| - Shopping malls are America's first and premiere choice for shopping. Shoppers can buy anything at the mall, from harmonicas to the original cast of M.A.S.H., provided the item exists, and even if it doesn't. Shopping malls have 1 or 2 or eleventeen anchor stores* and numerous small in-line stores. Accept nothing less. Most malls contain a Macy's, Starbucks, Pottery Barn, Gap, Needless Markup, Starbucks, the 4 hour line for a seat in the Rainforest Cafe, American Eagle Outfitters, Abercrombie & Fitch, Banana Republic, Hot Topic (located next door to the Disney Store), Starbucks, Gap, Build a Bear Workshop, Starbucks, The Ganja House, Baby Gap, Victoria's Secret, The Little Shop of Horrors, Gap, Nordstrom, a multiplex, and a Starbucks conveniently located on every corner.
| - Shopping malls are America's first and premiere choice for shopping. Shoppers can buy anything at the mall, from harmonicas to the original cast of M.A.S.H., provided the item exists, and even if it doesn't. Shopping malls have 1 or 2 or eleventeen anchor stores* and numerous small in-line stores. Accept nothing less. Most malls contain a Macy's, Starbucks, Pottery Barn, Gap, Needless Markup, Starbucks, the 4 hour line for a seat in the Rainforest Cafe, American Eagle Outfitters, Abercrombie & Fitch, Banana Republic, Hot Topic (located next door to the Disney Store), Starbucks, Gap, Build a Bear Workshop, Starbucks, The Ganja House, Baby Gap, Victoria's Secret, The Little Shop of Horrors, Gap, Nordstrom, a multiplex, and a Starbucks conveniently located on every corner. If you are planning an excursion to your local mall you should take comfortable shoes, a first aid kit, a sack of potatoes, your neighbor's kitchen sink, and a guide dog to find your way out. Keep your eye on the guide dog at all times or it will slip away, find a mate, have puppies, and set up housekeeping in the Build a Bear Workshop.
* These stores don't actually have anchors. The Great Anchor Drop of 1982 caused untold damages to an unidentified mall in Wisconsin, followed by a plague of lawyers, and convinced them anchors are a bad idea.