| - Full Name and Title: Vindicator Nehaalista the Kindly of Shattrath ((Pronounced "Nay-Ha-Liss-Tah")) Status: Vindicator of the Hand of Argus Relatives: Missing, Presumed Dead Marital Status: Single Nehaalista is your typically big, dark-skinned, hooved and horned Draenei woman. Her dark hair curls in ringlets and falls down her back, admittedly rather vain for a paladin. Her horns curl back against her head and point downward and are the number one reason why she hates helmets. Aside from this, little seperates her from the rest of the female side of her race. Except, perhaps the fact that Nehaalista does not speak.
| - Full Name and Title: Vindicator Nehaalista the Kindly of Shattrath ((Pronounced "Nay-Ha-Liss-Tah")) Status: Vindicator of the Hand of Argus Relatives: Missing, Presumed Dead Marital Status: Single Nehaalista is your typically big, dark-skinned, hooved and horned Draenei woman. Her dark hair curls in ringlets and falls down her back, admittedly rather vain for a paladin. Her horns curl back against her head and point downward and are the number one reason why she hates helmets. Aside from this, little seperates her from the rest of the female side of her race. Except, perhaps the fact that Nehaalista does not speak. Ever. No, Nehaalista is what you'd call a perfectly functional, perfectly happy mute. As she cannot speak, she must often use sign language to communicate. It is a bit rudimentary, and still a little clumsy, but as far as she is concerned, it gets her point across just fine for her purposes. Usually, she appears to forget about the fact not everyone uses or understands signing, and signs rapidly. Or perhaps she does it to watch them become confused. Contrary to popular belief, Nehaalista does, in fact, have her tongue. Nehaalista has tried to cure herself of her affliction in the past. However, no amount of petitioning the Light, goblin and gnomish devices, magic elixirs, or panceas have fixed her. As such, Nehaalista has learned to live without speaking for a very long time. While it isn't the most desireable trait in a Vindicator, Nehaalista has learned to loom when necessary.