Tempest's history is exactly the same as that of Earth-616's Oya up until the Marvel NEW! relaunch.
After escaping the Hell Fire Academy, Oya was embarrassed of her past life. Kade made her realize all of the horrible things she did in her past. She tried a new alias as a way to restart her life. She became the world's newest Tempest. As Tempest she was picked to be apart of the X-Force
Thermokinesis: Idie has the ability to alter temperatures around her. However, she cannot simply create heat and cold; she can only rechannel temperature.
*Pyrokinesis: Tempest is capable of generating flames from thin air, not requiring the consumption of oxygen or combustible objects to maintain the flames.
*Cryokinesis: Tempest also displayed the ability to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and thus reduce temperature, often used to generate ice.