| - The Umbrella Corporation is the multinational pharmaceutical company responsible for the mutagenic T-and G-Viri, and the outbreaks of said viri across the globe. The company started up in Raccoon City in the '60s to mask questionable activities done under the watchful eyes of founders Ozwell Spencer and Edward Ashford. Most campaigns will have Umbrella as the main enemy, since it is involved in every Resident Evil game to date (or at least mentioned) and as such, is easy to weave into the scenarios.
- Status - Deployed-Antarctic Protectorate Defence
- The Umbrella Corporation is a company that manufactured cosmetics items for the public. They also were secretly involved with the development of military biological weapons as well as genetic engineering.
- Umbrella Corporation is a biotech corporation set in the Resident Evil series of videogames.
- We are the Umbrella Corporation, be welcome! \o> ♦ The guild hierarchy currently consists of the Guild Leader Charge, Second in Commands Zero and Euller, all of whom have the most rights within the guild and hold the most authority. There is a guild ranking and rights system in place. ♦ All members of the guild are expected to help each other out in times of need, whether it be hunting for items, getting a level up, or going on a dungeon run. Many of the long term members are also known for their generosity to those who have proven themselves loyal to the guild.
- A subsidiary of Umbrella Corporation operated as a malevolent paramilitary organization. This division of the company maintained a highly trained security force capable of rescue, performing reconnaissance, and conducting all paramilitary operations. They used a variety of vehicles, including HUMVEEs. Complementing this security force was an air wing, which maintained a fleet of UH-60 Black Hawks, AV-8 Harrier VTOL jets, C-130 Hercules water-landing capable cargo planes, CH-53 Sea Stallion cargo helicopters for transporting prisoners and AH-6 Little Bird attack helicopters. The company utilized these resources in order to secure and protect its assets, as well as its high-profile employees.
- One of Umbrella's subsidiaries is a private military contractor with a highly-trained security force capable of rescue, reconnaissance, and para-military operations. The corporation uses the force to secure and protect its assets and high profile employees.
- One of Umbrella's subsidiaries is a private military company with a highly-trained security force capable of completely screwing up rescue missions, being very conspicuous, and inadvertently creating huge monsters bent on taking revenge against Umbrella. The corporation tries to utilize the force to secure and protect its assets and high profile employees, though they'd probably be better off committing suicide than hope their "crack squad" (and I use this term very loosely) could do anything right.
- Umbrella was founded in 1968 by Dr. Van Nostrand when he got bored of being a doctor in New York City. Dr. Van Nostrand started a small medicine company and called it Umbrella. His motto was, "let us protect you and your family with an Umbrella." Shortly after Umbrella's founding, his friend's uncle died from exposure to the virus, and then the janitor was effectively-exiled to the Umbrella Antarctica Base. After years of hard work, there were stores all other Raccoon City, and hen all other the Midwest. In 1979, there were stores all over the US. In 1982, Umbrella became the Umbrella Corporation when it opened up stores across the globe.
- thumb|Logo d'Umbrella. Umbrella Corporation (stylisé en Umbrella) est une société multinationale de recherche pharmaceutique. Umbrella fut fondée par James Marcus, Oswell E. Spencer et Edward Ashford en 1968. Le but de sa fondation est de couvrir les recherches illicites sur le Virus Progenitor et les armes Bio-Organiques. Elle a cependant étendu ses activités à l'informatique, l'armement, l'aérospatiale, les produits cosmétiques et bien d'autres secteurs divers. Derrière ce visage de société bienfaisante et totalement présente dans la vie quotidienne, elle développe cependant de manière clandestine des armes biologiquement modifiées qu'elle revend à des groupes para-militaires et à des pays du Tiers-Monde. Elle est adepte des pots-de-vin et de la corruption pour couvrir ses activés et obt
- 2003 marked the end of Umbrella’s public image. However, the events leading up to this point go back 6 years, to the summer of 1998. It is a story that was well known by the time of Umbrella’s dissolution, but there are few who know the whole truth behind this tale now. Years of planning and work finally came to fruition. With the aid of the Organization, and in some part the B.S.A.A., I was able to topple Umbrella’s last stronghold deep in the Russian wilderness, and by days end, I became the sole owner of Umbrella’s history of research.
- L'Umbrella Corporation venne fondata nel 1968 da Lord Ozwell E. Spencer discendente da una Famiglia Reale Britannica. Il Dr. James Marcus e Lord Edward Ashford furono anch'essi coinvolti nella sua formazione, ma fu comunque Spencer la vera mente ideatrice della società, mentre Marcus e Ashford erano più interessati ai potenziali utilizzi del Virus Progenitor, un nuovo tipo di virus che i tre avevano scoperto di recente.
- The Umbrella Corporation is one of the most powerful companies on Earth and was a huge organization that acted as the faceless villains of almost all Resident Evil games, it is so massive that it was termed as a mega-corporation: having subdivisions in almost every business imaginable and even having its own organized paramilitary force. By contrast, Umbrella is the central antagonistic company of the Resident Evil franchise via film and games.
- The Umbrella Corporation is a fictional bioengineering pharmaceutical company in the Resident Evil universe. It is a major international player in a number of markets including pharmaceuticals, medical hardware, defense, and computers along with more clandestine operations utilizing genetic engineering and accused bio-weaponry. The company also has a more public face, producing cosmetics, consumer products and foods.