The Mezzilenic War was a conflict between the Galactic Republic led by Supreme Chancellor Signet Mezzileen and the Democratic Republican Party and the Jedi Order, who later combined to form the Jedi Coalition.
The Mezzilenic War was a conflict between the Galactic Republic led by Supreme Chancellor Signet Mezzileen and the Democratic Republican Party and the Jedi Order, who later combined to form the Jedi Coalition.
*Jedi Grand Master Yoda
*Merix Valorum
*Democratic Republican Party Leader Arf Fey'lya
*Admiral Argst Perdel †
*Admiral Persus Valorum
*Admiral Jar Nun
*Jedi Master Nin
*Supreme Chancellor Signet Mezzileen
*Lady Ugra †
*Admiral Seph Kandis
*Admiral Gor Koon
*General Behn-Kehn-Mehn †
*Bothan Council Leader VY Hu'ro †
The Mezzilenic War was a conflict between the Galactic Republic led by Supreme Chancellor Signet Mezzileen and the Democratic Republican Party and the Jedi Order, who later combined to form the Jedi Coalition.