| - The episode "The Whole Truth" is the thirteenth episode of Season 2. The episode originally aired in the U.S on June 21, 2010 on the FOX network.
- The Whole Truth is the seventh episode of Season 3 of Degrassi Junior High, and the thirty-third episode overall. It aired on December 12, 1988.
- |} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por Não creditados Imagens arquivadas "The Whole Truth" foi o décimo sexto episódio da 2ª Temporada e o 41º de Lost; foi ao ar em 22 de Março de 2006. Sun luta com o pensamento de contar a Jin um segredo recém descoberto que ameaça desarranjar todo o equilíbrio dos sobreviventes. Enquanto isso, Locke pede a Ana-Lucia para interrogar o prisioneiro para extrair mais informações do que ele, Jack ou Sayid conseguiram.
- The Whole Truth is the second questline of the Treehouse of Horror XXV Event.
- Sun believes that she may be pregnant, and becomes determined to discover the truth. Ana-Lucia speaks with Henry inside the hatch and receives a map leading to his alleged balloon.
- The Whole Truth is the second half of the 4th episode from Season 11 of Barney & Friends.
- Als Sun zich duizelig en misselijk voelt vraagt ze aan Sawyer, die de medicijnvoorraad onder zijn controle heeft een om zwangerschapstest. Als ze zwanger blijkt te zijn, is ze daar in eerste instantie niet blij mee. Ook besluit ze het geheim houden voor Jin. Hierdoor heeft Sun flashbacks over haar relatie in Korea met Jin. Echter door omstandigheden zijn meerdere mensen inmiddels ook op de hoogte, waardoor Sun besluit uiteindelijk het toch aan Jin te vertellen. Ondertussen heeft Locke de hulp van Ana-Lucia ingeschakeld bij de ondervraging van Henry. Het lukt Ana-Lucia om Henry te laten vertellen waar het graf van zijn vrouw en de Ballon zich bevindt. Achter de rug van Jack en Locke om gaat ze op zoek samen met Sayid en Charlie naar deze locatie, maar of dat verstandig is.
- "[[|]]" es el capítulo n.º 16 de la segunda temporada de Lost y 41 de toda la serie. Sun cree que puede estar embarazada. Ana Lucía parte con Sayid en busca del supuesto globo que respaldaría la coartada de Henry Gale, el prisionero.
- "It's the Truth" is a song sung by Foulfellow and Gideon the Fox and Cat in Pinocchio's Christmas. The two cons use the song to assure Pinocchio that he can trust them.
- "The Whole Truth" is the sixteenth episode of Season 2 of Lost and the 41st produced hour of the series as a whole. Locke enlists Ana Lucia's help in dealing with their prisoner in the Hatch. Elsewhere, Sun begins to think that she might be pregnant.
- Locate the cave that was reported and collect blood samples from any mutated rancor that you find inside. You must collect three blood samples (random updates) by killing the many Mutant Rancors that you find inside.
- Sypialnia Jina i Sun. Małżonkowie kłócą się ze sobą. Okazuje się, że od pewnego czasu starają się o dziecko, niestety, bez rezultatów, przez co w ich związku pojawiły się problemy. Następnie dowiadujemy się, że Sun wciąż widuje się z dawną sympatią – Jaem Lee. Mężczyzna daje jej lekcje angielskiego. Locke mówi Anie-Lucii o Henry`m. Postanawia, bez wcześniejszego skonsultowania się z Jackiem, poprosić ją o to, żeby przesłuchała więźnia. Ana się zgadza. Rozmawiając z Gale`m zmusza go, aby narysował jej mapkę prowadzącą do miejsca, gdzie znajduje się domniemany balon.
- The dealership of glib used car salesman Harvey Hunnicut is visited by a mild-mannered elderly gentleman who offers to sell his vintage Model A car for a pittance. The old gent warns Hunnicut that the antique contraption is haunted and that the owner is compelled to tell the truth. Laughing off such superstitious nonsense, Hunnicut buys the jalopy, intending to quickly unload it. To his dismay, he realizes that the previous owner was indeed being truthful, as he himself must now be. Even when an employee of his, Irv asks about the raise he was promised and when Harvey confesses again to having lied and not giving Irv so much as a penny more, Irv punches Harvey out and quits. After a series of vain attempts to sell his substandard merchandise, Hunnicut concludes that his livelihood depends