara (オペ輪廻, Ope Rinne), which allowed her to harness the Rinnegan, giving her the title if Aspect of the Six Paths (六道の術相, Rikudō no Sō). When she was found by Shingi asked her name, and she included that junction "Ōtsutsuki", giving theory to a clan. She was later known throughout Takigakure by the name of the Blessed Child (ホウこ, Hou Ko), from her surname, as well as her being able to live through, the operation. Amaya also shows the ability to passively absorb natural energy, resulti
| - Amaya Ōtsutsuki (あま大筒木, Ōtsutsuki Amaya) is a genin ranked kunoichi from Takigakure. Abandoned by her original unknown family, she was then found by the Takikage, Shingi. At which he adopted her, and is know known as his most prominent parter. She was the first successful person, to live through Operation Samsara (オペ輪廻, Ope Rinne), which allowed her to harness the Rinnegan, giving her the title if Aspect of the Six Paths (六道の術相, Rikudō no Sō). When she was found by Shingi asked her name, and she included that junction "Ōtsutsuki", giving theory to a clan. She was later known throughout Takigakure by the name of the Blessed Child (ホウこ, Hou Ko), from her surname, as well as her being able to live through, the operation. Amaya also shows the ability to passively absorb natural energy, resulting in her extensive use of the Sage Transformation. However, this only adds onto her, raw speed, monstrous strength, and physical capabilities. Unlike others, Amaya has the abilities to keep her transformation under control.