"Protective Seal" (護(ご)封(ふう) Gofū) is a series of Spell and Trap Cards whose effects manipulate monsters' battle positions or prevent monsters from attacking. Their English names are inconsistent, but most contain the phrase "X of Y Light".
Attributes | Values |
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| - "Protective Seal" (護(ご)封(ふう) Gofū) is a series of Spell and Trap Cards whose effects manipulate monsters' battle positions or prevent monsters from attacking. Their English names are inconsistent, but most contain the phrase "X of Y Light".
ko name
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ko romanized
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| - * Yu-Gi-Oh!
* Yu-Gi-Oh!
* Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
* Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
* Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL
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| - "Swords of Revealing Light"
zh pinyin
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| - * Yu-Gi-Oh!
* Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist
* Yu-Gi-Oh! R
* Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
* Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL
| - * Dark Duel Stories
* Duel Academy
* Duel Monsters
* Duel Monsters II
* Duel Monsters 4
* The Duelists of the Roses
* The Eternal Duelist Soul
* Forbidden Memories
* Nightmare Troubadour
* The Sacred Cards
* Spirit Caller
* Stairway to the Destined Duel
* Tag Force
* Tag Force 4
* World Championship 2006
* World Championship 2007
* World Championship 2008
* World Championship 2009
* World Championship 2011
* Yu-Gi-Oh! Online
zh name
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| - * Ancient Sanctuary
* Battle Pack: Epic Dawn
* Beginner's Edition 1
* Beginner's Edition 1
* Beginner's Edition 2
* Dark Beginning 1
* Dark Beginning 2
* Dark Legends
* Dark Revelation Volume 2
* Dark Revelation Volume 3
* Duel Terminal 6
* Duelist Box 2012
* Duelist League Series 9 participation card
* Duelist Legacy Volume.2
* Duelist Legacy Volume.5
* Duelist Pack: Yugi
* Duelist Pack: Yuma 2: Gogogo & Dododo
* Duelist Set: Version Lightning Star
* Expansion Pack Vol.1
* Expert Edition Volume.2
* Expert Edition Volume.3
* Flaming Eternity
* The Gold Box
* Gold Series
* Hobby League 4 participation card B
* Legacy of Darkness
* Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
* Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega Pack
* Phantom God
* Retro Pack
* The Sanctuary in the Sky
* Starter Deck 2012
* Starter Deck: Dawn of the Xyz
* Starter Deck: Xyz Symphony
* Starter Deck: Yugi Evolution
* Structure Deck: Dragon's Roar
* Structure Deck: Invincible Fortress
* Machina Mayhem Structure Deck
* Structure Deck: Machiners Command
* Spellcaster's Command Structure Deck
* Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Judgment
* Structure Deck: Surge of Radiance
* Structure Deck: Warrior's Triumph
* Structure Deck: Yugi
* Struggle of Chaos
* Vol.2
* X-Saber: Special Edition
* Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack
| - "Protective Seal" (護(ご)封(ふう) Gofū) is a series of Spell and Trap Cards whose effects manipulate monsters' battle positions or prevent monsters from attacking. Their English names are inconsistent, but most contain the phrase "X of Y Light".